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Paper 1
Step by step
PREPARED BY : Teacher Amy

01 Section A

20 questions (20 marks)
MCQ (Multiple Choice Question)
Section B

5 questions (30 marks)
Subjective Questions
Short and long written answers
Are you
Section A
Question 1-5

Basic grammar
• Present Tense
• Past Tense
• Present Continuous Tense
• Past Continuous Tense
• Preposition
• Adjective
• Adverbs
Question 1-5
Questions 1 to 5
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1.A few books stolen from the library yesterday.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

2. drink do you want, coffee or orange juice?

A. why B. what C. whose D. which

3.Sheila newspapers to prevent land pollution.

A. recycle B. recycled C. recycles D. recycling

4.Pour some soil a pot and add water.

A. to B. from C. into D. between

5.The servant was lazy King Atiff punished him.

A. or B. so C. and D. because
Question 6

• Simile
• Idioms
• Proverbs
Question 6

Choose the most suitable idiom. Choose the most suitable proverb.

6.Ahmad does not misbehave towards his parents and teachers. He is 6.Amalina
. always speaks the truth. She believes that .

A as hungry as a wolf A curiosity killed the cat

B as innocent as a lamb B beggars cannot be choosers
C as stubborn as a mule C time and tide wait for no man
D as mischievous as a kitten D honesty is the best policy

Choose the correct simile

6.Mazlan is without his eyeglasses.

A as busy as a bee
B as blind as a bat
C as clear as a crystal
D as deaf as a beetle
Question 7-9

• Short Passage
Question 7-9
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

One day, brother turtle and sister turtle were 7 in the sea. They were very happy to see a lot of
sea creatures around them. Suddenly, they heard someone screaming. They saw 8 fish trapped
inside a plastic bag. They rushed to help the fish 9 they were smaller than the fish. The fish
thanked them for their kindness.

7.A swim B swam C swims D swimming

8.A - B a C an D the

9.A so B if C since D although

Question 10

• Synonym
• Same meaning
• Antonym
• Different meaning
• Opposite meaning
Question 10

Choose the word that is synonym as the underlined word.

10.The king and his army of soldiers won the battle.

A lost B missed C gained D secured

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

10.The gift is very expensive.

A prize B money C picture D present

Question 11

• Punctuation
• Spelling
Question 11

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

A Do you have Anis’s address?
B do you have Anis’ address?
C Do you have Anis’ address?
D Do you have Anis’ address!

Choose the sentence with the correct spelling.

11.She is enjoying the view of the city from the .

A balconiB balcony C belcony D balkony

Question 12-15

• Short Passage
Question 12-15
Question 12-15
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

It is a Sunday morning. Kinah and her best friend are at the beach. 12 . are busy collecting all
the rubbish dumped on the beach. Kinah 13 picking up empty bottles while Abu is 14
them into a plastic bag. They feel happy 15 they could help clean up the beach.

12.A We B He C She D They

13.A is B be C are D was

14.A collects B collection C collected D collecting

15.A or B so C and D because

Question 16-18

• Long Passage
Question 16-18
Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow .

Puan Zakiah : Do you all have hobbies?

Pupils : Yes, teacher
Puan Zakiah : That’s great. May, can you tell me what your hobby is?
May : I like to sing. I even go to singing classes because of this hobby.
Puan Zakiah : That sounds wonderful. Have you taken part in any competitions?
May : Yes, I have taken part in singing competitions but only those held in the shopping malls,
because I wasn’t fully prepared for bigger competitions. In the future I plan to join a
singing competition organised by a television station when I am fully ready.
Puan Zakiah : I wish you all the best. Kamal, what is your hobby?
Kamal : I have two hobbies. First, I like playing football. Second, I enjoy reading comics during my
free time.
Puan Zakiah : When do you usually play football and who do you play with?
Kamal : I usually play in the evening with my friends from my neighbourhood.
Question 16-18

16.Choose the correct statement about May’s hobby?

A She likes to read comics.

B She plays with her friends.
C she plays it in the evening
D She has entered singing competitions.

17.May only joined singing competitions held by shopping malls before. Why?

A She is overly confident.

B She was not fully prepared before.
C She is not a good singer.
D She prefers singing to her family.

18.From the passage, we can conclude that

A Puan Zakiah likes to sing.

