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Telephone communication, or telecommunication, refers to
the practice of communication over a telephone. Although
other forms of communication are also possible over the same
transmission lines, voice communication is the most common.
Telephone communication was first made possible in 1876 by Alexander
Graham Bell, and it was subsequently improved upon by many others. The
typical components that make voice telecommunication possible are a
microphone for capturing the person's voice, a speaker to reproduce the other
person's voice, a dial pad to initiate a call, and a ringer to announce an
incoming call.
Telephones and telephone calls were initially too expensive for the majority of
households. As a result, only businesses and the very wealthy had access to
them. Telephone communication revolutionized the way businesses performed
work. It was no longer necessary for long-distance communication to occur
over days or weeks because a phone call could be made in an instant.
Since 1876, many advances have built upon the capability that was initially
introduced with the first telephone. Telephone lines have also changed greatly to
handle the consistently increasing variety and amount of communication traversing
them. Telephones, which were originally only capable of voice communication,
perform such a variety of functions that entire guidebooks have been written on
how to make full use of them.
Telephone communication is one of the most important forms of communication
within the company. Although today its use is being replaced by other forms of
communication (such as email), phone use is one of the most common means by
which to materialize both internal and external communications.
Telephone communication is advantageous because it allows
for immediate personal response, is interactive, facilitates
long distance communication and can be used to convey
confidential information. Telephone communication also
promotes businesses through telemarketing and market
Interactive Communication Telephone communication can link various
people in an organization through audio conferencing sessions. Such
conference calls can be used in conjunction with video conferencing to
view presentations, ask questions over the Internet or even discuss issues
with other attendees. This eliminates the need for travel, making them
both cost-effective and time-saving.
Long-Distance Communication Compared to letters, telephone
communication is effective across long distances. It allows for
immediate responses and clarification of information. In addition,
telephone communication over long distances is less expensive
compared to physical travel.
Effective Personalized Communication As opposed to emails and text
messages, which are simply words open to interpretation by the receiver,
telephone conversations provide a personal touch and allows for
expression of emotions through tone of voice. In addition, telephones
enable callers to leave detailed and clear messages with ease.
Furthermore, telephones are effective in times of emergencies and
natural disasters. In this regard, individuals are able to give the police
and other stakeholders a clear personalized description of what may be
going on.
Confidential Some communications, including those involving
sensitive or personal information, are best handled through
personalized phone calls. Such two-way communication eliminates
misinterpretation of information. In addition, text messages and emails
become legal documents and can be retrieved as evidence even after
Moreover, telephone conversations ensure that the message is
delivered only to the intended person. This is because the person
delivering the message is certain that the receiver is the intended
person. On the other hand, messages through emails and texts may be
accessed by unintended persons.
Safe Although driving and making phone calls at the same time is
dangerous, the introduction of Bluetooth technology makes doing
so much safer. However, texting or emailing while driving is not
only illegal in some states, but also it's a leading cause of vehicle
Aid to Businesses Businesses may use telephone calls to market new products and
reach out to new markets. This personalized marketing strategy enables the business to
receive firsthand information regarding the products and the market in general. Hence,
such feedback points out areas that may need improvement, which is essential in
business policymaking.
Telephones are an integral part of the service industries such as hotels, restaurants and
food deliveries. This is because telephones enable potential customers to call in to
make reservations or order meals. In this regard, telephones are an important link
between such businesses and their target markets.
Moreover, some companies, such as those dealing with electronics, may set up call
centers to assist customers who face challenges with their products. This not only
boosts customer confidence, but also it eliminates the need for travel to specialized
Flexible and Relatively Affordable Current mobile phones
have Internet access, which enhances communication through
several platforms, such as emails, video calls and social
networks. In this regard, Internet access through mobile
telephones results in communication efficiency, flexibility and
An intercom (intercommunication device), talkback or door phone is a stand-
alone voice communications system for use within a building or small collection of
buildings. Its a two-way communication electronic device that contains circuitry
for the purpose of transmitting and receiving audio and/or video transmissions.

Intercom allows a person speaking into a microphone to be heard on a speaker by

people in a different room or area.
Intercom solutions have long outgrown the image of the single-line, single-button
door buzzer panel. In a wide range of communication and building management
settings, intercom is emerging as the future central hub technology that brings
together audio and video communication.
Intercoms come in a variety of styles. Some are extremely easy to
use while others can be very complicated. There are audio
intercoms, video intercoms, integratable and multi-tenant

Intercom devices are available in various styles and designs. Some

of the designs are simple while others are not. Leaving aside the
various designs features, there are intercom devices specially
designed for specific functionalities.

Wireless Intercoms
In applications where wires cannot be run, a wireless system is used.

Wired Intercom Systems

A wired system can give you a little more privacy and eliminate possible
interference from neighboring systems.

