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A,B,C & D

• The new TN is also a high index of suspicious for complications during

• Another complications that the new RN be aware of is Hydromids. It
is usually caused by any of the following
A. Renal agencies
B. Esophageal atresia
C. Anencephaly
D. Post maturity
A,B, & C
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
Abnormal pain during postpartum is described.
A. After pains
B. As physiologic change during puerperium
C. As more severe un multiparous
D. Is a pathologic problem
• The new TN is also a high index of suspicion for complications during
• Developing preeclampsia can be determined by a public health nurse
who does.
a. Tal Quist method
b. Hematology
c. Acetic Acid Test
d. Benedict’s test
External rotation, restitution
Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
The cardinal movement which should be assumed by the fetus to
prevent shoulder dystocia is:
• Another patient for prenatal care with 5 children went to her clinic.
She claimed that all her pregnancies ended in NSVD although she
experienced ended a threatened abortion during her fourth
pregnancy. Her obstetrical history is:
Passed our fragments of product of
• This RN was sure that it was a threatened abortion because of the
following signs and symptoms EXCEPT
Preparing the physical set-up in the DR.
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
Your responsibilities include the following EXCEPT:
• The patient should be told even during pregnancy how to ensure
lactation which of the following statement is NOT appropriate?
a. Lactation starts only2-3 days after progesterone withdrawal.
b. Suckling of the breast is advised within few hours after birth.
c. Oxytocin causes uterine contraction hence has nothing to do with
d. Preparing the breast for breastfeeding initially starts on the fourth
stage of labor.
Uterine Atony
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
• Primary haemorrhage is commonly due to:
Preventing Anemia
• Which of the following is best done through health education?
• Which of the following steps in determining the fundal height is very
A, B, C & D
• A new RN found work on a public health setting. One of her priority
program is Maternal Nursing. She is aware that Prenatal care has the
following characteristics:
a. It takes time more than intra and postpartum care.
b. It focuses on promotion of health more than the other aspects.
c. Its activities are more on assessment.
d. Most of its Nursing Intervention is health education.
A. Duration of contraction is below 90 sec.
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
Which of the following during the first stage of labor indicates dystocia?
A. Duration of contraction is below 90 sec.
B. 4 uterine contraction in 1 hour.
C. Interval is 1-2 mins apart.
D. Uterine contraction is strong in intensity.
A.It is done regardless whether engagement has occurred.

• Which of the following DOES NOT describe the 4th Leopelds

a.It is done regardless whether engagement has occurred.
C. Based on the 4th Leopold’s Manuever the
occiput is felt along the small parts of the fetus.
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
Which do you think will not cause dystocia?
A. due to production of colostrum
• The patient should be told even during pregnancy how to ensure
lactation. Which of the following is NOT appropriate?
Presence of quickening
• With the present pregnancy this RN is likewise entertaining the
presence of H-mole because of the following S/S EXCEPT:
Fertilization process
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
During your clinical duty you came across the case H-mole where in the
anomaly is in the:
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.

Which of the following DOES NOT belong?

Luteinizing hormone
• The RN likewise explained the fertility awareness methods as a n
option to artificial methods.
• In the use of ovulation kit, the hormone which is being looked for in
the urine which indicate ovulation is:
a. FSH
b. Luteinizing hormone
c. CGH
d. Luteotropic hormone.
It causes cervical dilation
• The following described Braxton Hicks contraction EXCEPT:
Fertilization Process
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
During your clinical duty you came across the case of H-mole where in
the anomaly is in the:
Luteinizing hormone
• The RN likewise explained the fertility awareness methods as an
option to artificial methods.
In the use of ovulation kit, the hormone which is being looked for in the
urine which indicate ovulation is:
A, B & D
• Another concern of the RN is to prepare the family for the home
delivery of the patient with normal pregnancy.
Which of the following should be prepared?
a. Devices for boiling of instruments.
b. Mat on the floor because delivery on the floor is now the trend.
d. Provision of privacy
B.Preventing the release of FSM.
C.Preventing the formation of Graafian
• The RN was asked about the RH Bill particularly when human life
starts. She explained to the community leader the following.
The Catholic Church is against contraceptive like the COC. It prevents
ovulation by:
B. Separation of the molar cysts from the
uterine wall.
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
Hemorrhage in H-mole is due to:

B. Separation of the molar cysts from the uterine wall.

• Based on inspection and palpation she was able to generate the ff:
fibular shape uterus ballottement fundal height is at the level of
xiphoid process. Her AOG is 6 months. What is your initial diagnosis?

