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Shaun McGee, Gavin Walsh, Rebecca McKinney, Shane Finnerty, Lauren Casey

Architectural Design Modelling

Proposed New Subject

Teaching Methodologies Assessment

Junior Cycle Reform
For ADM we are going to use a variety of different For this subject we will have many different types of
assessment. This course includes formative assessment to
give our students as much feedback to improve their
Junior Cycle reform came about as it was felt that the old cycle was not We will be using several different types of technology projects. 
catered to the students experience in the classroom. The new cycle allows such as PowerPoint, Solidworks and Floor plans from Students will be assessed throughout classes by observation
students to express themselves creatively and focuses on the students well- planning permission sites. and questioning.
being. The reform focuses on the experiences and key skills that students can Use 3-D models to allow students to visualise the floor Firstly peer-assessment will be encouraged. Collaborative
gain from each of the subjects. plans and allow them complete this project. learning promotes essential skills such as communication,
Also students will participate in group work to get learning with others and teamwork.
Reform is introduced in education to cater for skills that students will require inspiration for their sketches and enable them to Review of all working drawings will take place and will allow
to choose a successful pathway in life after school.  develop communication skills. students to change any areas they need to before moving on
to Solidworks.
Summative assessment will take place at the end and
A new format has been introduced at junior cycle where there is a focus on students will be assessed on their portfolio and presentation
formative assessment. The reform encourages formative assessment which
allows students to critically reflect on their learning and continuously upskill
their skills. Reform is student-centred and allows students to get the best
learning experiences.

At the end of this TY short course students will have

What impacts curriculum change? gained a variety of skills and experiences.
• They will be able to visualise views and floor plans
of several different houses.
• They will be able to interpret and produce working
drawings that can be used.
Political factors– all the aspects of curriculum depend on local, state • Students will incorporate maths to their working
and national political standards. Both private and public schools rely drawings and Solidworks models.
on political body for funding and decision making for hiring, • They will also be able to use Solidworks and
construct 3-D models of floor plans.
building, equipment etc, this impacts the change of a curriculum in
different schools.
Social factors- society have their own expectations about the aims Aims of Architectural design modelling
and objectives that should be considered when changing
curriculum, this impacts curriculum change.
Economic factors- the economic status of people play an important
• Architectural design modelling is a TY short course aimed at students who Overall, we decided that this subject would be a good choice
role in curriculum change. for transition year students as it incorporates various
would like to get a taste for all that is involved in architecture. 
Technology- the advancement in technology impacts the change of • This course involves all the stages that an architect would have to go through practical and theoretical skills that are useful in the real
curriculum. Technology is forever growing and coming into schools, to design a house or building from the design to working drawings to computer world. We thought that the TY students would be a suitable
this will impact curriculum change as some school might not have aided 3-D modelling.  year group for the project as they would have alot of time to
the funds to bring technology into their schools. • Sketching and Design are to the forefront of the course and allows students carry out the research and planning required to construct
express their artistic side. the final project, without the stress of exams. ADM focuses
Environmental issues- world awareness and actions towards • Our course gives students a variety of skills and is a chance for students to try on ongoing assessment and ensuring that the students are
reversing and ending pollution continues affecting curriculum and determine whether they would like to pursue a career in any of these actively engaged in class through the range of practial
development.  areas in the future. activities. We think that the subject would appeal to

Group Members:
Contact Lauren Casey References
<your name> Shane Finnerty 1.
<your organization> 2.

Email: Shaun McGee 3.

Website: Rebecca McKinney

Phone: 087 123 4567
Gavin Walsh

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