Video Intercom
Typically includes a unit that has a camera, speaker, and a push button going
to an entrance door, and an internal monitor unit that can communicate with
the entrance unit.
Apartment Intercoms
A visitor presses the correct button for the apartment they want to speak
to, and the tenant can speak back and then press a button to unlock the
Two-Way Radios
There are two-way radios that communicate with base station
intercoms. So you can have the flexibility of a mobile radio that
communicates over long distances mixed with the capability a fixed
intercom gives you.
Security intercom systems

Security intercom systems are used to provide voice communications

between two or more locations for security purposes. Security intercom
systems are frequently used between a locked building entrance door and a
constantly attended location in the building.
A simple security intercom system consists of one “Master Station” and
one “Sub-Station”. The Master Station is typically located at the point
inside the building where communications is to be received. The Sub-
Station is typically located at the point where the communication is to be
What is a Cable System?

 CATV originally meant “community antenna television.” This form of

transmission shared TV signals.
 Cable systems were originally built to extend the reach of TV signals and
improve over-the-air TV reception.
 Modern cable systems use fiber and coaxial cable for signal transmission.
Cable Technology Terms

 Broadband
 Coaxial cable
 Tap
 Amplifier
 Downstream
 Upstream
Cable System Components
Cable System Benefits
 Cable is cost-effective because “broadcast” architecture is cascaded to
 Cable supports different services:
Analog video
Digital video
 Inexpensive high-speed Internet access enables the application of
advanced SOHO and teleworker deployments.
 Modern cable systems provide two-way communication between
subscribers and the cable operator. Cable operators now offer
customers advanced telecommunications services including high-
speed Internet access, digital cable television, and residential
telephone service.
 Cable systems support telephony and data services and analog and
digital video services.
of communication. Using sound and lighting equipment
improves communication by heightening the awareness of your
audience's sight and hearing.
AV makes it easier for your audience to psychologically access and
remember information once they have left the event.
Audiovisual (AV) is electronic media possessing both a sound and
a visual component, such as slide-tape presentations, films, television programs,
corporate conferencing, church services, and live theater productions.
Audiovisual service providers frequently offer web streaming, video conferencing,
and live broadcast services.
Computer-based audiovisual equipment is often used in education, with many
schools and universities installing projection equipment and using interactive
whiteboard technology.
Another audiovisual expression is the visual presentation of sound .
Technological advancements have shifted the way we conduct business and how
we communicate with our staff and customers. Through the Internet and social
media, the world has become a much smaller place, with the capability of
interacting with anyone from anywhere in the world, at any time we choose.
As a result, the way we work has changed. No longer are we tied down to our
desks, as it’s becoming more frequent for employees to choose to work remotely.
To accommodate this shift, employers are adapting and finding new ways through
technology. Using mobile devices, adopting audio and video conferencing and
other systems, businesses are able to adjust to maintain effective communication.
So, why is it so important for businesses to
embrace these changes? Let’s take a look at the
benefits of using audio and video conferencing in
Reduces travel expenses – It was not that long ago when all
business meetings happened face-to-face, which involved travel,
time and expense. However, through audio and video
conferencing a company can save a lot of time and money.
Increases productivity – Audio and video
conferencing can be conducted at any time, so you
don’t have to waste additional time organizing the
meeting like you did before. You can easily start an
audio and video call through your PC, mobile or other
device simply, increasing efficiency and productivity.
It’s effective communication – Not only can you hear
people’s voices, through video conferencing you can also see
the people you are talking to, see their expressions, body
language and instant responses. It’s much more effective than
traditional email.
Builds good relationships with your clients – If your
client has a technical problem, a video call can offer a
quick and simple way to resolve the situation. Not only can
they explain what the issue is, they can actually show you,
and you can then guide them through how to solve it
quickly and efficiently.
Keep connected to your employees – If you have
employees working from home or out on the road
through audio and video conferencing you can keep in
contact with them at all times. It’s an extremely
convenient way to stay in touch.
Improves teamwork – If you have large teams or
members of staff at different locations, video conferencing
will help to unite them. Employees can share information
and collaborate to make better informed decision, which
will lead to better working relationships internally.
There are numerous audio conferencing systems out there;
Skype, Windows, FaceTime and Messenger, to name a few.
All of which will offer you effective means of
communication with your colleagues and customers.
For video conferencing, there are a variety of systems that
will meet your business requirements. 
The use of video communication has grown exponentially
over the past decade, especially in the business sector. Many
companies are using this form of technology to connect
employees working in different locations all over the world.
That inspires cross collaboration among company workers,
which leads to better performance and improved growth. A
business can also use video communication to establish a
real-time connection with clients, suppliers and partners. It's
basically something that any business, regardless of its size,
should adopt.
Different Types of Video
1. Video Calling
Video calling refers to a service where two or more people
can communicate through video using their phone or PC.
Those interacting via this type of call can basically see and
hear one another while conversing. Video calling assumes
three main forms namely: on-landline network, mobile, and
-On-Landline Network: This mode of video communication can
happen between two PC’s using the same internet platform or
between PC and landline number. PC to PC communication
service is available for free for users of services like Skype and
Facebook Messenger. Video calling service is only charged when
one uses a PC to place a video call to a mobile or landline number.
The charges raised by telecom operators are usually for
interconnecting to their network. Hence the users of the network
have to be billed for the time they are on call.
Mobile Network: Video calling is not only limited to computers
and landline phones. Today, people can make video calls using
3G and 4G mobile phones. 3G phones use a protocol referred to
as H324M, which adopts the Circuit Switched Mode to function.
Most 4G mobile devices utilize Packet Switched Mode protocol,
which does not limit bandwidth. That makes the video quality of
the latter to be of higher quality compared to the former. Most 3G
and 4G handsets actually have features that support video calls to
any contacts in the phone.
-Internet: Making a video over the internet using this option can
either use Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or H323 protocol.
Communication is purely established on the internet. Different
hardware and software can be used to connect communicators
via a VoIP service. Mobile phone users can also utilize
video call apps to interact with friends, family or workmates.
Some of the popular mobile apps used to make video calls
include FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, WhatsAp and
2. Video Conferencing
Video conferencing is a form of communication where two or more
people can share a live, visual connection from different locations. Every
meeting participant can view other people on a grid with multiple screens
simultaneously. Video conferencing is mostly used in business and
education sectors to share information with people from multiple
locations. But how does this technology work? It's pretty simple. A video
stream from each participant is first transmitted to a 
Multipoint Control Unit (MCU). At the MCU, several streams are
selected, combined and sent to all participants as a single audio and video
stream. That means all meeting attendees can get live video feeds as if they
were interacting with the other participants in the real world.
3. Telepresence
Telepresence is an advanced form of video conferencing
that allows for real-life simulation, where participants of
a meeting feel as if they were physically talking with one
another. Participants can establish eye contact and
interact on a personal level. For telepresence to work
successfully, users need specially designed cameras and
LCD screens. Seating arrangements must also be unique
i.e. curved seating where people from both ends of the
conference can see each other directly. Sound and visual
are transmitted in clear HD format, which makes a
meeting sound more lifelike. Telepresence is mostly used
by companies to hold corporate meetings with employees
or link with clients, suppliers and partners from all over
the world.
4. Video Sharing
Most video conferencing technologies offer users the option
of sharing videos during presentations. With this feature,
meeting participants can be able to view what the presenter
has shared in real-time. That’s made possible with the packet
data connection which works in line with the voice call.
Sharing of videos on this platform is instant and all meeting
attendees can see the video files simultaneously.
 A public address system (PA system) is an electronic sound
amplification and distribution system with a microphone,
amplifier and loudspeaker.
 The intensity of sound decrease with the distance to receive
good intensity of sound for comfortable listening.
 The system fulfils this function is called public address
 Or simply PA system.
 First electronics public address system from about1920 ,used to
amplify a speaker’s voice when addressing crowd.
 It consisted of a microphone attached vacuum tube amplifier
increase the power gain which drove loudspeaker.
It is a electrical transducer it pick up sound wave and converts into the
electrical variations called audio signal.
•Mixer :
The output of the microphone is fed into the mixer stage. the mixer stage is to
effectively isolate different channels from each other before feeding into the
main amplifier.
•Voltage amplifier :
It further amplifies the output of the mixer.
Driver amplifier :
It is gives voltage amplification to the signal to such an extent that
when fed to the next stage the internal resistance of that stage is
reduced .

