Group 10 LI YINGRU 257229 QU YAQI 252129 Genia Veronica 276293 ILHAM HAMID 276291

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LI YINGRU 257229
QU YAQI 252129
Coordination in
Work Program

The reasons worth investigating are as follows:

the performance of employees is the basis for creating value 1. Poor work performance will lead to a decline in company
for the company. The performance of employees is closely performance. Reputation suffers varying degrees of loss.
related to the interests of the company, and a good employee
can also bring a good reputation to the company. So what 2. Reduce the organization's sense of support and cannot
kind of impact the poor performance of employees will improve employees' sense of psychological security.
bring to the company is worth investigating

3. Hinder the development of the enterprise to varying

degrees and fail to realize self-worth.
Poor coordination within the organization can impact:
Officials or officers of each organizational unit disputes over the authority or field of work which each deems
to fall within its jurisdiction.
There is a shifting of responsibilities, because each feels that their authority or line of work is not included in
their scope.
There are decisions that are taken incompletely due to the absence of complete information on the related
organizational units (from the subordinate level).
Finally, the visible symptom is the emergence of many specialized agencies or organizational units Non-
structural, such as: committees, commissions, teams, task forces, and so on, each of which stands alone to
complete a task which incidentally can be included or incorporated into the existing organizational structure.
3. Where the study should be
conducted? Why?
The real reason for the poor performance of the company's employees is that the employees are the
most important part of a company, so the reason for the poor work of the employees is a problem that
the company must pay attention to.

1 2 3
Employee reasons. Reasons for
Reasons for leadership. Employees encountered communication. I
Employees lack trust in various obstacles beyond don’t understand the
the leader and do not their control and found importance of work,
agree with the leader's that they were beyond lack a clear division
approach. the scope of their of labor, and lack
personal capabilities. work methods.
RESPONDENT ? Therefore, I think the subjects of the survey

WHY ? should be officials who lack organizational

awareness, workers who lack planning
capabilities, and workers who lack teamwork
The key to determining the object of investigation
is to scientifically determine the object of
Because the survey subjects we choose should
investigation and clearly define the scope and
cover different types of people as much as
boundary of the investigation.
possible, so that the data we obtain is more
representative and referenced.
5. Where the study should be
conducted? Why?
Because the survey subjects we choose should cover different types of people
as much as possible, so that the data we obtain is more representative and
If it is a comprehensive survey, because it is a comprehensive survey and
statistics of a group, the venue should be conducted in a large enterprise
organization or government organization, so that it has more reliable data
If it is a non-comprehensive survey, a sample survey can be conducted to
randomly select objects from the organization unit or society, so that the

data obtained is more distinctive.


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