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Tips & trick in Writing

Writer’s block

The first draft is always the WORST. so…..

Just write whatever first!
 Hindari: hiperbolisme/exaggeration, unclear statements

 Evidence based statements are mandatory

 Happens to everyone

 Important: objectivity & clarity

MASTER your subject

“If you cannot explain it to a six year old, you do not understand it
yourself”- Albert Einstein

Pelajari dengan baik materi yang ingin kamu sampaikan. Jika perlu, susun outline
terlebih dahulu sebelum kamu menulis. Pastikan semua materi yang akan dibahas
tersusun secara sistematik dengan alur yang baik sesuai dengan outline yang kamu
buat. Kamu juga bisa langsung menyisipkan sumber bacaan/reference sesuai dengan
outline, biar gak lupa 

Dari outline ini, kamu juga jadi punya gambaran apakah tujuan/goals dari tulisan
kamu sudah tercapai dari semua materi yang akan dibahas.
Brief, clear, and concise

 Keep it simple and direct! 

 Of course, you have to write formally and with academic terms,

however try to avoid unusual/uncommonly used words or terms.

 Avoid using filler words or unnecessary phrase

 Avoid excessive prepositions or prepositional phrase, even though it

is not grammatically incorrect.
 For example, she is going out with that strong, handsome guy  she is
going out with that guy.
Know and BE your reader

 You need to know your readers very well to be able to deliver your
writing to them.

 What are their characters? Educational background? age? gender?

Ethnicity? Job?

 By understanding your readers, you can anticipate any possible

questions arise from your writings. You can also adapt your choice of
words/terms and your writing style to be more suitable to them.
Be consistent (English)
 British vs American English? Be consistent.

 Pay attention to the spelling, vocabulary differences, and grammar


 If you are writing in english, make sure you follow the english grammar.
AVOID mixing indonesian grammar into your english script.

you can learn more about this in here:
Active Voice vs Passive voice
 Secara umum, anda disarankan untuk sebisa mungkin menggunakan
active voice

 Namun, yang paling penting adalah memahami poin utama yang ingin
disampaikan pada kalimat tersebut.

 Jika poin utama adalah Objek/action yang dibicarakan, maka buat

kalimat passive voice

 Jika poin utama adalah Subject/actor, maka buat kalimat active voice.
 Tentu saja, dalam penulisan tata bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris akan berbeda 
Kalimat aktif dapat diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dengan mengubah
komposisi kalimat, melalui penambahan
+to be + Verb (III) + “by” + subject*

In certain condition, it needs to be considered to use passive voice:

• To keep the focus consistent through a passage (in several sentences),
• To consider not mentioning the actor/subject i.e a mistake was made.
• To describe a situation in which the subject is unimportant, i.e
• To be authoritative, i.e a student is not allowed to visit

To read more:


 (3-5 paragraphs, max 500 words)
 Provide: References (if any)

 Theme (FREE): medical, nursing, nutrition, etc (based on your


 Outline
 Karakter pembaca yang kalian inginkan
 Kesimpulan yg ingin disampaikan kepada pembaca

After that, try to answer this questions:

1. How long do you need to start writing your first sentence? 5

minutes? One hour? 1 day? Why?

2. Why do you choose this subject?

3. What is your goal for this article?

4. What is the most difficult part of writing this article?




Are you satisfied? 

If NOT, it is totally fine! The key is to

Practice! Practice! Practice!

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