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Here starts the Ella Lee P. Galve

Lesson 1

Nature of Inquiry
Lesson 1 – Nature of Inquiry
Inquiry and Research
● Both involve investigative work in which you seek information

Inquiry - Involves examining and
- Is looking for information experimenting in order to
mainly through asking various discover or modify existing
questions knowledge. Or identify
applications on what has been
Inquiry – Based

• Learning
Learning is obtaining knowledge about your surroundings
A learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge or
information about people, places, things, or events.
• Investigating by asking questions you are inquisitive about.
• Requires you to collect data (facts and information) about the
object of your inquiry.
• Inquiry is a problem-solving technique.
• Includes cooperative learning because any knowledge from
society can help to make the solution.
• Inquiry elevates your thinking power

itle. P5
Book T
Governing Principle
or Foundations of
2. Theory of Zone of Proximal
1. Theory of Connected Experiences for
Exploratory and Reflective Thinking

3.Theory of Constructivism or
Discovery Learning
Theory of Connected
Experiences for Exploratory and
Reflective Thinking

John Dewey (1859-1952) an

American educator and
philosopher who strongly
promoted experimental
learning by doing.

John Dewey
Theory of Zone of
Proximal Development
Lev Vygostsky (1978) is the proponent of this learning
theory that underpins social constructivism which is the
basis of Inquiry-based Learning.

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) states that

students can learn faster and more effectively if they get
help from a more learned or experienced people or from
instructional scaffolding.

Instructional Scaffolding ( front-loading vocabulary)

encourages teachers to carry out teaching strategies such
as: showing pictures, activating students’ schemata, using
graphic organizers, etc.

Lev Vygotsky
Theory of
Constructivism or
Discovery Learning Jerome Bruner (1915-2016), one
of the leading backers of this
theory that would enable the
learners to discover answers to
their inquiries through their
reliance on their schemata prior
knowledge or experience.

Jerome Bruner
Benefits of inquiry based-learning
In conclusions, you can say that IBL gives you the following advantages:
1. Elevates interpretative thinking through graphic skills
2. Improves student learning abilities
3. Widens learner’s vocabulary
4. Facilitates problem-solving acts
5. Increases social awareness and cultural knowledge
6. Encourages cooperative learning
7. Provides mastery of procedural knowledge
8. Encourages higher-order thinking strategies
9. Hastens conceptual understanding
Lesson 2

Nature of Research
Lesson 2 - Nature of Research

Research is a process of executing Research requires you to inquire or

various mental acts for discovering and investigate about your chosen research topic
examining facts and information to prove by asking questions that will make you
accuracy or truthfulness of your claims or engage yourself in top-level thinking
conclusions about the topic of your strategies of interpreting, analyzing,
research . synthesizing, criticizing, appreciating, or
creating to enable you to discover truths
about the many things you tend to wonder
about the topic of your research work
(Litchman, 2013).
Lesson 2 - Nature of Research
u ation

Central to research is your way of

Research is analogous to inquiry in that
discovering new knowledge , applying
both involve investigation of something
knowledge in various ways as well as
through questioning.
seeing relationships of ideas, events, and
Characteristics of Research
1. Accuracy. It must give factual and exact data in which should be correctly and
appropriately documented or acknowledged in the footnotes, notes, and bibliographical

2. Objectivity. It must deal with facts and not with mereopinions arising from assumptions
, generalizations, predictions, or cocnlusions.

3. Timeliness. It must work on a topic that is fresh , new, and interesting to the present

4. Relevance. Its tipic must be instrumental in imporving society or in solving problems

affecting the lives of people in a community.
Characteristics of Research
5. Clarity. It must succeed in expressing its central point or discoveries by using simple,
direct, concise, and correct language.

6. Systematic. It must take place in an organized or orderly manner.

7. Ethical. It must be geared toward what are advantageous or beneficial rather than what
are detrimental by respecting preferences on matters of confidentiality, independence.
Or freedom.
Purposes of Research
1. To learn how to work independently

2. To learn how to work scientifically or systematically

3. To have an in-depth knowledge of something

4. To elevate your mental abilities by letting you think in higher-order thinking

strategies (HOTS) of inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, appreciating, applying,
and creating.

5. To improve your reading skills

6. To be familiar with the basic tools of research and the various techniques of
gathering data and of presenting research findings.

7. To free yourself, to a certain extent, from the domination or strong influence of a

single textbook or professor’s lone viewpoint or spoon-feeding.
Types of Research
1. Based on Application of
Research Method

Pure research - deals with ideas, Applied research – deals with

principles, or abstract concepts. societal problems or issues.
This type of research may This research is conducted with
increase knowledge about a the purpose of answering a
particular subject with its nature question or solving a problem.
of discovery
Types of Research The main purpose of Descriptive
research is to explain the nature or ins
2. Based on Purpose and outs of present events or
problems in the society by collecting
data capable of casting light to such
A. Descriptive Research
societal issue or problem.
- aims at defining or giving a verbal
portrayal or picture of a person, a
Data gathering techniques for
thing, an event, a group, or a situation
descriptive research include survey of
among others.
existing records and documents.
- Centers mainly on the WHAT of the
Existing literary books, periodicals,
subject of the study that aims at
studies, and reports found in the library
exactly establishing, describing, or
are the repository or storehouse of the
naming what such person or thing is
aid references.
all about.
Types of Research
Types of Correlational Research
2. Based on Purpose
Based on changes in variable:
B. Correlational Research • Positive Correlation
- Shows relationships or • Negative Correlation
connectedness between two
factors, circumstances, or agents Based on data collection technique:
called variables that affect the • Natural Observation
research. • Survey Research
- Correlation coefficient is the • Archival Research
expression used to specify a
numerical value to represent the
strength and direction of the
relationships of variables.
Types of Research D. Exploratory Research

2. Based on Purpose - known as “Formulative Research”

C. Explanatory Research - Has the purpose of exploring a

certain topic , specifically, one that
- Also known as “Casual Research” was not given clear explanations or
results in previous studies.
- Focuses on the reasons behind the
occurrence of something and on - Aims to obtaining clearer
the present or future effects of understanding of the research
such happening. problem and formulating hypothesis
or assumptions to ensure accurate
investigation (Shields, 2013)
Types of Research
Action Research
This type of research studies an
ongoing practice of a school, an
organization, a community, or any
institution for the purpose of obtaining
results that will bring about
improvements in the system.

Several methods of Action Research

make you observe or interview
individuals or groups, take pictures of
the subjects, record field notes,
questionnaire, videotape record, etc.
(Coghan &Brannneick, 2014)
Types of Research
Qualitative Research requires non-
3. Based on Types of numerical data. The research uses
Data Needed content that highlights the human

- The kind of data that you Quantitative Research involves

want to work on reflects measurements of data that
whether you wish to do a presents research findings in
quantitative or qualitative reference to numerical forms, i.e.
research. percentages, fractions, and
Approaches to Research
1. Scientific or Positive approach – discover and measure information as
well as observe and control variables in an impersonal manner.

2. Naturalistic Approach – uses words to express data. Non-numerical

data that express truths about the way people perceive or understand
the world. Happens in natural setting.

3. Triangulation approach – you are free to gather and analyze data

using multiple methods, allowing you to combine or mix up research
approaches, research types, data gathering, and data gathering
techniques. This gives you the opportunity to view every angle of the
research from different perspectives (badke, 2012; Silverman, 2013)

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