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Oil and Gas Processing

Module B41OA2

Processing Schemes
Gravity Separators
Sizing Methods
Offshore Applications
Facilities Design
Processing Schemes
Provide stable environment for processing
equipment to operate

 Separate well head fluid - gas, oil, water

and solids

 Meter marketable products

 Process gas for disposal/export
 Crude stabilisation

 Dispose of non marketable products

 Treat water for injection/disposal
 Clean solids

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Processing Schemes
Crude stabalisation, export and storage
 Remove volatile gas components

 Meet pipeline export specs - for water,

gas, H2S etc

 Onshore -
 Pumping stations for pipeline delivery
 Buffer tanks

 Offshore
 Export to pipeline to land, sub-sea line to
other platforms
 Pumping facilities for pipeline delivery
 Intermediate storage and buffer tanks
 Offshore - loading to shuttle tankers

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Platform Layout: Alba - Level 1

Oil and Gas Processing

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M.Christensen, Chevron UK, IBC Tech. Conf. Nov 1991
Platform Layout: Alba - Level 2

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M.Christensen, Chevron UK, IBC Tech. Conf. Nov 1991
Platform Layout: Alba - Level 3

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M.Christensen, Chevron UK, IBC Tech. Conf. Nov 1991
Processing Facilities

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Processing Facilities

1995 Conoco installed the worlds 1st

concrete Tension Legged Platform
(TLP) in the Heidrun field in the
Norwegian sector.

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“TERN” Topside Scheme

GasLift HPGasCom
pressor IPGasCom
pressor LPGasCom



V-2131 V-2121 V-2111

V-2231 V-2221 V-2211




V-1480 V-1111

ToW ater ToW ater
Treatment Treatment De-hydrator
ToW ater




RICCARTON,EDINBURGH.EH144AS. DATE: 10thFeb1997 flaredisposal

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Processing Scheme for Chevron’s ALBA

Oil and Gas Processing

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Generalised Processing Scheme

 Compression
 Remove water

Gas Treating

Pre Treatment Primary Oil Dehydration


Choke Valve
Temperature conditioning Water
Chemical addition to Remove
 Reduce corrosion  Gas  Remove oil
 Prevent scale  Water from oil  De-gas
 Reduce emulsions  Solids  Re-injection

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Types of Separators
Separators are classified by
 Pressure rating
 Low pressure
 Intermediate pressure
 High Pressure

Types of operations
 Bulk Treaters
 Removing “free water” - Free Water Knock Out Drum
 Skim Tanks
 Gas scrubbers - for high gas to liquid ratios

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Functions of a Separator
Requirements of a “two phase” oil-gas separator
 Produce oil free gas - 10 ppm liquid in gas
 Produce gas free oil
 Maintain pressure for separation - pressure on gas outlet
 Maintain pressure inside separator - liquid level control
 Provision for water separation

Requirements for a “three phase” gas/oil/water separator

 Produce gas free oil, oil free gas
 Maintain pressure.
 Produce oil free from water - typically allow 10% by volume
 Produce water free from oil
 Maintain liquid levels for residence times
 Provide for surges in flow.

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Factors Affecting Separation
 Gas and liquid flowrates
 flowrates vary during the field life. Normally peak, minimum and average rates
used for design purposes.
 Operating Pressures and Temperatures
 affect the density and viscosity
 Slugging of feed streams
 upsets in flow causing transient increases/decreases in flowrates
 Physical properties
 compressibility
 density
 Degree of separation specified for the design
 removing 10 micron liquid drops
 Impurities
 solids, sand, waxes
 Tendency for crude to foam
 Corrosive tendencies.

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Two Phase Gas-Liquid Separation Principles

Density difference provides the least effort


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Three Phase Gas-Liquid Separation Principles
Principle is that the three fluids are left for sufficient time


The interface
between oil and water
may not be clear due
to a dispersion band

Gas bubbles rising in heavy and light liquid phase

Water droplets settling in the lighter bulk oil layer
Oil droplets rising through the heavier bulk water layer.
Coalescence of droplets within the dispersion band and with the respective bulk layers

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Separator Sections
Zones inside a horizontal 3 phase separator

