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Nanoparticle Drug Delivery


apt. Fitri Wulandari, M.Clin.Pharm.

Objective of Lecturer


Definition of Nanoparticles

Advantages of Nanoparticles

Characteristics of Nanoparticles

Type of Nanoparticles

Preparation of Nanoparticles
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of
extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields,
such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering
How It Started?  The ideas and concepts
behind nanoscience and nanotechnology started
with a talk entitled “There’s Plenty of Room at
the Bottom” by physicist Richard Feynman at
an American Physical Society meeting at the
California Institute of Technology (CalTech) on
December 29, 1959, long before the term
nanotechnology was used.

He described a process in which scientists would be able to manipulate and control

individual atoms and molecules. Over a decade later, in his explorations of ultraprecision
machining, Professor Norio Taniguchi coined the term nanotechnology. In 1981, with the
development of the scanning tunneling microscope that could "see" individual atoms modern
nanotechnology was began National Nanotecnology Initiative
Definition of Nanoparticle

• According to the definition from NNI (National Nanotechnology

Initiative)  Nanoparticles are structures of sizes ranging from 1
to 100 nm in at least one dimension. However, the prefix “nano” is
commonly used for particles that are up to several hundred
nanometers in size.

A definition from the Academy of Pharmaceutical

Sciences of Great Britain  Nanopharmaceuticals is a
complex system consisting of at least two components, one
of which is the active ingredient. In this field the concept of
nanoscale is the range from 1 to 1000 nm.

• The European Science Foundation definition 

Nanopharmaceuticals can be developed either as drug delivery
systems or biologically active drug products. In this field the concept
of nanoscale was seen to range from 1 to 1000 nm.
Definition of Nanoparticle

The true nanorange is narrowly defined as the 1-100 nm particles

Wilczewska, AZ., et al, 2012, Nanopartcles as Drug Delivery Systems : A Review., Pharmacologigcal Reports, 62: 20120-1037
Advantages of Nanoparticles

 It is notable that the efficiency of most drug delivery systems is directly

to particle size (excluding intravenous and solution)
 Due to their small size and large surface area, drug nanoparticles show:
• Increase solubility and thus enhanced bioavailability
• Additional ability to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB)
• Enter the pulmonary system and be absorbed through the tight junctions of
endothelial cells of the skin
 Using nanotechnology, it may be possible to achieve:
• Improved delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs
• Targeted delivery of drugs in a cell- or tissue-specific manner
• Transcytosis of drugs across tight epithelial and endothelial barriers
• Delivery of large macromolecule drugs to intracellular sites of action
• Co-delivery of two or more drugs or therapeutic modality for combination therapy

Rizvi and Saleh, 2018, Applications of nanoparticle systems in drug delivery technology, Saudia Pharmaceutical Journal, Elsivier, 26:
64-70; Farokhzad and Langer, 2009, Impact of nanotecnology on Drug Delivery, American Social Society, 3(1): 16-20
Characteristics of Nanoparticles
No. Characteristics Characteristics Methods
1. Size of particles  the optimum size for a • Mikroskop elektron: SEM
nanoparticle is approximately 100 nm (Scanning Elcetron
Microscope) , TEM
(Transmission Electron
Microscope), AFM (Atomic
Force Mircoscope)
• Particle Size Analyzer:
Dynamic Light Scattering
(DLS) dan Laser Diffraction
2. Surface properties  Since nanoparticles • Water contact angle
can be recognized by the lymphatic measurement is the widely
system, they are subject to the body’s accepted method used to
natural immune response to foreign matter. determine the degree of
The more hydrophobic a nanoparticle is, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity
the more likely it is to be cleared due to of the given surface
higher binding of blood components, so
that making their surface hydrophilic
would increase their time in circulation
Characteristics of Nanoparticles
No. Characteristics Characteristics Methods
3. Surface Charge determination  Zeta • Zeta size Analyzer:
potential is used to describe the surface charge Dynamic Light Scattering
of nanoparticle. It is an important tool for (DLS)
understanding the state of the nanoparticle
surface and stability of the formed
4. Drug loading Drug loading efficiency • Centrifugation to separated
/entrapment efficiency (EE) is the percent free and entrapped drug
drug that is succesfully entrapped/adsorbed
into the nanoparticles. Nanoparticle shoul
have a high drug loading capacity
5. Drug release  Invitro drug release from • Dialysis method is a
nanocarrier is more complex and chhalenging. versatile and popular
The certain methods is used to assess drug methods
release from nanosized dosage from and • Column-switching HPLC
physical separation of the dosage form is
Characteristics of Nanoparticles

Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer (DLS)

Mikroskop elektron

Contact Angle Measurement Instrument Dialysis Method

Type of Nanoparticle

01 Metal Based Nanoparticle

Au, Ag, Cd-Se, Zn-S

02 Lipid Based Nanoparticle

Liposomes, Niosomes

03 Polimer Based Nanoparticle

Dendrimer, Micelle

04 Biological Nanoparticle
Bovine-albumin serum based
Preparation of Nanoparticle
Secara umum pembuatan
nanopartikel dibedakan
menjadi 2 teknik, yiatu:
a. Bottom up 
nanopartikel melalui
atom dan molekul
yang berkumpul dan
menggunakan proses
reaksi kimia
b. Top down  proses
yang membentuk
nanopartikel dari
partikel atau benda-
benda lebih besar,
dengan cara
Strambeanu, N., Demetrovici, L., & Dragos, D. (2015). Natural Sources of Nanoparticles. In Nanoparticles’ penggilingan/ ball
Promises and Risks(pp. 9-19). Springer International Publishing
Preparation of Nanoparticle

Equipments and method for

Nanoparticles Preparation

1. Homogenizer
2. Ultra Sonicator
3. Ball Mill

4. Spray Drying

5. Hot Melted Matrices

Preparation of Nanoparticle
Homogenizers ultrasonik unggul dengan
Homogenizer ultrasonik
kualitas berikut:
• Menghasilkan partikel kecil /tetesan 
mempersiapkan sistem dispersi yang
• Dapat menangani konsentrasi padat yang
• Parameter proses penting (misalnya
amplitudo, daya, waktu, suhu dan
tekanan) dapat disesuaikan.
• Efektif, hemat energi, ramah pengguna
dan aman untuk dioperasikan

• High pressure homogenizer bekerja

melibatkan tekanan dengan daya yang
besar hingga menghasilkan produk
High pressure homogenizer dengan ukuran kecil dan homogen
Preparation of Nanoparticle

• Ball Mill merupakan

salah satu metode
nanopartikel dengan
menggunakan mesin
yang berfungsi untuk
menghaluskan material
dari bentuk yang kasar
Preparation of Nanoparticle

Spray drying merupakan suatu metode pengeringan yang banyak digunakan

untuk menghasilkan partikel halus berupa serbuk atau kristal dengan cara
mendispersikan larutan ke dalam udara panas dalam bentuk droplet
Preparation of Nanoparticle

Production in Hot Melted Matrices  metode ini sesuai untuk obat

atau bahan-bahan yang tahan dengan panas
Preparation of Nanoparticle

• Secara sederhana (dalam skala

lab) pembuatan nanopartikel juga
dapat melalui teori emulsifikasi
• Emulsifikasi memerlukan energi
mekanik untuk memecah droplet
menjadi bentuk yang lebih kecil
(menggunakan homogenizer atau
pengadukan) untuk
mendispersikan fase terdispers
dalam fase pendispers dengan
penambahan emulsifier
• Jika ukuran partikel memasuki
rentang 100-200 nm maka disebut
nanoemulsi dan berwujud
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