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• Dynamics and vocal embellishments were used to further affect the way singers sing. Some musical terms are
used like:
• Acapella - one or more singers performing without instrumental accompaniment.
• Cantabile - In a singing style
• Capo - Head, the beginning
• Coda - closing section appended to a movement or song.
• Dolce - sweetly
• Falsetto - a weaker and more airy voice usually in the higher pitch ranges.
• Glissando - sliding quickly between 2 notes/
• Passagio - parts of a singing voice where register transitions occur.
• Rubato - slight speeding up or slowing down of the tempo of a piece at the discretion of the soloist.
• Tessitura - the most comfortable singing range of a singer.
• Vibrato - rapidly repeated slight pitch variation during a sustained note, to give a richer & more varied sound.
Training to sing for opera usually requires a long process of voice lessons or study. It also requires a lengthy
time of practice for you to master your voice.
For many singers, the long process of studying also means starting early in life. The list below shows you the
different aspects that you need to learn as you train for opera.
Sound/ Tone Color:
• For opera, the performance is about the quality of sound that the singer makes. Singing opera requires you to
sing long phrases and to sing loud enough to be heard over an orchestra in large halls.
“Bel Canto” technique:
• When singing opera, the focus of the performance is on the singing technique. Opera technique is called bel
canto, which literally means beautiful singing. This is done by singing with your mouth and throat wide open
and used with the proper breath support to project the voice through the entire hall.
• Endurance for long operas is an issue for singers. You have to practice a lot so that you can sing well for the
entire length of the opera, which can be two to four hours.
• Opera singers often sing in Italian, French, German, or Russian. You don‟t have to be fluent in
all these languages, but you want to be familiar enough with them that you can easily sing and
sound like you are fluent in these languages.
Your class will conduct exhibit and showcase the different costumes, composers, compositions of
the Romantic period. This will be attended by your schoolmates in other year level and sections
who has MUSIC subject. It aims to accept, share and build knowledge of the romantic period. As
a youth studying different music you are task to make an advocacy related to accepting and
knowing other music from the different periods. This will be undertaken by the following criteria;
the content, proficiency and attainability, and usefulness and reliability.

Goal It aims to accept, share and build knowledge of the romantic

Role As a youth studying different music you are task to make an
advocacy related to accepting and knowing other music from
the different periods. Make a video
Audience Schoolmates in other year level and sections who has MUSIC of your
subject. advocacy
Situation Your class will conduct exhibit and showcase the different following the
costumes, composers, compositions of the Romantic period.
Product Make an advocacy related to accepting and knowing other
music from the different periods. FORM
Standards The content, proficiency and attainability, and usefulness and
Famous Filipino Playwrights
1. Francisco Balagtas y de la Cruz was born on April 2, 1788 in Panginay, Bigaa,
Bulacan and died on February 20, 1862 of pneumonia. He was also known as Francisco
Baltazar. His best known work is the Florante at Laura.
Francisco Balagtas was the youngest of the four children of Juan Balagtas, a
blacksmith, and Juana de la Cruz. He studied in a parochial school in Bigaa and later in
Manila. During his childhood years. Francisco worked as houseboy in Tondo, Manila.
Balagtas is so greatly revered in the Philippines that the term for Filipino debate in
extemporaneous verse is named after him: Balagtasan and one of the greatest literary
awards in the Philippines is also named after him.
• His masterpiece – Florante at Laura is said to be inspired by the story of his life and
lost love. In 1935, he met Maria Asuncion Rivera (whom he called M.A.R.) in Manila.
She became the muse in most of his works. His love was rivaled by Mariano Capule,
who used his influence and wealth to land Balagtas in prison.
Developing His Craft
• Francisco Baltazar became a very well-known and highly regarded poet not only because he had a gift for words but also
because he associated with individuals who helped him hone his craft.
Two people that would influence Baltazar’s development as a poet were:
• Dr. Mariano Pilapil who helped Baltazar develop his writing style.
• José de la Cruz, one of the most famous poets from the Tondo district of Manila, challenged Baltazar to always produce
quality work.
2. Severino R. Reyes
(A playwright)
• "Father of the Tagalog Zarzuela"
• The son of Rufino Reyes and Andrea Rivera, Reyes was born in Sta. Cruz,
• A Filipino writer, dramatist, and playwright, Reyes was highly acclaimed
as one of the giants of Tagalog literature
• In 1902, Reyes founded and directed the Grand Compania de Zarzuela Tagala.
• On June 14, 1902, the company staged his play Walang Sugat (No Wounds), a set against the historical events in Bulacan
during the Philippine revolution.
Reyes is also recognized for pioneering the Tagalog literary renascence during his time, for his role in the founding of
Liwayway magazine in 1922. ... Lola Basyang became a generic name in Philippine society depicting an old
grandmother who loves telling stories to her grandkids.