1. Inlet 3. Liquid Gas Offtake

from Gas
Well Head Feed

5. Water
2. Liquid from Oil
Sand Offtake Water Offtake Oil Offtake

4. Oil from
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Description of zones
Gas Disengagement - Inlet Distributor
 Fluid changes direction, liquid forces down.
 Gas breaks free from liquid
Liquid Profile - Solids Deposition
 Liquid profile established
 Solids separate out
Gas-Oil Separation
 Liquid (oil) drops settle by gravity
 Mist eliminator removes down to 100m drops.
Oil from Water Separation
 Oil drops rise due to density difference
 Coalescence increases drop size
 Sufficient time allows for process
Water from Oil Separation
 Water drops fall to o/w interface
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Separator Types and Selection Guide
Two common configurations
 Horizontal
 Vertical
 Spherical vessels are also an alternative
Basic Criterion
 How much solid (sand) is produced:
Buildup of solid material can lead to corrosion, reduction in performance. Regular
cleaning by jet-wash system or manual removal.
 How steady the flow is
Slugging and surges cause increases in feed rates causing levels to increase.
Control system needs constant adjusting.
 How much water is produced
 Is any emulsion (dispersion) formed
Long residence time unsuited for primary separators. May need to add chemical de-
emulsifier or reduce water quality.
 Is foaming a problem

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Horizontal Separators
 Easy to mount in modular  Larger mounting area
system  Poor solids removal
 Better for foams and  Lower surge capacity

Gas Outlet
Inlet & pressure
deflector Mist control
Weir Eliminator PT

Well Gas
fluid inlet LT



Oil Outlet & level

Water Outlet &
level control
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Horizontal Separators

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Horizontal Separator Module

“Kvaerner” Separator module

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Vertical Separators

 Liquid level control not so critical

for operation

 Good for surging flows

 Work well for high GOR

applications Gas Gas
 Difficult for modular systems - Inlet Device Downcomer
transport & installation
 Tend to be larger

Oil Oil
 Access for relief and control
valves difficult
Water Distributor

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Separator Sizing - The Principles




Oil must be kept inside the vessel to allow

• Any water drops in oil pad to sink and coalesce with bulk water layer
• Any oil drops to rise and coalesce
• Any liquid drops in gas phase to fall

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Separator Sizing - The Principles

Gas Ug

Oil Oil Pad

Us Un

Water Un

Effective Length

Time for water in oil drop to settle = time to travel effective length
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Theoretical Background - Drop Settling Equation
Buoyancy : Fb

Drag force
opposing External force causing
motion : Fd motion : Fe

Resolving forces give the acceleration of the particle as :

m  Fe  Fb  Fd
If the external force is represented by some acceleration term ae say, then:
Fe  ma e
Fb   c a e
 d 
Cdup2c A p
Fd 
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Settling/Rising Velocity
Under the influence of gravity, particle acceleration is then:
du  d  c  Cdup2c A p
 g  
dt  d  2m
Solving for 0 acceleration gives :
2g(d  c )m
up 
A p  dc C d

This equation cannot be solved directly unless we have an expression for C d

Laminar Stokes Regime Cd  applies for Re<1.0
24 3
Liquid drops in gas phase Cd    0.34
Re Re
applies for 1.0<Re<1000
Cd 

1  0.14 Re 0.7 
C d  0.445 applies for 1000<Re<200,000

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Theoretical Background - Drop Settling Equation

Drag coefficient
1000000 varies with relative particle velocity – for rigid spheres, we
Drag Coefficient


10 Newton
Drag Crisis

0.0001 0.01 1 100 10000 1000000 100000000

Particle Reynolds Number

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Settling/Rising Velocity
For spherical drops of diameter d p in the laminar (Stokes) settling region,
the drop settling velocity becomes:
gdp2   d  c 
up 

For liquids, viscosity correction is used :

gdp2   d   c  2 c  3 d
up  where  
18 3  c   d 
Where subscript d= dispersed phase, c= continuous phase
If Cd is given as a function of Re, then resort to an iterative process to find U p and Cd:
• Set Cd to a value (assume Cd=24/Re)
• Calculate Up
• Calculate Re
• Calculate Cd from correlation
• Calculate Up
Repeat if required
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Gas Phase Settling Equation
To avoid issues with drag equations. for liquid drops in gas phase, maximum gas
velocity is given by :
l   g
 Souder’s-Brown Equation us  K

K is a constant depending if the separator is fitted with a mist eliminator or not:

Situation(3) K m/s
General Value 0.1000

In General
With a mist eliminator 0.12 - 0.185
Without 0.075 - 0.15
 Allowable Velocities
Knock-Out Drum Vertical <0.07 m/s
Horizontal <0.1 m/s

Demister Vertical <0.105 m/s

Horizontal <0.15 m/s

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Retention Times
Retention times give the minimum time liquid must be held in the separator.

