Sign & Symptoms: Disusun Oleh: Izri Miftahul Audry

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the name of the disease and its symptoms
Dengue fever

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Some of the symptoms that can arise in

dengue fever include:

• Sudden high fever for 2-7 days

• Looks weak and lethargic
• Red spots appear on the skin
• Heartburn
• Meanwhile, further symptoms that can occur:

• Bleeding in the nose (nosebleeds) and under the skin

• Throw up
• Black stool
• When symptoms get worse, restlessness, sweating, cold hands and
feet may occur
Brain Abscess

A brain abscess is a pus-filled swelling in the

brain. This usually occurs when a bacterial
or fungal infection enters the brain tissue
after an infection or severe head injury.
Heart, lung, and ear infections are some
examples of causes of brain abscess. Sinus
and tooth abscess can also be other causes
of brain abscess.

Symptoms of a brain abscess develop slowly and can come on

suddenly. The symptoms that may occur include:

• Confusion or disorientation, decreased response, and

• Impaired speech function
• Decreased motor function due to loss of muscle function
• Changes in vision function
• Changes in personality and behavior to be restless
• Nausea
• Throw up
• Fever above 38'C
• Stiffness in the neck, especially when there is fever and chills
• Sensitive to light
• Severe headache
Symptoms of a brain abscess in babies can be characterized by
swelling of the fontanel (the soft part between the skull plate on
the top and back of the baby's head). Other symptoms that
appear in children include:

• Projectile vomiting (vomiting with strong bursts)

• Crying high pitched
• The leg (arm or leg) is stiff

Measles is an infectious disease

characterized by the appearance of a
flat red rash all over the sufferer's
body. This disease can cause serious
and even fatal complications, especially
in infants and young children.
signs and symptoms

Symptoms of measles can vary according to the

patient's age and cause. But in general, the symptoms

• Fever
• Dry cough
• Cold
• Sore throat
• Red eye
• White patch with bluish color in the middle. These
patches appear inside the mouth and are known as
Coplik spots.
• A red, flat skin rash that sometimes blends together
Abdominal Migraine
Abdominal migraine, as the name implies, is
a condition with the main symptom of
abdominal or abdominal pain. This condition
is more common in children. Usually,
abdominal migraine is found in children
aged 7-10 years. But sometimes adults can
experience it too.
Abdominal migraine conditions can be
similar to several other conditions that
cause abdominal pain symptoms in children
such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or
Crohn's disease.
Signs and Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms: The main symptom of abdominal

migraine is abdominal pain that comes and goes. Usually
abdominal pain is located in the middle of the stomach and is
dull in nature. Pain can appear and last for 1 hour to days.
Among the recurrences of abdominal pain, children usually
have no symptoms or even complaints at all.

Apart from pain, some of the following symptoms sometimes


• Nausea
• Throw up
• Loss of appetite
• Pale skin

Acromegaly is a rare condition that occurs when

the body produces too much growth hormone,
causing soft tissue and bone to overgrow and grow
faster. Over time, this causes the abnormal
growth of the hands and feet to become large and
various other symptoms. Acromegaly is usually
diagnosed in people aged 30-50 years, but it can
occur at any age. When it develops before
puberty, this condition is known as "gigantism".
The symptoms of acromegaly can be difficult to detect
because they develop slowly over time. This condition can
be illustrated as a condition when a person can feel that
the ring which was originally enough on his finger, became
tight and then not enough anymore. The following are the
• Enlargement of the bones of the face, feet and hands

signs and symptoms: • Hair that grows a lot in women

• Enlarged tongue and jaw
• Prominent eyebrows
• Excessive growth spurt. This condition is more common
in people who had abnormal growth before adolescence.
• Weight gain
• Swollen and sore joints that restrict movement
• The space between the teeth
• Fingers and toes stretched out
• Heavy voice
• Fatigue and headaches
• Trouble sleeping
• Weakness in muscles
• Sweating frequently
• Body odor
• Enlarged sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands in the

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