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Second language

teaching method
Group 9:
Aprilia Sri Mulyani (1813002)
Florensi Raflesianda N (1813013)
Teaching Method

A way of teaching a language which

is based on systematic principles and procedures,
which is an application of views on how a language
is best taught and learned.
Characterizing the essentials of

1 2 3
Language Focus: Meaning Learning: Grammar Learning:
Speech Communication Direct Experience vs Introduction vs
vs Literature Translation Explanation
This dimensions involve teories which have
been realized in principal second-language
teaching method. A brief description of each of
these dimensions, some aspects of which are
also considered.
Traditional Methods
01 The Grammar-Translation
Grammar-Translation (GT) essentially involves two components: (1) the explicit
explanation of grammatical rules using the native language, and (2) the use of
translation, in the native language, to explain the meaning of vocabulary and structures.

The Natural
02 Method
The Natural Method (NM) developed as a reaction to GT and
was the outgrowth of scientific thought on the natural of
language and language learning.
03 The Direct Method
Like the Natural Method, it emphasized the learning of speech, acquiring meaning in environmental
context, and learning grammar through induction. DM theorists believed that by applying scientific
knowledge from psychology and linguistics, language learning could be made more efficient, with the
result that students would learn faster than would under the spontaneous and unplanned lesson of the
Natural Method.

04 The Audiolingual Method

The Audiolingual Method incorporated into its methodology many of
the same features that the Direct Method had developed, namely,
planned situations, graded materials, and such techniques as pattern
drills and dialogue memorization.
Thank You!
“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone important said
and can make the reader get

—Someone famous
Alternative resources
The slide title goes
Do you know what helps you make your
point clear? Lists like this:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!

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