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Ahmad Azwar Habibi

Lab Anatomi FK
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta




 Ayat dan Hadis terkait penginderaan
1. QS AnNahl/16; 78
2. QS AsSajadah/32; 8
3. QS Al Insan/76; 2
4. QS Al Mulk/67; 23
5. QS Al Baqarah/2; 7
6. QS Fushilat/41; 21-22
7. HR Bukhari tentang wudhu
 Syukur terhadap karunia Allah atas indera
yang diberikan
 Early eye development results from a series of inductive signals.
The eyes are derived from four sources:
1. The neuroectoderm of the forebrain
 differentiates into the retina, the posterior layers of the iris, and the
optic nerve
2. The surface ectoderm of the head
 forms the lens of the eye and the corneal epithelium
3. The mesoderm between the above layers
 the fibrous and vascular coats of the eye, mesenchyme
4. Neural crest cells
   choroid, sclera, and corneal endothelium

 Homeobox-containing genes, including the transcription regulator

Pax6, fibroblast growth factors, and other inducing factors play
an important role in the molecular development of the eye
 Neural ectoderm informed will become optic vesicle
by : Six3, Pax6, Rx1 (expressed in most anterior tip
of neural plate)
 Separation single eye field  two bilateral fields
depends upon Shh
 If mutated/inhibited  cyclopia:
 Single eye in center of face
 Usually below the nose
 Shh supresses Pax6 dividing
the field in two
6 tulang pembentuk
dinding orbita
• A blow-out fracture is a fracture of the orbital floor with no
involvement of the orbital rim and is caused by blunt trauma to
the orbital contents (e.g., by a handball). The infraorbital nerve
in the orbital floor may prevent the orbital contents from being
displaced into the maxillary sinus, but an injured infraorbital
artery can cause hemorrhaging.Blow-out fractures are rare
in young children because the maxillary sinus is small and the
orbital floor is not a weak point.
Anatomi Kelopak Mata/Palpebra
• Fungsi: melindungi bola mata, sekresi kelenjar
• Keratitis et lagoftalmus
• Struktur pada palbebra:
• Kelenjar
• Otot
• Tarsus
• Septum orbita
• A.palpebra
• Cabang n.V
• Eversi palpebra
Lacrimal apparatus

• involved in the production, movement, and

drainage of fluid from the surface of the
• It is made up of the lacrimal gland and its
ducts, the lacrimal canaliculi, the lacrimal
sac, and the nasolacrimal duct.
• The lacrimal gland is anterior in the
superolateral region of the orbit and is
divided into two parts by the levator
palpebrae superioris

• Epifora
• Sumbatan duktus nasolakrimal
Anatomi konjungtiva
• Mrp membran yg menutupi
sklera dan kelopak belakang
• Bagian:
• Konjungtiva tarsal
• Konjungtiva bulbi
• Konjungtiva fornises
• Pembuluh darah

Anatomi Bola Mata

• 3 lapis jaringan:sklera,uvea,retina
• Badan kaca, Lensa, Kornea, Pupil, Sudut bilik mata, saraf optik
Tarsus and levator palpebrae
 Providing major support for each
eyelid is the tarsus 
 Lps  raises the eyelid, innervated
by the oculomotor nerve [III]
 In companion with the levator
palpebrae superioris muscle is a
collection of smooth muscle fibers
passing from the inferior surface of
the levator to the upper edge of the
superior tarsus  superior tarsal

Loss of function of either the levator palpebrae superioris muscle or the

superior tarsal muscle results in a ptosis or drooping of the upper eyelid
 The sensory nerves are all branches of the
trigeminal nerve [V]
 the supra-orbital, supratrochlear, infratrochlear, and
lacrimal branches of the ophthalmic nerve [V1]; and
 the infra-orbital branch of the maxillary nerve [V2]
 Motor innervation is from:
 the facial nerve [VII],
 the palpebral part
of the orbicularis oculi;
 the oculomotor nerve [III],
 the levator palpebrae superioris;
 sympathetic fibers,
 the superior tarsal muscle.
 Loss of innervation of the orbicularis oculi by the facial
nerve [VII] causes an inability to close the eyelids tightly
and the lower eyelid droops away, resulting in a spillage
of tears.
 Loss of innervation of the levator palpebrae superioris by
the oculomotor nerve [III] causes an inability to open the
superior eyelid voluntarily, producing a complete ptosis.
 Loss of innervation of the superior tarsal muscle by
sympathetic fibers causes a constant partial ptosis
Horner's syndrome

 caused by a lesion in the sympathetic trunk in the neck that

results in sympathetic dysfunction
 characterized by three typical features :
1. pupillary constriction due to paralysis of the dilator pupillae
2. partial ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) due to paralysis
of the superior tarsal muscle of the levator palpebrae
3. absence of sweating on the ipsilateral side of the face and
the neck due to absence of innervation of the sweat glands.
 The commonest cause for Horner's syndrome is a tumor
eroding the cervicothoracic ganglion, which is typically an
apical lung tumor.
A. Action of individual muscles
(anatomical action)

