Data Mining - Credibility: Evaluating What's Been Learned

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Data Mining – Credibility:

Evaluating What’s Been Learned

Chapter 5
• Performance on training data is not representative –
cheating – has seen all test instances during training
• If test involves testing on training data KNN with K=1 is
the best technique !!!!!!
• Simplest fair evaluation = large training data AND large
test data
• We have been using 10-fold cross-validation extensively
– not just fair, also more likely to be accurate – less
chance of unlucky or lucky results
• Better – repeated cross validation (as in experimenter
environment in WEKA) – this allows statistical tests
Validation Data
• Some learning schemes involve testing what has been
learned on other data – AS PART OF THEIR TRAINING !!
• Frequently, this process is used to “tune” parameters that
can be adjusted in the method to obtain the best
performance (e.g. threshold for accepting rule in Prism)
• The test during learning cannot be done on training data or
test data
– Using training data would mean that the learning is being checked
against data it has already seen
– Using test data would mean that the test data would have already
been seen during (part of) learning
• Separate (3rd) data set should be used – “Validation”
Confidence Intervals
• If experiment shows 75% correct, we might be
interested in what the correctness rate can
actually be expected to be (the experiment is a
result of sampling)
• We can develop a confidence interval around
the result
• Skip Math
• Foundation is a simple idea – “holdout” – holds out a
certain amount for testing and uses rest for training
• Separation should NOT be “convenience”,
– Should at least be random
– Better – “stratified” random – division preserves relative
proportion of classes in both training and test data
• Enhanced : repeated holdout
– Enables using more data in training, while still getting a good test
• 10-fold cross validation has become standard
• This is improved if the folds are chosen in a “stratified”
random way
Repeated Cross Validation
• Folds in cross validation are not independent sample
– Contents of one fold are influenced by contents of other folds
• No instances in common
– So statistical tests (e.g. T Test) are not appropriate
• If you do repeated cross validation, the different cross
validations are independent samples – folds drawn for
one are different from others
– Will get some variation in results
– Any good / bad luck in forming of folds is averaged out
– Statistical tests are appropriate
• Becoming common to run 10 10-fold cross validations
• Supported by experimenter environment in WEKA
For Small Datasets
• Leave One Out
• Bootstrapping
• To be discussed in turn
Leave One Out
• Train on all but one instance, test on that one (pct correct
always equals 100% or 0%)
• Repeat until have tested on all instances, average results
• Really equivalent to N-fold cross validation where N =
number of instances available
• Plusses:
– Always trains on maximum possible training data (without
– Efficient to run – no repeated (since fold contents not randomized)
– No stratification, no random sampling necessary
• Minuses
– Guarantees a non-stratified sample – the correct class will always
be at least a little bit under-represented in the training data
– Statistical tests are not appropriate
• Sampling done with replacement to form a training dataset
• Particular approach – 0.632 bootstrap
– Dataset of n instances is sampled n times
– Some instances will be included multiple times
– Those not picked will be used as test data
– On large enough dataset, .632 of the data instances will end up in the training
dataset, rest will be in test
• This is a bit of a pessimistic estimate of performance, since only using
63% of data for training (vs 90% in 10-fold cross validation)
• May try to balance by weighting in performance predicting training
data (p 129) <but this doesn’t seem fair>
• This procedure can be repeated any number of times, allowing
statistical tests
Comparing Data Mining
Methods Using T-Test
• Don’t worry about the math
– You probably should have had it (MATH 140?)
– WEKA will do it automatically for you – experimenter
– Excel can do it easily
• See examplettest.xls file on my www site
• (formular =TTEST(A1:A8,B1:B8,2,1)
– two ranges being compared
– two-tailed test, since we don’t know which to expect to be higher
– 1 – indicates paired test – ok when results being compared are from th
same samples (same splits into folds)
– result is probability that differences are not chance
– generally accepted if below .05 but sometimes looking for .01 or better
5.6 Predicting Probabilities
• Skip
5.7 Counting the Cost
• Some mistakes are more costly to make than others
• Giving a loan to a defaulter is more costly than denying
somebody who would be a good customer
• Sending mail solicitation to somebody who won’t buy is less
costly than missing somebody who would buy (opportunity
