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The negative side of Media

Yellow Journalism
• We all know what is journalism.
The fundamental aim of
journalism is reporting news and
to make people aware and to
keep them well informed about
their surroundings and real world.
But there are always two sides of
a coin or we can say everything
holds something good or bad. So
the second side of journalism is
The negative side of Media
• Yellow journalism is the negative
side of journalism.
• Journalism that exploits, distorts, or
exaggerates the news to create
sensations and attract readers.
• In a more simple language we can say
yellow journalism is nothing but
creating hype or making masala news
to attract readers and viewers in
order to increase the TRP and to get
more publicity.
Bad Impact of Journalism
• Sometimes yellow journalism has a
very bad impact.
• We can see yellow journalism
through various examples.
• We all know about the incident of
terrorism attack on Taj hotel,
Mumbai on 27 November 2008.what
media was doing in this case media
was continuously covering the whole
incident and showing that news
which should not be disclosed, just to
increase their TRP ratings .
Lost of Our Soldiers
• In Mumbai attacks media was continuously
covering the whole incident and showing that
news which should not be disclosed, just to
increase their TRP ratings but because of this
news our secret news is being transferred to the
terrorist sitting at Pakistan and resulted in heavy
loss of our police man and army people because
due to the continue telecast of the news even
terrorist were able to trace our soldiers.
Show about personal life
• We daily open television
to watch news which is
essential for our growth
and development but
now a day we often see
media is more interested
in the news related to
the celebrities, their
affairs and their break
Attributes of the product at
hand. Because of the constant
media saturation that most
people experience daily, they
eventually become numb to the
standard marketing techniques.
The challenge of the marketer is
to find a hook that will hold the
consumer‟s attention. The hooks
that can hold the consumer‟s
attention are the celebrities.

 Television is something which is watched
all over India by the people of all class
whether the people belong to lower class or
middle class or upper class, all of them
watch television to entertain themselves. In
India, celebrity power can rightly be
assessed by their successful endorsements.
 Here, celebrities like film stars and
cricketers have not only been successful in
gathering huge public attention, but also in
increasing sales volume. For example,
Cadbury used Amitabh Bachchan to
promote the brand when it went through a
bad phase in India.
Soon the ad recreated people‟s love for the
brand and increased Cadbury‟s sale. (Joshi and
Ahluwalia, 2008; Matrade Chennai, 2005).
Aamir Khan is used by Titan to communicate
the message that Titan watches are as
trustworthy as the actor is for his films. This
celebrity endorsement has also been quite
effective in influencing consumers buying
Similarly, various endorsements by Sharukh
Khan, Sachin Tendulkar and others have been
found to be successful in affecting
consumers‟ buying decision.
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 The best way to avoid the effect of yellow
journalism is to check facts with several
sources, and don't get all of your news from
one place. Consider where the news is
coming from, and any biases the source may
have. By getting news from more than one
venue, it is possible to see yellow journalism
for what it is, and keep an open, and
unbiased, mind when searching for the facts.
Thank You

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