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Chapter 1

The Making of Pakistan

Factors of creation, Location, Boundaries and Geo-political Importance
• Ideology is the plan or programme which is based upon one’s
• Pakistan is an Islamic state, and its ideology is muslim ideology/ two
nation concept.
• Fundamental concept is that muslim should get a separate identity.
Ideology of Pakistan was created when Muslims of Indo-Pak Sub
Continent developed a specific atitude of mind that they are different
from Hindus.This was due to the injstices done to the Muslims by
British and Hindus.
Some factors are discussed here.
1. Anti Muslim Campaign

The Hindus and British joined hands to destroy the faith, belief,
customs and national importance of Muslims because Muslims were
creating much problem for both.
2. Inacceptance of British Rule

Muslims had been ruling the Sub Continent for ages. Therefore, they
could not resist any power over them. When British came to rule the
Sub Continent ,Muslims were the only nation who opposed them. Thus
in order to gain power, British had to crush the Muslims collectively .
3. Hindus Betrayed Muslims

In the beginning ,Hindus appeared to be on Muslim's side, but later on

their enmity was exposed as they opposed various steps taken by

British Government which purely benefited for Muslims, like the

decision of division of Bangal.

4. Refusal of Muslim identity
British wanted to implement parliamentary system in Sub Continent in which
the majority was the power and authority. Due to Hindu majority it was
probable that if British left India undivided,it would fall under the Hindus
rule.Further more ,Hindus did not accept the separate identity of Muslims and
thus,there were no chances of freedom even after the British rule.
5. War of 1857

In 1857,Muslims and Hindus tried to expel the British out of India but

failed. Later on due to Hindu conspiracies, Muslims were held

responsible for it and hence were crushed further by Britishers.

6. Sir Syed's Idea

Sir Syed for the first time put down the idea that Muslims are separate

nation. He convinced Muslims to unite themselves in order to have a

separate social and political identity

Location of Pakistan
Relative location:
Pakistan occupies historic, strategic and significant location in Southern
part of Asian continent.
It is situated between the peninsula of Arabia and Indo-china.
It stretches from Arabian Sea to the high mountains of Central Asia over
a maximum length of 1,800 km (1,120 miles).
Absolute location:
Pakistan is located between 610 East to 75.50 East Longitude and 240
North to 370 North Latitude.
Lat-Long Map of Pakistan
Boundaries of Pakistan
• Pakistan is bordered on the South-west by Iran, which is about 520 miles (832
km) long.
• The Chinese territory of Sinkiang is situated in the North and NE of Pakistan
(Gilgit Baltistan). Its length is 370 miles (592 km).
• In the North west, a narrow arm of Afghanistan separates Pakistan from the
Central Asian state Tajikstan.
• On the west low lying dry hills separate Pakistan from Afghanistan. This
border is 14000 miles long known as Durand Line.
• On the South-East Pakistan is bounded by Indian states of Punjab, Rajastan
and Gujarat which is 1000 miles (16000 km) long.
• Arabian Sea lies to the south of our country. This southern coast is 600 miles
(1000 km) long, which is shared by the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan
Geo-political Importance of Pakistan
• Geo-political means the importance of a country or region as by the
virtue of its geographical location.
• Geo-political is defined as, stressing the influence of geographic
factors on the state power, internal conduct and advantages it derives
from its location.
• Pakistan is the junction of South Asia, West Asia and Central Asia, thus
a way from resource efficient countries to resource deficient
Continent Asia
Geographical Importance
• Pakistan is bridge between South Asia and South West Asia; Iran and Afghanistan
are energy abundant while India and China are lacking of.

• China finds way to Indian Ocean and Arbian sea through Karakoram.

• China with its fastest economic growth rate of 9%; is developing its southern
provinces because its own port is 4500 km away from Sinkiang but Gawadar is
2500 km away.

• Pakistan offers to CARs (Central African Republic) the shortest route of 2600 km
as compared to Iran (4500 km) or Turkey (5000 km).
Geographical Importance
• Land-lock Afghanistan now at the phase of Reconstruction, finds its
way through Pakistan.

• Gawadar port with its deep waters attracts the trade ships of China,
CARs and South East Asian countries.

• Northern mountains (Himalayas, Hindukush and Karakoram) are

plentiful in providing water and natural resources.
Political Importance
• US interests in the regions contain the growing China, Nuclear Iran,
Terriorist Afghanistan and to benefit from the market of India.
• Security and business are the two main US interests in the region
while Pakistan is playing frontline role against terriorism.
• Today the political scenario of the region is tinged with inflexible
policy and US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran’s nuclear
programme, India’s geopolitical muscles (new strategic deal with US)
to gain the power and to counter the “Rise of China”.
• In all these issues, Pakistan is directly or indirectly involved especially
after Al-Qaeda operations.

• The Americans has accepted that war against terror could never be
won without the help of Pakistan.

• Pakistan has severely fought, and operations in Waziristan is also

targeting the suspected Taliban in the bordering area.
Main threats to Pakistan
• Balochistan and Waziristan conflicts.
• Negative role of India, US and Iran.
• Kashmir Issue.
• Instable Governments.
• Lack of modern technology.
• Fragile infrastructure.
• Limited financial resources.

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