3. Dr. Ricardo G. Abad (A Director)

• Born in Manila on August 10, 1946 of parents from Cavite and Camiguin.
• Graduated at the Ateneo de Manila, after which he obtained a Fulbright
grant to finish a doctorate in sociology at Fordham University in New York.
• Full-time Faculty, Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Artistic
Director, Tanghalang Ateneo Metrobank Network of Outstanding Teachers Pathways/ANI, Ateneo de Manila University
Role Players, Theater for Life Social Weather Stations
• Has been involved as actor and director in over 120 productions while at the same time doing sociological work as
teacher, researcher, and editor.
• He has also directed and acted for professional companies like Teatro Pilipino and Tanghalang Pilipino of the Cultural
Center of the Philippines, and the Metropolitan Theater.
• Theater Guild. Many of his theater productions were classics of western drama but in terms of a Filipino and Asian
sensibility, like Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
4. Salvador F. Bernal (Father of Theater Design in the Philippines)
• Born in 1945 to a family that ran a Terno shop
• He was the first to develop theater design as a profession and elevate it to an art form.
• Studied at Ateneo de Manila and at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA, practiced and
handled courses in the art and
• Photo taken from Cultural Center of the Philippines Exhibit, by Lourdes R. Siobal
• craft of theater design.
• Taught briefly at Ateneo de Manila and University of the Philippines
• He had designed more than 250 productions in ballet, theater and film.
• National Artist awardee

Acknowledged as the “Father of Theater Design in the Philippines”, Bernal was instrumental in

elevating theater and production design as a fine art and a profession. He helped establish the
Production Design Center (PDC) as a division under the then CCP Performing Arts Department which he
headed from 1981-1994.
What is Philippine theater?
Tanghalang Pilipino (Philippine Theater) is the leading exponent of Philippine theater and the resident drama company of the Cultural
Center of the Philippines since its organization in 1987. ... Using theater as a medium, an original play and workshops about HIV/AIDS
were made available in Manila, Cebu and Davao.

What are the famous theatrical forms in the Philippines?

Epic poetry. Advertisement. Ad. ...
Duplo. The duplo is a poetic debate presented through song and dance, which originated from indigenous courtship customs. Poets used proverbs and riddles to present
their suit to the woman of their choice. ...
Moro-moro. Moro-moro from ...

What are the examples of Philippine theater?

1. “Panahon ni Cristy” (1978), Edgardo Maranan

2. “In Dis Korner” (1978), Reuel Aguila
3. “Canuplin: Isang Improbisasyon sa Buhay at mga Palabas ng Isang Komedyanteng Pilipino” (1980), Manuel Pambid
4. “In My Father’s House” (1989), Elsa Martinez Coscolluela
5. “DH” (1992), Ricardo Lee
6. “Radiya Mangandiri” (1993), Rody Vera
7. “Noli Me Tangere” (1995), Bienvenido Lumbera

• Take it from us, sport can be a Game Changer.
• Taking part in sport can help us feel fitter, healthier and mentally strong, and that is just the start of it. Sport
can also be fun, especially when played as part of a team or with family or friends. 

As we have seen through our Club Game Changers campaign, sport can also develop great leaders and be an
opportunity for individuals to shine, whether it is playing for a local grassroots club or at an international
• If you’re considering signing yourself or family member up for a sport and need some encouragement, then it’s
worth keeping in mind the many benefits below.
1. Better Sleep
Fast company suggests that exercise and sport triggers chemicals in the brain that can make you feel happier
and relaxed. Team sports provide a chance to unwind and take part in an activity that improves your fitness. If
you play sports outside, you can benefit from fresh air which is said to promote a good night’s sleep.
2. A Strong Heart
Your heart is a muscle and needs frequent exercise to help it keep fit and healthy. A healthy heart can pump
blood efficiently around your body. Your heart will improve in performance when it is regularly challenged with
exercise. Stronger hearts can improve overall health of the body.
3. New connections
• Sport brings together a mixture of people from different communities, backgrounds, religions and beliefs.
Sport can offer a new way to meet others that you may not interact with day to day. As a result, you can make
new friends. And who knows, playing a sport might even open new career and business opportunities for you.
4. Improved Lung Function
• Regular sport causes more oxygen to be drawn into the body with carbon monoxide and waste gases expelled.
This increases the lung capacity during sport, improving lung function and efficiency.
5. Increased Confidence
By training frequently and working towards seasonal goals you can build your confidence and abilities. This is
especially noticeable through tournaments and matches where you and your team put your skills to the test. Small,
incremental achievements throughout the year can build personal confidence over time, giving you the ability to take
on new projects and assignments at work with your new-found confidence.
6. Reduces Stress
When you are physically active your mind gets a chance to unplug from daily stresses and strains of life.
Physical exercise reduces the stress hormones in your body and stimulates the release of endorphins. These
endorphins may give you more energy and focus for whatever life has.
7. Improve Mental Health
The Public Health Agency report that regular participation in sport and being active can also promote good
mental health. This includes improving your mood, enhancing your sense of well-being, reducing anxiety, combating
negative emotions and protecting against depression.
8. Sport Builds Leaders
All sport teams need leaders to show the way and help develop new or younger team members. An 
emergentics study has found a correlation between playing sports and strong leadership qualities. Sports enable
people to develop a ‘team mindset’ whether its winning, losing or training together.
9. Develop Stronger Relationships
Sports enables you to build better relationships with people you may be aware of, but not know personally.
Through frequent sport you can get to know a lot about an individual’s personality, their strengths and
weaknesses. Sport with colleagues is a good opportunity to build better relationships and networks that may help
you in your job.
10. Sport aids the healthy development of children
Children who play sports develop stronger bones and muscles, leading to a smaller chance of physical
injury. Physical exercise before the onset of puberty has been identified by a New Zealand study as a way of
reaching peak bone mass, enabling children to become stronger – a great foundation for future growth.
10 Benefits of Sports for Students
• Health
• Self-confidence and self-esteem
• Teamwork
• Leadership
• Social Skills
• Discipline
• Brainpower
• Career and passion
• Improved energy levels
• Managing emotions




• Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behavior. The behavior is repeated, or can be repeated, over time. Both
kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

• In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

An imbalance of power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing
information, or popularity—to control or harm others.
Repetition: Bullying behavior happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.
There are different classifications of bullying. These are:

Verbal bullying – saying or writing mean and nasty things. It includes:

o Teasing
o Name-calling
o Making inappropriate sexual comments
o Taunting
o Threatening to cause harm
Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying- hurting someone’s reputation or
relationships. It includes:
o Telling other children not to be friends with someone
o Spreading rumors about someone
o Embarrassing someone in public
Physical bullying – hurting a person’s body or destroying his/her possessions. It includes:
o Hitting/kicking/pinching
o Spitting
o Tripping/pushing
o Taking or breaking someone’s things
o Making mean or rude hand gestures
Cyberbullying – verbal and social bullying done through use of technology and electronic means. It includes:
o Using social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
o Using mobile devices (i.e. cellphone)
o Using electronic mails (i.e. e-mails)
Other Types of bullying include:
• Physical assault.
• Teasing. • Workplace bullying - for example:
• Making threats. • Aggression - face to face, or electronically.
• Name-calling. • Persistent humiliation, ridicule or criticism in front of
• Excluding a person from a group, not inviting them to parties. others.
• Spreading untrue rumours about a person.
• Picking on one person.
• Spreading malicious rumours.
• Damage to property or schoolwork.
• Changing areas of responsibility for no justifiable reason
• Cyberbullying. This is bullying which takes place through mobile phones
or online. Bullying occurs through social network sites, instant messenger and giving people demeaning or inappropriate tasks.
apps, gaming sites or email. For example: • Undermining a person - belittling them or putting them
• Sending or posting offensive or insulting messages. down.
• Posting false information about a person. • Deliberately leaving a person out of discussions or
• Posting pictures to embarrass, humiliate or ridicule a person. decisions.
• Distributing pictures or videos of someone being attacked or humiliated. • Refusing training or promotion opportunities without
• Excluding a person from a group. justification.
• Cyberstalking - using the internet to stalk or harass an individual. • Bullying in the home. See the separate leaflet called
• Trolling. This is posting offensive or stirring messages to provoke people
Domestic Violence for more details.
or cause disruption. Trolling is not always bullying but may be in some
Bullying is repeated behaviour intended to hurt somebody either emotionally or physically. This may be by
using spoken words, physical violence, emotions, or the internet. Cyberbullying is bullying through electronic
means, such as phones, tablets and computers. Bullying can take place at school, at home and at work. It causes
unhappiness and harm to physical and mental health, both at the time and sometimes into the future of the
person being bullied. It is important to report bullying to a person in authority, so it can be stopped before
causing harm.
Why do people bully others?
• There is no single reason which explains why bullying happens. Children and adults can be bullies for a
number of reasons. Many have been bullied themselves. Sometimes it can be an expression of anger or
frustration due to problems they have, such as problems at home or struggling at school or work. It can be the
result of poor upbringing - some people have not been taught to be sensitive to or care about other people's
feelings. Violent games or movies may influence some people's behaviour and make them more likely to be
bullies. For some it may be an attention-seeking behaviour - for example, if they are not getting enough care
and attention at home or elsewhere. Others find themselves in a position of power without the skills to use it
wisely. In some schools and workplaces there is no culture of respect for others; this can make bullying more
• Often the bully is as vulnerable a person as his or her victim and needs just as much support and help.
Anyone can be a victim of bullying. However, children or adults who are seen as 'different' or weaker in some way are more likely to be bullied.
This includes:

• Being overweight or underweight.

• Being a different race, gender, or religion.
• Having different sexual preferences.
• Having a disability, either a physical disability or a learning disability.
• Having a different appearance.
• Having an unusual name.

What are the long-term effects of bullying?

• The effects of bullying at school can go on long after the child has grown up. Children who have been bullied are more likely to:
• Have lower academic qualifications and less good jobs.
• Have lower incomes.
• Have difficulty staying in jobs and managing their finances.
• Have difficulty making friends and keeping friends.
• Have difficulty making long-term relationships with a partner.
• Have mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and personality disorder.
• Have less good general health.
• Bullying in the workplace can also affect physical and mental health in the long term. It can also cause problems as a result of a lot of time off
work, affecting future career opportunities. 

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