A. Hydramnios
B. Singleton preg. Cephalic
C. H-mole
D. Multiple pregnancy
C. Administer Mg S04
• The new TN is also a high index of suspicious for complications during
The patient should be made aware that if her manifestations will persist
after 48 hours; the physician will:

C. Administer Mg S04
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
If you are handling the delivery, you will do the following:
a. Monitor progress of labor by determining fetal descent and cervical
c. Apply techniques and maneuvers to facilitate normal fetal and
placental delivery.
Basal Body Temperature
The RN likewise explained the fertility awareness methods as an option
to artificial methods.
• If the Temperature suddenly lowers but increase in a few hours after
the woman is fertile. This is:
A,B & C
• The RN was asked about the RH Bill particularly when human life
starts. She explained to the community leader the following.
Zygote and embryonic development follow these events:
a. Fertilization takes place in the ampulla
b. A fertilized ovum becomes the zygote
c. Implantation takes place during the morula stage.
2. A, B C & D
• The new TN is also a high index of suspicious for complications during
RN’s should advise these patients to deliver their babies in the hospital
for the following reason/reasons:
a. Malprsentation may occur
b. may result in abruptio placent
c. May suffer from cord prolapse
It is used by lactating mothers.
• The RN was asked about the RH Bill particularly when human life
starts. She explained to the community leader the following.
On the other hand the POP has the following characteristics EXCEPT:
a. It prevents pregnancy by making the cervical makes impenetrable
by sperms.
b. It prevents pregnancy by preventing implantation.
c. It is used by lactating mothers.
d. It prevents pregnancy by supervising ovulation
The increase of progesterone
• The RN likewise explained the fertility awareness methods as an
option to artificial methods.
the sudden rise of temperature is due to:
a. The increase of progesterone
b. The increase of estrogen
c. High level of FSH
d. The release of luteinzing hormone
Rectal exam
• Fetal presentation is determined usually by the nurse through the
following EXCEPT:
A, & B
• The new TN is also a high index of suspicious for complications during
Another complication that the new RN be aware of is Hydromids,
which of the following manifestation will help her determine its
a. Increased weight gain.
b. Globular shape uterus
c. Malpresentation
Date on time of quickening
• Which of the following can not contribute in determining the AOG of
Take BP and further assess her.
• A G1 P0 went to her complaining of headache. What should be her
initial action?
Presenting part-bregma
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
Upon admission it is your responsibility to assess the progress of labor.
A very good prognosis for MSVD is indicated by the following EXCEPT:
A, B, C & D
• The new TN is also a high index of suspicious for complications during
She should suspect a developing preeclampsia if the following are
a. Tightening of the wedding bond.
b. Increase weight gain
c. Persistent headache
d. Increase blood pressure
3. A,B,& D
• The RN was asked about the RH Bill particularly when human life
starts. She explained to the community leader the following.
• Implantation takes place:
a. In the endometrial lining of the uterus.
b. In the upper posterior portion of the uterus.
c. during proliferative phase.
d. During the secretory phase.
a. Prenatal
• The ideal time to determine pelvic adequacy to ensure normal
spontaneous vaginal delivery is?
a. Prenatal
• The new TN is also a high index of suspicious for complications during
Which of the following manifestations indicate tubal pregnancy?
A. One sided flunting abnormal pain
B. Vaginal bleeding
Twice a month before her 37th week AOG.
• During prenatal care this 32nd week AOG lady told to see her, if she
manifests anything unusual.
Spin barkheit
• The RN likewise explained the fertility awareness methods as an
option to artificial methods.
The characteristics of the cervical mucus which indicates fertility is:
A. Fern formation
B. Spin barkheit
C. Thick tenacious mucus
D. Mittelschmerz
d. Sub involution
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
• If the reproductive organs do not return to its prepregnant state then
there is:
d. Sub involution
2. A& B
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
The modified Ritgen’s Manuever is done to the head:
a. Slow down the extension of the head.
b. Prevent perineal laceration
c. Prevent fetal brain damage
d. Facilitate expulsion when there is lack of secondary powers.
4. A ,B & C
• Which of the following manifestation is/are discomfort due to Physical

a. Feeling witness due to leukorrhea

b. Bipedal edema due to pressure effects.
8 months AOG
• To ensure good prenatal care Leopold’s Maneuver may initially be
done on any of the following:
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
A very serious condition that may occur in H-mole where by cancer
cells can metastasize or invade any organ of the body is:
A,B & C
• Years from now you will be able to work in the LR/DR of the hospital
of your choice.
Abnormal pain during postpartum is
a. After pains
b. As physiologic change during puerperium
c. as more severe on multiparous
d. Is a pathologic problem
B.4 months AOG fundal height is at the level of umbilicus

• Talking about determining AOG based on fundal height, the following

indicates a doubtful results.
a. 9 months AOG fundal height is at level of xiphoid process.
b. 4 months AOG fundal height is at the level of umbilicus
c. 6 months AOG fundal height is ¼ on its way to xiphoid process.
d. 7 months AOG fundal height is ½ cm its way to xiphoid process.
• Which Leopold’s Maneuver is done to determine whether there is
engagement or not?
a. 3rd
b. 1st
c. 2nd
d. 4th

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