• Looking at a confusion matrix, each position could have an
associated cost (or benefit from correct positions)
• Measurement could be average profit/ loss per prediction
• To be fair in cost benefit analysis, should also factor in cost of
collecting and preparing the data, building the model …
Lift Charts
• In practice, costs are frequently not known
• Decisions may be made by comparing possible
• Book Example – Promotional Mailing
– Situation 1 – previous experience predicts that 0.1% of all
(1,000,000) households will respond
– Situation 2 – classifier predicts that 0.4% of the 100000
most promising households will respond
– Situation 3 – classifier predicts that 0.2% of the 400000
most promising households will respond
– The increase in response rate is the lift ( 0.4 / 0.1 = 4 in
situation 2 compared to sending to all)
– A lift chart allows for a visual comparison …
Figure 5.1 A hypothetical lift
Generating a lift chart
• Best done if classifier generates probabilities for its predictions
• Sort test instances based on probability of class we’re interested in
(e.g. would buy from catalog = yes)
Table 5.6
Rank Probability of Yes Actual class
1 .95 Yes
2 .93 Yes
3 .93 No
4 .88 Yes
5 .86 Yes …
• to get y-value (# correct) for a given x (sample size), read down sorted list to sample
size, counting number of instances that are actually the class we want
•(e.g. sample size = 5, correct = 4 – on lift chart shown, the sample size of 5 would be
converted to % or total sample)
Cost Sensitive Classification
• For classifiers that generate
probabilities of each class Costs Predicted
• If not cost sensitive, would predict most
probable class A B C
• With costs shown, and probabilities
A=.2 B= .3 C= .5 Act A 0 10 20
• Expected Costs of Predictions = ual
B 5 0 5
– A  .2 * 0 + .3 * 5 + .5 * 10 = 6.5
– B  .2 * 10 + .3 * 0 + .5 * 2 = 3.0 C 10 2 0
– C  .2 * 20 + .3 * 5 + .5 * 0 = 5.5
• Considering costs, B would be predicted
even though C is considered most likely
Cost Sensitive Learning
• Most learning methods are not sensitive to cost structures (e.g. higher
cost of false positive than false negative) (Naïve Bayes is, decision
tree learners not)
• Simple method for making cost sensitive –
– Change proportion of different classes in the data
– E.g. if have a dataset with 1000 yes, and 1000 no, but incorrectly predicting Yes
is 10 times more costly than incorrectly predicting No
– Filter and sample the data so that have 1000 No and 100 Yes
– A learning scheme trying to minimize errors is going to tend toward predicting
• If don’t have enough data to put some aside, “re-sample” No’s (bring
duplicates in) (if learning method can deal with duplicates (most can))
• With some methods, you can “Weight” instances so that some count
more than others. No’s could be more heavily weighted
Information Retrieval (IR) Measures
• E.g., Given a WWW search, a search engine
produces a list of hits supposedly relevant
• Which is better?
– Retrieving 100, of which 40 are actually relevant
– Retrieving 400, of which 80 are actually relevant
– Really depends on the costs
Information Retrieval (IR) Measures
• IR community has developed 3 measures:
– Recall = number of documents retrieved that are relevant
total number of documents that are relevant
– Precision = number of documents retrieved that are relevant
total number of documents that are retrieved
– F-measure = 2 * recall * precision
recall + precision
• Part of the results provided by WEKA (that we’ve ignored so far)
• Let’s look at an example (Naïve Bayes on my-weather-nominal)
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure Class
0.667 0.125 0.8 0.667 0.727 yes
0.875 0.333 0.778 0.875 0.824 no
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
4 2 | a = yes
1 7 | b = no
• TP rate and recall are the same = TP / (TP + FN)
– For Yes = 4 / (4 + 2); For No = 7 / (7 + 1)
• FP rate = FP / (FP + TN) – For Yes = 1 / (1 + 7); For No = 2 / (2 + 4)
• Precision = TP / (TP + FP) – For yes = 4 / (4 + 1); For No = 7 / (7 + 2)
• F-measure = 2TP / (2TP + FP + FN)
– For Yes = 2*4 / (2*4 + 1 + 2) = 8 / 11
– For No = 2 * 7 / (2*7 + 2 + 1) = 14/17
In terms of true positives etc
• True positives = TP; False positives = FP
• True Negatives = TN; False negatives = FN
• Recall = TP / (TP + FN) // true positives / actually positive
• Precision = TP / (TP + FP) // true positives / predicted
• F-measure = 2TP / (2TP + FP + FN)
– This has been generated using algebra from the formula previous
– Easier to understand this way – correct predictions are double
counted – once for recall, once for precision.
denominator includes corrects and incorrects (either based on
recall or precision idea – relevant but not retrieved or retrieved but
not relevant)
• There is no mathematics that says recall and precision can
be combined this way – it is ad hoc – but it does balance
the two
Kappa Statistic
• A way of checking success against how hard the
problem is
• Compare to expected results from random prediction

