Essay Revision Checklist

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MLA Formatting
Double-spaced, name, teacher’s name, subject, date

Student Name

Mr. Joyce

English 1

26 February 2021
MLA Formatting
Title of the play must be italicized

Romeo and Juliet

Thesis should be in the topic sentence.
Thesis should be clear, focused and arguable.

In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare expresses his

view that love can make people weak and blind enough to
lead themselves to their demise
Vague Language
Avoid vague language, such as “crazy”.

Avoid using cliches, such as “actions speak

louder than words” or “happily ever after”.
Literary Present
Use present tense when writing about literary texts:

Romeo feels his life is pointless without Juliet.

Parethetical Citations
Use MLA style for parenthetical citations:
Act number, scene number, line number(s).

"If he be married/ My grave is like to be my wedding

bed" (2.1.35-36)

*Line breaks are represented with /

Citation Placement
Parenthetical citations appear at before the nearest
punctuation mark:

Romeo is not hesitant to sacrifice his identity at his

lover’s request, vowing to “never will be Romeo'' again
if that is Juliet’s wish (2.2.51).
Embedded Quotes
Properly embed quotes by introducing the context and
speaker of the quote:

Romeo is not hesitant to sacrifice his identity at his

lover’s request, vowing to “never will be Romeo''
again if that is Juliet’s wish (2.2.51).
Evidence is used to support assertions and incorporated into analysis of
the text:

Juliet’s feelings for Romeo surpasses all loyalties she has for her family.
Upon hearing the news of the death of her cousin Tybalt, she mourns
not over him, but for the banishment of her love, stating that Romeo’s
banishment is, “like saying that my father, my mother, Tybalt, Romeo,
and Juliet have all been killed, they’re all dead” (3.2 123-125). Thus,
Shakespeare again reiterates his view that true love can overpower all
other connections.
Concluding Statement
Concluding statement should present a new, well-developed idea
based on the analysis in the body of text:

In the end, their love does end up conquering the clash between
families but not without a price: their union eventually leads to
the demise of Mercutio, Tybalt, Lady Montague, Paris, as well as

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