•Power amplifier :
it is gives desired power amplification to the signal. it is push-pull
type of circuit in general. the power amplifier connected to the

It converts electrical audio signal into pressure variation resulting in
Requirements of a public address system:

The following precautions should be taken while installing a PA system:

Acoustic Feedback:
Sounds from the loudspeaker should not reach the microphone, as a
acoustic feedback will result in a loud howling sound.
Distribution of sound intensity :
Loudness of the sound is contained in low notes and the intelligibility
in high notes. As high notes suffer grater attenuation with distance than
the low note intelligibility suffers at further distance.
Reverberation :
 In a reverberation medium the intelligibility is poor. The Pa system should throw
additional power in those areas where the direct gets submerged in the echoes.
• Dynamic Range Limitation:
 The amplifier of a good PA system is equipped with a level limiter which keeps
the output level constant when the input level exceeds a certain predetermined
• Matching :
 Matching of the loudspeaker impedance with the output impedance of the
amplifier is necessary for maximum transfer of energy from amplifier to
• Grounding :
 Chassis and shields of equipments and coaxial cables should be properly earthed
through water pipes.
Typical PA Installation Planning:

Installation of a PA system need carefully thought and logical planning.

Planning for the following typical situation :

I. Public meeting
II. Auditorium having large capacity
III. Debating chamber
IV. Football stadium
V. College sports
Application of PA system :

• Used in
 Sports meets
 Public meeting
 Auditoriums
 Concerts & functions
 Railway station
 Airports
 Hospitals
 Factories etc..

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