– with predictions in the same proportion as the predictions
made by the classifier being evaluated
• This is different than predicting in proportion to the
actual values
– Which might be considered having an unfair advantage
– But which I would consider a better measure
Kappa Statistic
Predicted Predicted
A B C Total A B C Total

AA 88 10 2 100 A 60 30 10 100
TB 14 40 6 60 B 36 18 6 60
AC 18 10 12 40 C 24 12 4 40
Total 120 60 20 Total 120 60 20

Expected Results with Stratified Random Prediction

Actual Results
• For many occasions, this borders on “too much
information”, but it’s all there
• We can decide, are we more interested in
Yes , or No?
• Are we more interested in recall or precision?
WEKA – with more than two classes
• Contact Lenses with Naïve Bayes
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure Class
0.8 0.053 0.8 0.8 0.8 soft
0.25 0.1 0.333 0.25 0.286 hard
0.8 0.444 0.75 0.8 0.774 none
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c <-- classified as
4 0 1 | a = soft
0 1 3 | b = hard
1 2 12 | c = none
• Class exercise – show how to calculate recall, precision, f-
measure for each class
Evaluating Numeric Prediction
• Here, not a matter of right or wrong, but rather,
“how far off”
• There are a number of possible measures, with
formulas shown in Table 5.6
• IBK w/ k = 5 on baskball.arff
=== Cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correlation coefficient 0.548
Mean absolute error 0.0715
Root mean squared error 0.0925
Relative absolute error 83.9481 %
Root relative squared error 85.3767 %
Total Number of Instances 96
Root Mean-Squared Error
• Squareroot of (Sum of Squares of Errors / number of
• Algorithm:
– Initialize – especially subtotal = 0
– Loop through all test instances
• Make prediction,
• compare to actual – calculate difference
• Square difference; add to subtotal
– Divide subtotal by number of test instances
– Take squareroot to obtain root mean squared error
• Error is on same scale as predictions – root mean squared
error can be compared to mean of .42 and a range of .67,
seems decent
• Exaggerates effect of any bad predictions, since differences
are squared
Mean Absolute Error
• (Sum of Absolute Values of Errors / number of predictions)
• Algorithm:
– Initialize – especially subtotal = 0
– Loop through all test instances
• Make prediction,
• compare to actual – calculate difference
• Take absolute value of difference; add to subtotal
– Divide subtotal by number of test instances to obtain mean absolute
• Error is on same scale as predictions –mean absolute error
can be compared to mean of .42 and a range of .67, seems
• Does not exaggerate the effect of any bad predictions,
NOTE – this value is smaller in my example than the
squared version.
Relative Error Measures
• Results are divided by differences from mean
– Root Relative Squared Error
– Relative Absolute Error
• See upcoming slides
Root Relative Squared Error
• Squareroot of (Sum of Squares of Errors / Sum of Squares of
differences from mean)
• Gives idea of scale of error compared to how variable the actual
values are (the more variable the values are, really the harder the task)
• Algorithm:
– Initialize – especially numerator and denominator subtotals = 0
– Determine mean of actual test instances
– Loop through all test instances
• Make prediction,
• compare to actual – calculate difference
• Square difference; add to numerator subtotal
• Compare actual to mean of actual – calculate difference
• Square difference; add to denominator subtotal
– Divide numerator subtotal by denominator subtotal
– Take squareroot of above result to obtain root relative squared error
• Error is nornalized
• Use of squares once again exaggerates
Relative Absolute Error
• Sum of Absolute Values of Errors / Sum of Absolute Values of
differences from mean)
• Gives idea of scale of error compared to how variable the actual
values are (the more variable the values are, really the harder the task)
• Algorithm:
– Initialize – especially numerator and denominator subtotals = 0
– Determine mean of actual test instances
– Loop through all test instances
• Make prediction,
• compare to actual – calculate difference;
• take absolute value of difference; add to numerator subtotal
• Compare actual to mean of actual – calculate difference
• take absolute value of difference; add to denominator subtotal
– Divide numerator subtotal by denominator subtotal
• Error is nornalized
• Does not exaggerate
Correlation Coefficient
• Tells whether the predictions and actual values “move
together” – one goes up when the other goes up …
• Not as tight a measurement as others
– E.g. if predictions are all double the actual, correlation is
perfect 1.0, but predictions are not that good
– We want to have a good correlation, but we want MORE
than that
• A little bit complicated, and well established (can do
easily in Excel), so let’s skip the math
What to use?
• Depends some on philosophy
– Do you want to punish bad predictions a lot? (then use a
root squared method)
– Do you want to compare performance on different data
sets and one might be “harder” (more variable) than
another? (then use a relative method)
• In many real world cases, any of these work fine
(comparisons between algorithms come out the
same regardless of which measurement is used)
• Basic framework same as with predicting category –
repeated 10-fold cross validation, with paired
sampling …
Minimum Description Length
• What is learned in Data Mining is a form of “theory”
• Occam’s Razor – in science, others things being equal,
simple theories are preferable to complex ones
• Mistakes a theory makes, really are exceptions, so to
keep other things equal they should be added to the
theory, making it more complex
• Simple example  a simple decision tree (other things
being equal) is preferred over a more complex decision
• Details will be skipped (along with section 5.10)
End Chapter 5

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