B May and Kamal are classmates.
C May and Kamal play football together.
D Kamal has taken part in singing competitions.
Question 19-20

• Long Passage
Question 19-20
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Jeevan and his classmates were at the school compound. Their teacher wanted them to observe
insects. Jeevan, being a naughty boy, wanted to play a prank on his classmates by catching and
throwing any insects towards them because he thought it was more fun that way. When he caught
sight of a praying mantis, he went closer to look at it first. To his shock, it suddenly jumped and
landed on his arm. Jeevan started screaming loudly and his teacher dashed towards him. Everyone
laughed at him as he cried like a baby. Jeeven promised to turn over a new leaf.
Question 19-20

19.Why did Jeevan scream?

A He screamed because the praying mantis landed on his arm.

B He screamed because his friends laughed at him.
C He screamed because he wanted attention.
D He screamed because his teacher did not allow him to observe insects.

20.What does ‘to turn over a new leaf’ means?

A Change into a leaf

B Play with everyone
C Become a better person
D Observe insects on a leaf
Section B
Here you could describe the topic
of the section
Just a little bit
Question 21

• Short response
• Related with the picture
• Identify first and second speaker
Question 21
Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.

Answer : Answer : Answer :

Question 22

• True and False question

• Short and long answers (depend on marks)
• Refer to passage to get answers
• HOTS (you think, your opinion, you suggest)
Question 22
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Prince Fariz was very proud of Jamal for being a good and clever advisor to him. The prince
decided Jamal should be rewarded for his deed. When the prince announced that he was going
to reward Jamal a pot of gold, Jamal was astonished.
The next day, Jamal carried the pot of gold to the village. The prince accompanied him. Jamal
announced that the pot of gold will be shared among the villagers. The prince was surprised with
his request and demanded for an explanation. Jamal told him that it is more important for the
prince to shower his people with love instead of showing it only to Jamal.
As they were about to distribute the gold to everyone, the villagers quickly gathered around the
prince and Jamal, denying to accept the gold. Both of them were shocked but knew why they
reacted that way.
Question 22
Write True or False in the space provided

(a) Prince Fariz and Jamal are not enemies.

(b) The villagers wanted the gold because they are greedy

Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) Why did Prince Fariz wanted to reward Jamal?

(d) Do you think the villagers turned down the gold? Why? Explain your answer.

(e) Why should a prince show his love to his people? Give your reason.
Question 23

• True and False question

• Short and long answers (depend on marks)
• Refer to
passage/advertisement/poster/brochure to get
• HOTS (you think, your opinion, you suggest)
Question 23
Read the advertisement and answer the questions that follow.



 14 inches screen

 Vibrant colours of jet black, coral blue and rose red

 Extended battery lifespan up to 12 hours

 Uses Windows 10 ONLY

 10 complimentary gifts
Question 23
Write True or False in the space provided..

This laptop cost more than RM1299. ( )

(b)This laptop are available in 3 colours ( )

Circle the correct answer to fill in the blanks.

(c)Aber laptop comes in inches screen.

14 16 18

(d)It uses the latest to operate .

Windows 8 Windows 9 Windows 10
Question 23
(e) Whom do you think will join this sale? Provide your reason.

Answer :

Reason :


Why do you think the shop had used the taglines as above?
Question 24 and 25

• Tick (√) the correct statement

• Short and long answers (depend on marks)
• Refer to
passage/advertisement/poster/brochure to get
• HOTS (you think, your opinion, you suggest)
Question 24 and 25
Study the advertisement and read the dialogue given. Then, answer the questions that follow.

TIME : 11.00 A.M. - 5.00 P.M.
 Variety of traditional cuisines.
 Festivals in Malaysia.
 Fashion show.
 Free admission for the first 100 guests.
 Bring a family of 5 and get a FREE photography session with our special guests.
 Come in your traditional costume to stand a chance to win a surprise gift!
Question 24 and 25

Laili : Hi, Syafiq. Did you see the advertisement about an open house at our neighbourhood?

Syafiq : Yes, I did. I am planning to go there with my family. I am sure my parents and siblings will
be thrilled to be part of it.

Laili : I plan to wear the dress my mother bought for me last week. But then, I might consider
wearing my cheongsam since I might win something!

Syafiq : Yes I think you should. Okay Laili, I have to put the phone down. We are going out for
dinner. Goodnight.

Laili : Have fun! Goodnight too.

Question 24 and 25
Question 24
Tick (√) the correct answer.
(b)Why do you think Syafiq wants to go to the open house with his family? Give
your reason.
(a) The open house wil be held on a
working day

(c)If Laili is the 70th guests attending the open house, what would she get? Do you
(b) This conversation took place
agree with it?
in school
over a phone call
during dinner

Question 25
Write your answer in the space provided.

(a)List two traditional cuisines in Malaysia.


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