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Objective and Planning

Aiming to be a forum for synergizing elements of government, academia, industry,

and society in sharing, learning and collaborating to support the effectiveness of
the implementation of programs and policies issued by the Ministry in the context
of accelerating educational transformation, especially digital education which has
become a necessity in facing disruption the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and
the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Digital Education Transformation Acceleration Webinar held in collaboration

between the Directorate General of Higher Education and PT Huawei Indonesia is
a form of synergy between the government and industry in order to support the
creation of competent, intelligent and ready Indonesian people to face global
- Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D as Director General of Higher Education

The current condition is that universities are no longer able to stay silent to prepare human resources in the future but must join hands with industry partners. The
opposite is also true, currently industrial partners are working together to jointly prepare superior humans in the future. The Covid-19 pandemic has taken us on a
forced but very disruptive leap that we really hope for, namely switching to online learning by utilizing digital technology. Since 2000, the Ministry of Education and
Culture has been trying to realize the transformation of digital education, but the journey is taking place slowly due to the lack of awareness of the importance of
using digital technology in the curriculum. The presence of digital education transformation can complement and strengthen face-to-face learning.

The existence of digital technology today and many emerging generations with digital talent, digital literacy is a necessity for higher education people. Indonesia
has the potential to produce talent in the technology sector. It is hoped that these talents can give birth to new unicorns and contribute to strengthening the
Indonesian economy in realizing the Asian century. The Directorate General of Higher Education appreciates Huawei Indonesia for its commitment and real and
sustainable contribution in supporting the transformation of digital education. Huawei Indonesia provides Cloud Meeting E-Learning, a cloud-based platform and
WPS Office Software License for 500 Indonesian universities. It is hoped that this cooperative relationship with Huawei can continue in realizing the acceleration of
digital education transformation, and can benefit all parties.

- Jason Zhang as President of Huawei Indonesia Cloud & AI Business Group

President of Huawei Indonesia Cloud & AI Business Group, Jason Zhang expressed his appreciation to the Directorate General of Higher Education for the
collaboration carried out in jointly realizing accelerated education. Understanding the importance of education as a foundation for future progress, collaborating
with the government, academia and the community, we (Huawei) will continue to transfer knowledge and technology as a manifestation of our ongoing
commitment to Indonesia. Thank you for the continued collaboration with the Directorate General of Higher Education. This cooperation is in line with Huawei
Indonesia's commitment to continue providing the best for the progress of this nation and country.
Activity Description
This webinar will be held online at:
Day, date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 09.00 - 11.30 WIB
Media: Zoom Meeting Platform

This webinar will be held with a panel session which will be filled by the
Directorate General of Higher Education, Huawei Indonesia, Practitioners, Huawei
Partners, the APTIKOM Association. This activity will also be filled with a ceremony
of giving a 1000 acount cloud e-learning platform grant to 500 universities in
Indonesia through the Directorate General of Higher Education to support
teaching and learning activities online.
This webinar was attended by Higher Education Leaders, Educators,
Education Staff, and Students with a total of over 1,600 Participants.
Main Report
The webinar was opened with remarks and was followed by a speech by the Director General of Higher Education and the President of Huawei Indonesia Cloud & AI Business Group.
After the speech was delivered, the ceremony was given to the handover of a grant of 1000 Huawei cloud e-learning service platform and WPS Office Software License to 500 universities
in Indonesia as well as a group photo session.
After a series of grant handover ceremonies, there is a web seminar session filled with expert practitioners, including:
1. Ivan Raditya Tanumiharja (Marketing & IP Product Manager, Huawei) with the theme Pandemic Accelerating Education Transformation
2. Uwes Anis Chaeruman (Advisor to the Indonesian Education Technology Association) with the theme How to Accelerate Digital Education Transformation
3. Adi Nur Cahyono (Semarang State University Lecturer) with the theme of the Acceleration of Digital Education Transformation at the University of Semarang
4. Richardus Eko Indrajit (Advisor of the APTIKOM Association) with the theme of the dependence of accelerated educational transformation on the speed and ability to change
After the material session, then enter the question and answer session that has been submitted on the question link. The best questions are selected including:
1. Nur Alamsyah - What is the guarantee of the confidentiality and possible leakage or integrity of data at Huawei?
 Ivan - Many of the prospective users think that using the cloud is not safe and we at Huawei ourselves guarantee that private data belongs to their respective users. Huawei has also
followed the GDPR rules which are the protection of personal data. Huawei is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of such data and confidential data belonging to users.
2. Rochmawati - Link and Match curriculum which is the basis for supporting higher education development system?
 Adi Nur - This MBKM program does have a link and match as well as the role of technology. The campus world must also collaborate with each other both with education and industry
 Uwes - It is like a deserted satay seller who is then told to try joining an online food delivery service to help them both in terms of marketing and being closer to the buyers to increase
sales. Such is the analogy of link and match in our education, we must have the courage to adapt to new things, especially the digital world.
 Eko - Industry partners must attend the students as early as possible. For example, if a company hires a consultant, then maybe there will only be one solution, but if the industry
comes to campus with a case and is made in an activity, a seminar for example, then the solution will be found even 5 or more
3. The human resource transformation process that must involve the community and industry, how is the possibility of opening the industry as a place of learning?
 Eko - I often insinuate that lecturers in Indonesia are link and match to the industrial world, students who do not link and match. So it remains how the lecturer invites students to join
the train. Lecturers must be able to be a bridge for their students to the industrial world.
4. What are the complaints and frustrations of older teachers regarding online learning?
 Uwes - currently there needs to be a tandom for lecturers, so that lecturers who may be of age can be paired with lecturers who are still adept at adapting.

After completing the questioning session and entering, the time awaited was the distribution of prizes for the best 4 questions, namely Rohmawati (Malang University), Tri (STIMIK
Dharma Wacana), Nur Alamsyah, and Alda Adhistia (Diponogoro University).
Media Report
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• Youtube : Ditjen Dikti
• E-Magz Google Play : G-Magz

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