Hold up volume
tr 
Volumetric Flowrate
Retention equations can apply to
• 2 phase vessels - hold up the oil until gas is removed or liquid is removed
from gas.
• 3 phase - separate oil from water, water from oil, liquid from gas.
Accounting for the geometry, fill depth and shape of the separator, equations using
retention time have a form similar to :

D2L eff    Qt r  o   Qt r  w 

where o,w = subscripts referring to oil and water

D = Vessel diameter
Leff = Effective length for separation
Q = Volumetric flowrate
tr = retention time
 = constant depending on vessel orientation and unit system

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Drop sizes
Estimating size of droplets of liquid-in-gas or liquid-in-liquid is difficult. Measurement
techniques are difficult to implement on-line.

Gas-Liquid Separation
In general, field experience suggests that section should be designed to remove 100m
drops. This will prevent flooding of the mist eliminator. Mist eliminators can remove 99% of
liquid-in-gas drops between 10 m to 100 m.

Special Cases
 Gas-Scrubbers (Vertical 2 phase separators used in gas compression trains), are
typically sized for 500 m drops.

 Flare or Vent Scrubbers (used to prevent slugs of liquid reaching the flare stack),
are designed to remove drops between 300 m to 500 m. Note - mist eliminators
are not used here for fear of blockage.

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Drop sizes
Liquid-Liquid Separation
Size of water drops inside production separators is difficult to predict.

 Water in Oil Drops

Experience suggests equations should be applied for 500 m water-in-oil drops.
If separator is sized for 500 m, oil from separator will contain less than 5%-10%

 Oil in Water Drops

Separation of oil drops from water is easier than water from oil due to higher oil
viscosity. Should separator be sized for water removal from oil, water from 3
phase separators can be expected to contain 2000 mg/l oil-in-water.

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Retention Times
Field and laboratory tests can determine retention times easier than measuring drop sizes.

Gas-Liquid Separation
Retention (or residence time) for most 2 phase operations is between 30 seconds and 3
minutes. For foaming crudes, residence times are increased by factor of 4.

Liquid-Liquid Separation
For both water-in-oil and oil-in-water, typical retention times vary between 3 minutes to 30
minutes. For design purposes used:
 Onshore 10 minutes
 Offshore 3-4 minutes

The longer the retention time

 The larger the vessel
 The heavier the module
 Greater the cost

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Residence Time Distribution
Perfect “plug flow” will not occur inside separators and a RTD (Residence Time
Distribution) profile will be obtained


Normalised Distribution "E" Curve

0.01 32

0.008 15




0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (sec)

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Useful Expressions & Terms
Standard Conditions
For oil use, this is 60°F, 14.7 psia (15.5°C, 1 atm) - best to confirm this is true.

Liquid density is quoted as sg (specific gravity with reference to water), or
commonly °API
141.5 141.5
sg  API   131.5
131.5  API sg

Gas specific gravity is with reference to air at standard conditions

Molar Mass of Gas
sg 
for different temperatures and pressures, use compressibility factors
 P 
Pv  ZRT  MW
 ZRT 

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Useful Expressions & Terms
Typical densities of common “crude” oils

Type of Oil s.g. API
Bitumen >1 < 10
Heavy Oil 1 to 0.93 10 to 20
Intermediate Oil 0.93 to 0.83 20 to 40
Light Oil < 0.83 > 40

Gas Flowrates
Gas volumetric flowrates are quoted at standard conditions:
ft 3
Qs mmscfd x10

Conversion to separator conditions requires the density

Q s s

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Useful Expressions & Terms
Liquid Flowrate
bpd 1 US barrel of oil = 0.15899 m3
A STB (Stock Tank Barrel) volume measure is also used - volume of liquid at
standard conditions

Producing Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR)

GOR is the volume of gas produced per unit volume of oil produced at standard
conditions. The units for GOR are scf/STB or sm3gas/sm3oil.

BS&W - Base Sediment and Water - the non oil fraction of liquid found in oil from
separation stages

Water Cut - Represents water content of well head fluid. Typically 10-20% but
can rise to 80% as production life increases.

