Welcome To Geology 1200 Environmental Geology Spring 2011

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Welcome to Geology 1200

Environmental Geology
Spring 2011
What is Geology?
Geology is the study of the Earth
Why study Geology?
I need a lab-physical science course ….

All of us have to make decisions about Earth-related

issues much more often than we think. We can make
better decisions if we know more about geology and
our planet.

Gain appreciation
for what
surrounds us
Housekeeping Items
• Course Blackboard Site
• Tegrity Lecture Capture System
• Clickers (CPS Response System)
• Course Syllabus
• Course Lecture Notes on class Blackboard Site
There are two required textbooks for this course. Both are
available at the University Bookstore, as well as through
various on-line sources:
Lecture: Introduction to Environmental Geology, 4th edition, by
Edward A. Keller, published by Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Laboratory: The Lab Book: Problem Solving in Geology, 2nd
edition, by Judson, Bonini, Rhodes, Rossbacher, published by
Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Course Assessment
Final grades for the course will be determined as follows:
40% Midterm lecture exams (best 3 out of 4, 15% each)
25% Final Lecture Exam, comprehensive
5% Blackboard online lecture quizzes (9 quizzes total)
25% Lab grade (10% lab assignments and 15% lab quizzes)
5% Class participation (based on Clicker activities in class)
There will be no work for extra credit in this course. You are simply expected to complete all
the work assigned.
Final letter grades will be in accordance with the following distribution of percentages of points
possible. Lower limits (inclusive) of letter-grade ranges from A through D are:
A+: 97%; A: 93%; A-: 90%
B+: 87%; B: 83%; B-: 80%
C+: 77%; C: 73%; C-: 70%
D+: 67%; D: 63%; D-: 60%
F: less than 60%
There will be no curving of grades for midterm lecture exams, final lecture exam or final course
In fairness to your classmates, please do not ask for points to be added to your final score,
unless there are demonstrable arithmetical errors.
This class uses the Classroom Performance System (CPSrf or Clicker) to enhance
your learning experience. Students who do not already have a clicker will need to
purchase one at the University Bookstore.

Every student will need a current Activation Code available online or at the

When you purchase your clicker at the bookstore, do not throw away the packaging.
Your activation code is in it. If you lose the activation code provided with the unit,
you will be required to purchase a new activation code.

Instructions for registering and using your clicker are included with the unit. You
must register using your full name and student PawPrint. Use your PawPrint when
asked for username or student id. You will also be asked for a "class Key" for

each class; this course's key is N66046E843 . This information

must be entered correctly in order to receive points for class participation and other
exercises using CPS.

You are required to bring your clicker to every class session.

Participation in this course will count for 5% of your final course grade, and it
will be awarded as follows:
• 2.5% will be based on students’ participation in all clicker-based class
activities (whether they are for credit or not) will be interspersed
throughout the lectures.
• Full participation credit will be given for answering all questions
• Partial participation credit will be given to students who fail to answer
some of the questions, regardless of the reason
• 2.5% will be based on student’s correctly answering those clicker-based
questions that the instructor indicates are “for credit”
• Full credit will given when students answer all “for credit” questions
• Partial credit will be given when students answer only some of the
“for credit” questions correctly
Note the following:

• Clicker-based questions in class will be clearly labeled to indicate

whether the answers will be recorded for participation, or for
participation + correct answer.

• Clicker-based questions will be recorded for participation starting

Monday, Jan 24th, through to the end of the semesters, no excuses

• Students will be responsible for purchasing their clickers on time and

for maintaining them in good working order.

• All students will be allowed only 5 absences TOTAL from participation

points. These will include any occasion in which the student fails to
correctly use their clicker: lecture absences, non-working units,
forgotten units, low batteries, etc.
If you need more help with Clickers

Marla Germann and Guy Wilson will be

conducting clicker registration help
sessions in the Textbook Department of the
Bookstore on Thursday, January 20th and
Monday, January 24th, from 3:00 to 5:00
Tegrity Lecture Capture

• Lectures will be captured via Tegrity, and made available for

students through the Blackboard course site (see the Tegrity button
in the Blackboard course site main menu)
• The lecture capture system will involve the recording of the Power
Point presentation and an audio recording of the lecture. Students
will be able to view the captured lectures either through Blackboard
or via download of the captured lectures as Podcasts
• Lecture capture will be implemented to facilitate student learning
outside the classroom.
Housekeeping Items
• Course Blackboard Site
• Tegrity Lecture Capture System
• Clickers (CPS Response System)
• Course Syllabus
• Course Lecture Notes on class Blackboard Site
Next Time: Internal Structure of the
Earth and Plate Tectonics (Chapter 2)

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