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Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord

with all your
heart; do not
depend on your
Seeks his will in
all you do, and he
will show you
The Good
Reported by: Mary Nicole
Emilio Villarin
■Examine what is meant by the
good life.
■ Identify how humans attempt to
attain what is deemed to have a
good life, and
■Recognize possibilities available
to human beings to attain good
• In Ancient Greece, long before
the word "science" has been
coined, the need to
understand the world and
reality was bound with the
need to understand self and
the good life.
What is meant by good life?
■ living in comfort and luxury with few
problems or worries.
■ refers to a (desirable) state that is
primarily characterized by a high
standard of living or the adherence to
ethical and moral laws.
■Others believe that the good life is all
about pleasure, wealth and the fulfillment
of all their (material) wishes.
◆Born 384 BCE in Greece.
◆Died 322 Chalcis, Euboea.
◆Founder of Lyceum
◆One of the greatest intellectual figures
of Western history.
◆ First thinker who dabbled into the
complex problematization of the end of
goal in life: Happiness
The Good life according to ancient thinking
• It was aristotle definitive distinction
between the theoretical and practical
Theoretical Disciplines
• "truth" is the aim (logic,biology,
physics,among others.)
Practical Disciplines
• "good" is the end of goal (ethics and
✔Greek word:
Eu means "Good"
Daimon meaning "Spirit"
✔ the pursuit of happiness.
✔ Living well and doing well.
• Born 428/427 BCE in Athens
• Ancient Greek Philosopher,
Student of Socrates and Teacher of
• Founder of Academy
• Best known as the author of
philosophical works of unparalleled
Plato and Aristotle Views
on Reality
• We could not find reality in the
material world because material
objects were not perfect.
• If something was changing, it
meant it was trying to reach its aim
and that meant it was imperfect.
• What we found in the material
world was not what was real but its
perfect idealized perception.
• Claims that despite the reality
change, things remain and they
retain their ultimate "whatness"
• Convinced that reality is full of
these seemingly contrasting
manifestation of change and
• world was the real world but when it
came to the understanding of this
world, he did not include the view of
his teacher.
• All material things were flawed
depictions of those ideal unchanging
forms which were taken out from the
beautiful world of forms and were
filled into the living things.
• Extend the analysis from the
external world into the province
of the human person and declares
that even human being are
potentialities who aspire for their
Happiness as the goal as the
good life
• The Greatest Happiness Principle
holds that the more pleasure and
the least pain an action causes, the
better it is morally. We should
seek to perform those actions and
adopt those policies that lead to
the greatest happiness.
Schools of thoughts which aims for the
good and happy life
• It states that everything in the
universe is matter, without any true
spiritual or intellectual existence.
• refer to a doctrine that material
success and progress are the highest
value in life.
• Matter is what makes us attain
Democritus and leucippus
First materialist were the atomist in
ancient greece. It is led a school
whose primary belief is that the
world is made up of and is controlled
by the tiny invisible units in the
world called atomos or seeds.
• The Part of hedonists is see the
end goal of life in acquiring
• The mantra of this school of
thought is the famous"Eat, Drink
and be merry for tomorrow we
die" led by epicurus.
• Another school of thought led by
• Stoics exposed idea that to
generate happiness ,,one must
learned to distance oneself and be
• Apatheia means to be indifferent.
• The ultimate basis of happiness
for theist is the communion with
• The view that all limited or
infinite things are dependent in
some way on one supreme or
ultimate reality of which one may
also speak in personal terms.
• Perspective that affirms notion pf
human freedom and progress.
• Espouses the freedom of man to
carve his own destiny and to
legislate his own law, free from
the shackles of a God that
monitors and controls.
Thank you!😍

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