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Area Chart
Quick method for areas of segments
Geometry of a Circle for areas of segments and sectors


1.60 Radius R


Segment Area/R2

Segment Area






0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10
Depth H / Radius R

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Other Expressions

Other features which may occur include:

Drop Size Distribution
Drop formation due to shearing is based on a critical Weber number
DV 2c N2Dl3c
We  We 
 

Which is used to predict mean drop diameters

 0.0811  4.47 We 0.6

Dispersed Phase (for liquid/liquid decanters)

Dispersed phase is a function of density
Q  l  h 
X l  
Qh  l h 

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Other Expressions

Dispersion Band Thickness

Depth of the dispersion band is a function of flow rate and interfacial area between
settling phases: n
Q 
HD  k  c 
 Al 
Qc = Continuous phase flowrate
Al = surface area for contact
n=2.5 to 7

Perforated Plate Distributors

Horizontal decanters use two close mounted perforated plates
Upstream plate - open flow area between 3-10% of separator cross-sectional area
Downstream plate - 20 to 50% “of separator cross-section”

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Other Expressions

Outlet/Inlet Pipe Velocities

For sizing inlet and outlet pipes, a momentum or velocity limit is used

u 2   1500 kg/ms 2

U  15m / s

Bend should be more than 5 pipe diameters before separator

Restrictions on velocities may be due to potential erosion problems

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Level Control Settings
Level control positions give a degree of flexibility to separator design
 Response times from control room or outside operation
 Slugging volumes
 Residence times

0.15mbelowinlet or 0.05D
LZA(HH) - High level trip
0.1mbelowLZA(HH) or
60 sec flowfor control room
5 mins for outside action Gas

LA(H) - High level pre-alarm

0.36mbelowLA(H) or
2 - 4 mins of residence time
and allowfor slugging
LA(L) - Lowlevel pre-alarm
0.1mbelowLA(L) or
60 sec flowfor control room Water
LZA(LL) - Lowlevel trip 5 mins for outside action

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Level Control Settings
Internal liquid level sensors are used to control separator – liquid level measures
hold up volume.
Usually 4 recognised level locations – d Inlet Centreline

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Level Control Settings
For vertical vessels, there are additional considerations which give the distance
from the liquid surface
D to the inlet deflector and to the mist eliminator pad.


Fluid Inlet d Inlet Device

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Separator Sizing Methods
Sizing calculations to find the physical dimensions follow the same path

 Specify the inlet velocity using a momentum limit or some maximum value.
This gives the size of the inlet pipe.
 Set the outlet velocity and hence the outlet pipe sizes
 Calculate the maximum allowable gas velocity at peak flowrates from
Souder’s Brown equation or recommended limits
 Calculate minimum area for gas flow. Actual vessel may have larger gas area
e.g. 50% full of liquid
 Calculate liquid capacity based on drop settling or residence time
 Calculate separator dimensions till size matches L/D constraints (3.5 to 5)

 Production profiles vary over field life
 Oversizing can lead to extra costs

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Sizing Methods - Horizontal 2 Phase
1. Gas Capacity - gives the maximum possible velocity for gas stream
l   g
ug  K

2. Minimum area for flow Qg

Ag 

3. Liquid Capacity - for surging allow 2x hold up volume


4. Fix gas/liquid interface - Either assume vessel is half full, or write expression for
DL in terms of slenderness ratio and liquid fill factor

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Sizing Methods - Horizontal 2 Phase

Useful Procedure is to :
• Set % area occupied by liquid - Typically 50% or even 75%. Minimum area for
gas flow is 12% of total csa
• Calculate length and diameter
• Check Slenderness ratio L/D=3.5
• Set new % area for liquid and repeat.

