Transport Properties of The Gas (Physical Chemistry 2)

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The transport properties of the gas are the properties of

matter or energy that moves to another place.
Transport properties usually express some terms of the
approximation equation, or the actual conclusion equation
of the experiment.
Transfort process includes:
 Mass transfer
 Energy flow
 Movement of momentum
The properties of the gas transfor include:
1. Effusion
2. Diffusion
3. Thermal Conductivity
4. Viscosity
If a gas at pressure P and temperature T is
connected to a vacuum through a small hole,
the velocity of moving the molecules is equal
to the speed of the molecules hitting the wall
as large as the hole as shown in Figure 5.
Of course, the number of molecules that pass
in units of time hitting a wall the size of the
hole (Ao) is:

The pressure can be determined by means of

the Knudsen method of determining relative
molar-mass. Knudsen found that the speed at
which mass lost was directly proportional to
The equation before is in accordance with
Graham's Law, i.e. the effusion velocity is
inversely proportional to the root of the
relative molecular mass, this statement is the
basis of the Knudsen method of determining
relative molecular molar masses.
Apply this concept to determine the pressure of the
following problems!

In an oven, steam is placed at a temperature of

500°C. On one wall of the oven there is a small hole
with a diameter of 0.5 mm. Cs steam will flow
through the hole, within 100 seconds its time is
reduced by 385 mg. How much Cs steam press in the
The number of molecules that pass during ∆t:
Or if it is converted into mmHg :

The calculation of the effusion velocity based on the impact on

the hole is simpler than using the calculation of the mean free
path of gas molecules. If the molecules are allowed for a long
time to collide in the tube, the transport will be more like a
thick flow, and the effusion rate will be affected by the
Diffusion is a process of spatial drift of molecules
due to their kinetic motion; the physical picture
is one of successive small, random movements.
The process is often referred to as a random
walk. The matter is discussed in more detail in
Section 10-7, but the defining phenomenological
equation, known as Fick's law, is:
where J is this net drift expressed in molecules crossing unit
area per second, and dn/dx is the concentration gradient in
the drift direction. The coefficient is known as the diffusion
coefficient; in the cgs system its units are square centimeters
per second. Diffusion coefficients for gases are around unity
and for liquids are about 10 - 5 cm2 sec-1 or less.

There is an alternative way of defining suggested by Einstein.

As illustrated
The diffusional flow from left to right is therefore 1/2n 1x,
while that from right to left is 1/2n2x. In the cgs system
both are in moles per square centimeter per second.

Since n2 = n1 + x(dn/dx), where dn/dx is the concentration

gradient, the net flux across the reference plane is
Equation (2-67) allows a very simple derivation of from kinetic molecular
theory. Although the displacement x can be the net result of many random
steps, it can also be put equal to the smallest step which is random with respect
to succeeding ones. This smallest step is the mean free path distance λ. During
such a step the molecule is moving with velocity c, so the average time between
steps is just λ/c. On substituting χ = X and t = X/c into Eq. (2-67) we get

Equation (2-68) applies to the interdiffusion of molecules of a single kind. Such a

