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SCCA2053 – Penulisan Korporat

Lecture 3 – Research in
Corporate Writing

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• Research categories in
corporate writing
• Information storage
• Sources of Information

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Research Background
 Research is very important in corporate or PR
 Increase the quality of writing.
 The development in technology has exposed
writers to explosion of information.
 Writers must be able to manage information
acquired especially those that are taken from a
third party such the news agencies and magazines.
 The originality of the information taken from the
third party must be maintained.

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Research Categories in
Corporate Communication
 6 research categories that need to bepaid
attention to in corproate writing:
1. Organisational policy and the policies of other
organisations which are highly important to the
organisation’s operation.

These policies are divided into 2:

 Internal policies – determined by the employer which are
related to a set of guidelines that direct and control the
organisation’s collective behavior and its
employees’[ behaviors.

This policy involves protecting the employees’ privileges

and rights and also the publics’ interests during crises.

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Research Categories in
Corporate Communication (cont.)
 External policy – policy that is out of the
organisation’s control but has implication’s on the
organisation’s behavior towards its clients.
There is also a verbal policy but is not considered
honourable as it is:
i. Not permanent
ii. The management could create a hidden
iii. Illicit act may occur

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Research Categories in
Corporate Communication (cont.)

2. Background or supporting information

 A successful corproate writer depends a
lot on true and complete facts
appropriate for a particular situation’s
 Supporting information such as who,
what, why, where, when andhow must be

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Research Categories in
Corporate Communication (cont.)

3. Public or audience category

 A professional corporate writer will
communicate directly with the public
 Audience would usually have two or more
attributes and habits
 Research will help the writer to under
stand the audience better produce good

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Research Categories in
Corporate Communication (cont.)
4. Message
 Message can be delivered easily if the
audience is of the same category
 Writers should work on easy delivery of
message to allow the audience to understand
 The best way to deliver a message to the
audience is to ensure that the content of the
message fits the audience’s level of education

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Research Categories in
Corporate Communication (cont.)

5. Media
 Two types of media i.e. print and
electronic media.
 Many factors must be considered when
deciding on a certain medium as it
involves time and cost.
 Effective media are those that are able to
distribute messages effectively to the

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Research Categories in
Corporate Communication (cont.)
6. Programme writing
 One of the tasks of a program writer is to
evaluate the effectiveness of a programme.
 Evaluation can be carried out by using
questionnaires, survey, interview and also
thtough secondary sources like newspapers
and other literature.

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B. Information Sources
 Writers generally depends on 2 sources i.e.
written sources and the public.
 Written sources refer to CD ROM, diskettes,
films, video tapes, audio tapes and etc.
 Information sources are often acquired through
primary and secondary sources.
 Secondary sources are sources that are already
in existence in the form of written or printed.
 Primary sources are the main sources or the
information that is acquired firsthand from the

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Information Sources (cont.)
Secondary sources
 Corporate writers should use secondary information
sources in their work.
 Secondary information can be acquired through:
i. library
ii. Self-referencing
iii. Bibliography
iv. Data base
v. Public records (national narchives)
vi. Government records (those that are kept by government
agencies or institutions)

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Information Sources (cont.)
2. Primary Information sources
 Information that is received directly form the
 Two ways in getting such information:
i. Interviews – indentify the appropriate location.
Writers must have good interviewing skill
ii. Answers that respondents write in
questionaires – all relevant questions must be
stated in the questionaires.

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 Writers will face a big problem if no information is

 Information can be acquired through research.
 Focused information is information regarding
organisational policies and procedures, audience,
background on media agencies etc.
 Aspects that need a writer’s attention:
 i. Structurisation and organisation

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 Maklumat yg diperoleh dari pelbagai sumber dan perlu
disusun utk mengelakkan kecelaruan
 Maklumat disusun berdasrkan beberapa kategori sprt
pengurusan tinggi, pengurusan pertengahan,
pengurusan sokongan dan prosedur pelaksanaan tugas
atau aktiviti
 Pengkategorian jenis publik tersebut juga memudahkan
penulis korporat menentukan jenis media yg akan
disesuaikan aplikasinya dgn publik yg menjadi sasaran
hasil penulisan berkenaan

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ii. Penyampaian
 Penyampaian seharusnya dpt menunjukkan
kaedah sesuatu maklumat berkenaan dapat
 Sumber maklumat harus dinyatakan
 Maklumat yg disampaikan seharusnya
menunjukkan perkaitan dgn hasil
penyelidikan lain yg berkaitan

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iii. Pengemaskinian
 Pengumpulan maklumat seharusnya
memudahkan pengemaskinian maklumat
maklumat yg berkaitan dgn penilaian dan
pengukuran pendapat publik terhadap
perkara yg berlaku pada mas2 tertentu sprt
dlm kempen pilihanraya
 Penulis korporat seharusnya mahir
menggunakan sistem pangkalan data

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iv. Penggunaan semula
- Penggunaan semula maklumat sukar utk dicapai
sekiranya maklumat sukar utk dicapai atau tidak
- Justeru, penyimpanan maklumat bersistematik
amat diperlukan
- Perlu bekerjasama dgn bahagian sistem maklumat
- Semua aspek yg diperlukan oleh penulis korporat
sprt 5w1H perlu disedia dan mudah diperolehi

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