Note :
• Allow for control levels - e.g. High-High trip, High Alarm
• Effective length = 75% of seam-seam length

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Sizing Methods - Horizontal 3 Phase
More difficult to find since there’s several constraints. Method follows that for
2 phase, with added complication of water from oil separation.
1. Gas Capacity - Souder’s Brown equation l   g
ug  K
2. Minimum area for gas flow g

gdp2  d  c  2 c  3 d
3. Water drop settling velocity up  where  
18 3  c   d 

4. Set axial velocity of oil and water layers based on drop settling velocity
un  15up,un  0.08m / s
5. Check this should be <0.08 m/s
Redrop  1

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Sizing Methods - Horizontal 3 Phase
6. Calculate areas occupied by oil and water: Use velocities un. Assume un in
oil=un in water ( this ensures residence times in both phases is the same.
7. Set the % area occupied by gas: Base this on either calculated minimum area.
Better still, use calculated area for liquid flow since liquid is usually a constraint.
8. Find the overall diameter. Calculate total area from 7, then the diameter
9. Locate the gas/oil and oil/water interfaces using geometric considerations: Use
geometric chart or equations in Perry to match occupied area with distance from
10. Using the oil layer thickness, calculate the overall length ho  up
L eff un

11 Check the slenderness ratio: L/D range typically 3.5, maximum 6

12. Check the residence times. Typically 3 minutes, may be more depending on
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Sizing Methods - Horizontal 3 Phase (Cont)
Special Considerations
 Turbulence
Reduce settling velocity by some factor to account for turbulence
 Axial Velocity
A low settling velocity implies length to oil pad thickness is in ratio of 15:1
Who sets the 15xUp limits ?

 Slugging
Allow for increased hold up volumes - could increase size/costs
 Internals can decrease length through enhanced separation.
 Momentum limits for inlets and offtakes

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Sizing Methods Vertical 2 Phase
Calculate Gas Capacity l   g
ug  K
Souder’s Brown g

Find minimum gas/vessel area

Set liquid hold up volume from residence time
Calculate liquid depth
Set control levels. A=Qg/us
Set location of :
Inlet from mist eliminator
Inlet to liquid surface
Disengagement height after demister

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Other Sizing Methods
Methods due to Arnold (Surface Production Operations)
These appear different from others as they :
 Have built in unit conversions - e.g. Oil and gas units
 Allow for gas compressibility
 Use a 500m water in oil drop size
 Set the liquid level at 50% of vessel diameter

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Other Sizing Methods
Example: Horizontal 2 phase separator
Gas capacity equation
TZQ g g Cd
DL eff  420
P l   g dm
TZQ g g
DL eff  42 K where K Cd
P l   g

t r Ql
Liquid capacity D 2L eff 

There is therefore a trade off between the diameter and length of the separator.

Seam to seam length L ss  L eff  for gas capacity
L ss = L eff for liquid capacity

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Other Sizing Methods
Company methods - Best Practice Manuals
These are based on collective experience and should be followed by designers
employed by the company, or by contractors working for them. Advantages include
• Application of standards across company and contractors
• Regular updates ensure field experience is built into design rules.

Standards Authorities
American Petroleum Institute Standards
API Spec 12J
NORSOK - Norwegian Oil Industry Association, Federation of Norwegian Engineering

Sizing procedures can be eased through use of spreadsheets

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Sizing Methods Summary
1. Souder’s Brown – for maximum gas flow that is possible
• Drop settling velocity – for water-in-oil drop
• Residence time equations – gives the axial velocity of each phase
• Geometry – where hold up volume = length x area
• Residence time in oil phase=residence time in water phase
• Gas density from compressibility factors
• Geometry for filling levels

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Sizing Methods - Problems
Sizing methods take no account of
• Drop coalescence
• Drop breakup due to internals
• Hindered settling
• Retention times which vary between lab and full scale
• Actual velocity profile inside separator
• Effect of decreased/increased water cut on dispersion - more water may actually
help oil separation

If project allows, have the design verified by independent test

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Velocity Profiles
Ideal velocity profile is plug flow, but CFD predictions and now LDA measurements
show flow is anything but plug flow in separators without proper internals

Expected flow pattern might be :

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Velocity Profiles
Example: “Hansen et al – Gullfaks A Separator” CFD model
Predicts the velocity profile for normal and peak flows through a representation of the separator

CFD model consists of porous plates to simulate packing sections

Note – the separator is 3 phase, but the simulation is only able to work with a single liquid phase.

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Velocity Profiles
Example: “Hansen et al – Gullfaks A Separator” CFD model
Predicts the velocity profile for normal and peak flows through a representation of the separator

CFD model consists of porous plates to simulate packing sections

Note – the separator is 3 phase, but the simulation is only able to work with a single liquid phase.

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Velocity Profiles
Looking top down

Predicted circulation
Are verified in laboratory
Inlet experiment and suggest
residence time will be
longer than expected. It
also shows flow is NOT
plug flow – a deviation
from the theory used in
finding the size.