diffusion is called self-diffusion, and can be measured experimentally by the use
of isotopic labeling. That is, in the experiment corresponding to Fig. 2-11, there
can be no overall pressure gradient since otherwise there would be a wind or
viscous flow of gas. However, labeling the molecules on, say, the left of the
reference plane, makes possible the measurement of their net diffusion
migration across it even though the total concentration of all molecules is
 Heat transfer by conduction (conduct)
The transfer of heat by conduction or conduction can be
proven in everyday life such as the occurrence of hot spoon
handle when stirring a cup of hot coffee, even though it is not in
direct contact with a heat source. In this case it can be said that
heat is transferred from the hot end to the cooler end. Because
of this transfer of heat through an intermediary, conduction is
often said to be the transfer of heat through solids.
 Not all substances can conduct heat or heat well, there are also
substances that have poor thermal conductivity. Based on the
ability of thermal conductivity, substances are grouped into
two, namely conductors and insulators. Conductors are
substances or objects that can conduct heat well, such as
copper, aluminum, iron, and steel. Meanwhile, an insulator is a
substance that is not good at conducting heat, such as glass,
rubber, wood, and plastic.
 The speed of heat conduction also depends on the size and
shape of the object. To find out quantitatively, consider the
conduction of heat through an object that looks like the one
Based on the experimental results, it shows
that the amount of heat transferred by
conduction per unit time will be proportional to
the cross-sectional area of ​the medium, the
temperature difference is inversely proportional
to the length of the medium and depending on
the type of medium. 
The amount of heat Q at a certain time
interval Δt is formulated as follows
 Q = heat delivered (J)
 Δt = time interval (s)
 k = thermal conductivity (J/sKm)
 A = cross-sectional area of ​object (m2)
 ΔT = difference in temperature (K)
 l = length of material (m)
A glass window of a room is 3 m long, 1 m
wide and 15 mm thick. The temperatures on
the inner surface and outer surface of the
glass are 23°C and 33°C, respectively. If
thermal conduction = 8 × 10-1 Wm-1K-1 , then
what is the amount of heat that flows into
the room through the window per second?
Is known:
A = 3 m × 1 m = 3 m2
l = 15 mm = 1.5 × 10-2 m
ΔT = 306 K - 296K = 10 K
k = 8 × 10-1 Wm-1 K-1

Asked: Q / t =?
Q / t = k.A.ΔT/l
Q / t = 8 × 10-1 × 3 × 10/(1.5 × 10-2)
Q / t = 1600 Watt

So, the amount of heat flowing into the room through that
window per second is 1600 Watts.
The coefficient of viscosity η of a fluid is
defined as a measure of the friction that is present
when adjacent layers of the fluid are moving at
different speeds.
If the area of each layer is A then the frictional
drag or force f between the layers is given by η and
Equation (2-57) is in fact the defining equation for the coefficient
of viscosity and is known as Newton's law of viscosity.
The appropriate equation, derived in Section 8-ST-2, is

The coefficient of viscosity of a gas may be derived

theoretically, and the derivation that follows represents
one of the triumphs of early kinetic molecular theory.
In simple theory molecules of a gas do not interact
except by means of collisions,and these occur on the
average only after a free flight distance given by the
mean free path λ.
If we consider each layer to be of area A then by the
surface collision formula (2-44), the number of
molecules arriving each second at layer 2 from layer
1 will be 1/4ncA, and likewise the number of
counterpart molecules arriving at layer 1 from layer
2. The total momentum transport per second is then
since Av is given by A(dv/dx), we can write

Equation (2-60) has the same form as the defining equation for
viscosity, Eq. (2-57), and on comparing the two equations, we
conclude that
Further, since nm gives the density of the gas, we have

A yet more instructive form is obtained on elimination of λ between

Eqs. (2-62) and (2-55)

or, using Eq. (2-38) for c,

This last form shows explicitly that although gas viscosity

depends on T1/2, it is independent of any change in pressure
or density at constant temperature.

Calculate η for oxygen at 25°C and 1 atm. We will use Eq. (2-62)
and draw on the examples of the preceding section. Thus ρ =Mc =
(32.00)(4.087 χ 10-6) = 1.308 χ 10-8g cm-8, and λ = 7.016 x 10" 6 cm .
Further, c = (8kT/πΜ)1/8= [(8)(8.3143 χ 107)(298.15)/(π) (32.00)]
1/8= 4.442 χ 10 4 cm sec-1. Then η = (1/2)(1.308 x 10-3)(4.442 χ 104)
(7.016 χ 10-6) = 2.038 x 10-4 Ρ (or gcm-1sec-1).

In SI units, ρ = (0.03200)(40.87) = 1.308 kg m-8, c is 4.442 x 108m

sec-1, and λ is 7.016 x 10-8 m. The viscosity is now 2.038 χ 10-5kg
m-1sec-1; the SI unit of viscosity (not yet named) is thus ten times
larger than the cgs unit.

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