B. Movement of eye when

testing specific muscle
(clinical testing)
Figure 18-19 Illustrations of the development of the auricle, the part
of the external ear not contained within the head.
A, At 6 weeks. Note that three auricular hillocks are located on the
first pharyngeal arch and three on the second arch.
B, At 8 weeks. C, At 10 weeks.
D, At 32 weeks. As the mandible and teeth develop, the auricles
move from the superior neck region to the side of the head.
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The external acoustic meatus does not follow a straight
From the external opening it passes upward in an anterior
direction, then turns slightly posteriorly still passing upward,
and finally, turns again in an anterior direction with a slight
For examination purposes, observation of the external acoustic
meatus and tympanic membrane can be improved by pulling
the ear superiorly, posteriorly, and slightly laterally.
Nervus Vestibulocochlearis (VIII)

1) nervus Vestibularis, yang membawa impuls

keseimbangan dan orientasi ruang tiga
dimensi dari apparatus vertibular

2) nervus Cochlearis, yang membawa impuls

pendengaran yang berasal dari organon
corti di dalam cochlea. Apparatus vestibular
dan organon corti terletak didalam pars
petrosa os temporalis.
 Nervus Vestibulocochlearis memasuki batang otak tepat dibelakang nervus facialis (VII) pada
suatu daerah berbentuk segitiga yang dibatasi oleh pons, flocculus dan medulla oblongata,
keduanya kemudian terpisah dan mempunyai hubungan ke pusat yang berbeda.
 Nervus Vestibularis dan Cochlearis biasanya bersatu yang kemudian memasuki meatus
acustikus internus, disebelah bawah akar motorik nervus VII
 Korteks pendengaran primer  gyrus transversus dari Heschl
(area 41 dan 42 Broadman)
 Berproyeksi menuju korteks asosiasi pendengaran (area 22)
pada posterior gyrus temporalis superior.
 Pada sisi hemisfer dominan area 22 meliputi area bicara
 Area bicara Wernicke berhubungan dengan area bicara Broca
(area 44 dan 45) mll fasciculus arcuatus.
 Unsur dasar utk bahasa bicara  program  produksi bahasa
(area motorik 4 dan 6)

 Lihat Gambar 18 hal 55 Anatomi Sistem Pendengaran FKUI

 The two nasal cavities are the
uppermost parts of the respiratory
tract and contain the olfactory

 Held open by a skeletal framework

consisting mainly of bone and

 The anterior apertures of the nasal

cavities are the nares, which open
onto the inferior surface of the nose.

 The posterior apertures are the

choanae, which open into the
The nasal cavities are separated:
 from each other by a midline nasal septum;
 from the oral cavity below by the hard palate; and

 from the cranial cavity above by parts of the frontal,

ethmoid, and sphenoid bones.

Lateral to the nasal cavities are the orbits.

Each nasal cavity has a floor, roof, medial wall, and
lateral wall
 Each nasal cavity consists of three general regions-
the nasal vestibule, the respiratory region, and the
olfactory region
1. the nasal vestibule is a small dilated space just internal to
the naris that is lined by skin and contains hair follicles;
2. the respiratory region is the largest part of the nasal
cavity, has a rich neurovascular supply, and is lined by
respiratory epithelium composed mainly of ciliated and
mucous cells;
3. the olfactory region is small, is at the apex of each nasal
cavity, is lined by olfactory epithelium, and contains the
olfactory receptors.
 Drake et al: Gray's Anatomy for Students 2E
 Moore : Clinically Oriented Anatomy
 Chaurasia : Human Anatomy 3
 Ilmu Penyakit Mata FKUI
 Bahan kuliah anatomi modul penginderaan
FKUI 2009
 Kumpulan Terjemahan Ayat dan Hadis terkait
Ilmu Kedokteran, FKUIN 2012
Take Home Test
 Carilah 1 jurnal terkait dengan mekanisme
normal atau gangguan dari salah sistem
penginderaan :
Penglihatan Pendengaran

Normal Kelp 1,3 2,4, 9

Gangguan 5,7 6, 8, 10

 Diskusikan jurnal tersebut dalam kaitannya

dengan struktur anatomi pada saat praktikum

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