Notice relatively fast

streamline along base of

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Velocity Profiles

Clear signs of fast

Inlet streamline along base of
separator – resulting in
short circuiting –

There will be a stream

leaving the separator with
LOWER residence time
than expected.

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Velocity Profiles
Using CFD
Although CFD has matured, simulating three distinct phases is non-trivial.
Examples can be found in literature

Velocity profiles in three

phases predicted by CFD

Difficult to predict droplets

within each phase but
sufficient to give details of
flow patterns and influence
of internals

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Velocity Profiles
Using CFD
Although CFD has matured, simulating three distinct phases is non-trivial.
Examples can be found in literature

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Vessel Internals
Inlet Diverter/Momentum Breaker
This makes sure feed is directed towards one end of vessel, maximising distance
liquid can use

Basic Dished Plate or Half Pipe

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Vessel Internals
Inlet Diverter/Momentum Breaker
Proprietary designs have been developed by several operators and vendors to
improve initial separation of oil from gas and to reduce tendency for system to foam.

Natco’s Porta-Test Issues:

Distribution of flow into each cyclone
Velocity to achieve cyclonic flow
Pressure drop
Operating range

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Vessel Internals
Inlet Diverter/Momentum Breaker
Proprietary designs have been developed by several operators and vendors to
improve initial separation of oil from gas and to reduce tendency for system to foam.

Kvaerner Process Systems

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Vessel Internals
High Efficiency designs
To reduce the size of conventional separators, and to combat the tendency to
reduce foam, several vendors employ cyclonic inlet devices.

Natco Systems

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Vessel Internals
High Efficiency designs
To reduce the size of conventional separators, and to combat the tendency to
reduce foam, several vendors employ cyclonic inlet devices.

Natco Systems

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Vessel Internals
Vortex Breakers
Rate of liquid withdrawn from separator may lead to formation of a vortex

A simple plate above the outlet is used to prevent the vortex from forming
Vortex Breaker


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Vessel Internals
Vortex Breakers
Two general types – plates and gratings -

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Vessel Internals
Pipe Diameters
Flanges on the inlet and outlet “nozzles” allow pipe work to be joined to vessel.
Diameters of these pipelines and hence nozzles depend on kinetic head/pressure
drop limits.

Recommended limits are:

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Vessel Internals
Pipe Diameters
Run lengths are also recommended to ensure flow is relatively streamlined before
and after the separator.
Gas outlet nozzle
Diameter Dg
Inlet Nozzle
Diameter Di


Liquid outlet nozzle

Diameter Do


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Vessel Internals
Mist Eliminators
Small liquid droplets present in the gas stream can be carried along with the gas
stream and contaminate the gas processing system. Mechanical devices to capture
droplets are used close to gas outlet.
Droplets are removed by impingement on solid surface when liquid collects and
eventually drips off from unit.

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Vessel Internals
Vane Packs
These change the direction of the gas flow, relying on the momentum of liquid
droplets to carry drops towards solid surface. Liquid collects and is drained by
special channels, or down inside of vanes.

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Vessel Internals
Vane Packs
Some vane packs disrupt
the direction of flow

Operational issues with vane packs include:

• Flooding – too much liquid or where liquid is unable to run free from
• Deposition of solids – waxes
• Pressure drop across pack

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Vessel Internals
Fibre & Wire Mesh Pads
Similar construction but different pressure drop characteristics

Three Mechanisms of Mist Capture

Inertial Direct Brownian

Impaction Impaction Diffusion

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Vessel Internals
General comparison between mist eliminator types

Pressure drop across vane packs will depend on spacing

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Vessel Internals
Plates are usually single sheets with perforated holes or squares on triangular or
square pitch. Some double sheet systems give better performance.

