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Research Methods

The science of Psychology

Psychology is the science of :
 How the human mind
 How the mind enables
people to adjust to
their environment.
 Attempt to understand
human behavior.
Being an Objective Observer
• Scientific Method
• Principles of the Scientific Method
• Advantages of the Scientific Method
Research Methodology
Descriptive Experimental
– Direct Observation – Group Research
– Case Study • Between
• Within
– Archival
– – Small N

Correlational Research

p. 32
Things to Consider…
• Sampling
• Random Assignment
• Confounds
How to interpret data
Descriptive Stats Inferential Stats
– Central Tendency – Normal Curve
• Mean – Correlation Coefficients
• Median
• Mode
– Variability
• Range
• Variance
• Standard Deviation

Appendix A
Research Ethics
The History Checks and Balances
– Vivisection (1900’s) – IRB
– Little Albert (1920) – Informed Consent
– Nuremberg Code (1946)
– Debriefing
– Stanford Prison Study (‘73)
– Current APA Code (‘92) – Use of deception

Animal Research
– When & Why?

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