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Social interaction and social


Mahwish Siddiqui
Definition and types of social interaction

• Dawson and Gettyes define Social Interaction as “it is a process by

which men interpenetrate the minds of each other”.

• Elements of Social Interaction

• The following are the elements of social interaction:
• Two or more than two persons
• Reciprocal relationship among them
• Influence on the event, behavior, brain of the persons.
Definition and types of social interaction
• Types of Social Interaction
• According to Young and Mack there are two types of social interaction
between people and societies
• Direct or Physical Interaction: it involves physical action among the
• Symbolic Interaction: There are different types of relationships
between people. It involves the use of language and symbols.  
Definition and types of social interaction
• What are the Forms of Social Interaction in a Society
• It is found in various forms among human societies
• Between individual and individual: It is the interaction between at
least two persons. The doctor and the patient, the mother and the child,
the customer and the shopkeeper are the various examples in this case.
• Between individual and group: It operates between one person and
more. A teacher teaching his class a speaker addressing the audience,
an Imam leading prayers are its common examples.
Definition and types of social interaction

• Between group and group: This is found between two groups of people

like two teams playing match, two forces fighting against each other, two
delegates discussing an issue.
• Between individuals and culture: This form is found when the people
listen to radio, see television, read newspaper enjoy pictures and observe
exhibitions. Radio, T.V. cinema, newspapers, books, exhibitions, theatre,
drama, circus, fairs and other socio-cultural activities are included in the
Culture of a society. People have social interaction and social relationship
with these media of mass communication and get social change in their
life. The people change these media as they require on the other hand. In
this way reciprocal process between the people and the culture goes on.
Social Construction Of Reality
• For centuries, philosophers and sociologists have pondered the idea of
reality. Sociologists generally accept that reality is different for each
• The term Social Construction Of Reality refers to the theory that the
way we present ourselves to other people is shaped partly by our
interactions with others, as well as by our life experiences. How we
were raised and what we were raised to believe affect how we present
ourselves, how we perceive others, and how others perceive us. In
short, our perceptions of reality are colored by our beliefs and
Video on Social Construction Of Reality
• Sociologist Erving Goffman developed the concept of Dramaturgy, the idea that life
is like a never-ending play in which people are actors. Goffman believed that when we
are born, we are thrust onto a stage called everyday life, and that our socialization
consists of learning how to play our assigned roles from other people. We enact our
roles in the company of others, who are in turn enacting their roles in interaction with
us. He believed that whatever we do, we are playing out some role on the stage of life.
• Goffman distinguished between front stages and back stages. During our everyday
life, we spend most of our lives on the front stage, where we get to deliver our lines
and perform. A wedding is a front stage. A classroom lectern is a front stage. A dinner
table can be a front stage. Almost any place where we act in front of others is a front
stage. Sometimes we are allowed to retreat to the back stages of life. In these private
areas, we don’t have to act. We can be our real selves. We can also practice and
prepare for our return to the front stage.
Impression Management

• Impression Management
• Goffman coined the term Impression Management to refer to our desire
to manipulate others’ impressions of us on the front stage. According to
Goffman, we use various mechanisms, called Sign Vehicles, to present
ourselves to others. The most commonly employed sign vehicles are the
• Social setting
• Appearance
• Manner of interacting
• Social Setting
Impression Management
Impression Management
Impression Management
Class Activity
• Think of brands and discuss in groups how they are making use of
impression management
Video on Dramaturgy
Video on Impression Management

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