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HeadSpace Instructions:

How to begin Meditating

Karolina Camarillo • 04.21.2021

Sometimes it can be difficult
to find a place to begin when
it comes to trying something
new, but this “how to
instructions” paper on
meditation while using
headspace can help you find the
perfect way to balance your

Introduction meditation and learn how to do

so. Headspace is here to help
you relieve stress and help you
gain mindfulness,it teaches you
how to live a stress free life
and is here to always remind
you that you are never alone!
What you will need
● Cellular device or

● Headspace App
Before you begin several
tips will be give to you as a
helpful guide for those
who may not have a lot of
experience with

If after the introduction video of meditation you still do not

understand how to work the videos it is completely okay headspace
provides FAQs to help you better through the process.
Once you have finished
the introduction Once you have chosen the
video the best with you it will give
videos you can begin you the option after the video to
to choose which save the video in case you want to
try it again or if you’d like to
category fits you best share it to maybe help out a fellow

1 2 3 4

You will be able

to choose from a After this you are more
variety starting than welcome to try a different
video or keep searching on
from beginner to headspace for different things it

intermediate provide .
How to choose.

Headspace has a variety of meditations to choose from this

meaning that if you’re stressed about work, or school, even financial
issues there is a specific meditation that can help you with all that
specific stress. Headspace was specifically created for college
students because this company understood all the stress that came
along with being a college student who pretty much multitask for the
next four years so it is very understanding when it comes to
meditation on what will work best for college students.
1. HeadSpace is not created
to work from one day to the
other it takes time and constant

Things to 2. Consistency is key so doing it

for 3 or 4 days and then not
remember doing it for a whole week will
not change anything so be sure
to always stay consistent.

3. HeadSpace is not for

everyone and that is ok.
Be careful when:
When trying HeadSpace for the first time
be sure not to rush into the meditation parts
some parts to become difficult so when
beginners do an intermediate class they do tend
to get overwhelmed with the difference in
beginners and intermediate be patient and take
time with each and every video even if that
means starting out a beginners level
You are now a step closer to a clear and stress-free mindful life. This app
helps you better monitor your mental health and is a reminder that you are
never alone. It is here for you and your mental health so take a deep breath sit
down and enjoy the stress free app.

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