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Fundamentals of

Web Programming
Lecture 7: HTTP & CGI

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 1

Today’s Topics
• Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
• Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 2

URLs and URIs
• Used interchangeably:
– URL: Uniform Resource Locator
– URI: Uniform Resource Identifier
• URLs can use one of many
different protocols:
– ftp://…
– news://…
– http://… (our focus today: http URLs)

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 3

Anatomy of a URL
• http://host[:port][/path][?search]
• Examples:
– Host
• http://localhost
– Port
• http://localhost:80

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 4

Anatomy of a URL
• Examples
– Path
• http://localhost/new.html
– Search
• http://localhost/mirror.cgi?arg=val

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 5

• Client-Server Communication
– The Browser is the Client
– The Web Site is the Server
• Client Request: HTTP request
• Server Response: HTTP response

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 6

HTTP Communication
1. Extract Host Part of URL
2. Get IP address from DNS
3. Establish TCP/IP connection to Host

4. Send HTTP Request

GET /index.html

5. Wait for Response

Content/type: text/html
6. Render Response

Web Server
Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 7
HTTP Is Stateless
• A stateless protocol doesn’t
remember anything from one
transaction to another (all
transactions are independent)
• Workarounds:
store state information
– use cookies to store state information

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 8

CGI: Common Gateway
• Standard interface supports server
programming in a variety of ways:
– Unix shell scripts
– PERL scripts
– C, C++ programs
– Java servlets
– etc.

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 9

CGI Protocol
7. Closes Connection 1. Notice URL is a program
2. Prepare the environment
3. Launch script/program

CGI Program
4. Send Header
5. Send Content
6. Exit

Content-type: text/html

8. Display Content <html><body>

Web Server <h1>Hello!</h1>

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 10

CGI Advantages
• Allows dynamic control of “pages”
• Examples:
– counters
– customized pages (user prefs)
– interactions with state
(server ‘remembers’ data from
request to request; e.g., shopping

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 11

CGI Pitfalls
• Resource Requirements
• Resource Contention
• Where to Store Scripts?
– Stored in one directory, managed
– Stored in several directories,
distributed management

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 12

CGI Pitfalls
• Portability
– Yes: Perl, C, C++
– No: VBasic, Unix shell scripts
• Server Independence
– File paths (data)
– Program location (support functions)

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 13

CGI Methods
• GET: Information is sent directly in
the URL
• POST: Information is sent via
STDIN stream

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 14

CGI Variables
• QUERY_STRING: the data sent
• CONTENT_LENGTH: the amount of
• If you use a CGI support library
(e.g.,, this is taken care
of automatically

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 15

Standard Variables
• See list on p. 875 of the text
• Try the mirror.cgi program on the
course server

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 16

URL Encoding
• Special chars (&, +) must be
– ‘&’ = %25; ‘ ’ = %20
• CONTENT_TYPE indicates the style
of encoding
• If you use a CGI support library,
this is taken care of for you
• Example: basket.cgi with GET
Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 17
Complete Example
• Simple Shopping Basket
• See script basket.cgi on the course

Lecture 7: HTTP and CGI 18

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