Square “holes” on triangular pitch

Double plate arrangement, with larger

holes either before or after a plate
with smaller holes

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Vessel Internals
Plates are usually perpendicular to direction of flow, but can be parallel to reduce
re-circulation patterns developing

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Vessel Internals
Where foam on the liquid surface is a problem, defoaming packs can be used to
break foam down

Foam is caused by gas

bubbles trying to break
through liquid surface

Packs are similar to vane type

mist eliminators, usually
submerged 10 to 20 cm
below surface

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Alternative Separator Layouts

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Alternative Separator Layouts

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Alternative Separator Layouts

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Alternative Separator Layouts

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Alternative Separator Layouts

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Alternative Separator Layouts

Key Points

A single vessel may not be able to cope with all production conditions

Using novel internals helps to increase capacity

• Increased production rates -> lower residence times
• Heavier oil fractions -> more difficult separation.
• More difficult to access before installation

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Floating Production Systems
Floating production systems are typically used for MARGINAL field developments:
Limited recoverable reserves
Deep water
Offloading difficulties

FPSO - Floating
Production Storage and

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Motion Effects on Offshore Equipment

Typical topside unit operations

Two phase gas/liquid separators

Three phase gas/oil/water separators
Trayed Distillation Columns - fractionation
Packed Columns – de-oxygenation, acid gas removal
Condensers – tube bundle or tube and fin gas liquefaction
(Re)boilers – Gasification of LNG
Single-phase heat exchangers
Storage tanks
Pumps & Compressors
Flare systems

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Motion Effects on Offshore Equipment

Typical topside unit operations

Two phase gas/liquid separators

Three phase gas/oil/water separators
Trayed Distillation Columns - fractionation
Packed Columns – de-oxygenation, acid gas removal
Condensers – tube bundle or tube and fin gas liquefaction
(Re)boilers – Gasification of LNG
Single-phase heat exchangers
Storage tanks
Pumps & Compressors
Flare systems

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Motion Effects on Offshore Equipment

Gas/Liquid or Gas/Liquid/Liquid Separators

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Motion Effects on Offshore Equipment

Platform motion affects :

Separation Equipment Columns

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Equipment Affected by Sea Motion
Gravity Separation Systems
 Spills over weir plate
 Level control

 Distillation - uneven liquid distribution on trays, preferential gas flow on
one side of plate
 Absorption - preferential liquid flow to one side, reduction in contact
between gas & liquid
 Uneven distribution of liquid from distributor

Heat Exchangers
 Liquefaction & re-gassification - where distribution of liquid is affected by
sustained angles of tilt .

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Liquid Response to Motion
Two Effects

At non-resonant conditions
 Spirit level effects - reduce gas area through motion cycle
 Possible flow over weir plate
 Problems in level control

Towards resonance
 Oil/water interface can break-up causing mixing and further dispersions
 Large oil/water interface amplitude
 Increase in liquid velocity reducing separation
 Possible jetting of liquid through internals
 Possible spillage of water over weir plate

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Reducing Motion Effects
Resonant effects depend on natural period hence the fill depth/length
ratio. Cutting down the vessel length might help -
 Making the vessel shorter
 Inserting perforated baffles
 Using structured Packing

Moving vessel to location where amplitude of motion is reduced e.g.

center of gravity

Using a vessel with better sea keeping abilities - converted drilling rigs
and TLP’s respond to all 6 degrees of freedom. Ship based structures are
more susceptible to roll than pitch, although actual motion is more severe.

Using different designs, which respond better to motion.

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Reducing Motion Effects

Common internals with gas/oil separators include

 Vortex breakers
 Mist eliminators
 Defoaming packs
 Baffle Plates.

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Reducing Motion Effects

Recent innovations have been to use structured packing which promotes coalescence

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Reducing Motion Effects

Packing is similar to corrugated paper but allows flow through the pack while droplets of
dispersed phase have a chance to collide and coalesce.

“Performax Packing” Structured Packing

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Reducing Motion Effects

Baffle Replacements
Some operators have replaced baffled with structured packing

CONOCO’s designs for Hutton

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Sand Wash Systems

Certain fields produce solids -

sand of small particle size. This
can build up along the base of
separators and increase erosion
damage downstream.

Solids buildup reduces liquid

area, increasing bulk velocity.
Stagnant areas lead to higher

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Sand Wash Systems

Removing Options
Shut down & manual removal

Automatic removal is via jet wash

 Series of jets directed to push sand
towards central sand trough
 Jets angled to prevent excessive
erosion of sides

Jet wash system used by Conoco

(Courtesy Soc. Pet. Engineers)

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Separation theory
 Drop settling
 Retention times
 Sizing constraints

Types of equipment
 Horizontal & vertical pressure vessels
 Mist pads
 Baffles, Coalescing packing
 Vortex breakers

Operational Problems
 Foams, slugging, level control
 Velocity profiles

Use on FPSO’s
 Reducing effects of motion

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