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By-Prof. Snehal Chincholkar


 A powerful sales letter is one that touches the

heart of the reader and convinces him or her to
take action. A single sales letter can be the most
powerful marketing tool any business owner
can ever have, provided it is well-thought-out
and well-written
 In order to be effective a sales letter must be
direct, reach a specific audience, be convincing,
and clearly indicate the next step the reader
should take

A good sales letter is never generalized. It must

make a specific offer to its reader and ask him
or her to take a specific action.
customer requests or demands a

 Successful proposals are:

 Customer focused
 Responsive
 Easy to evaluate
Proposals must be customer focused
 Clearly cite the customer's buying vision for your
 Address your customer's hot buttons and issues, and
provide clear solutions for each.
 Cite your customer's name throughout the proposal
more frequently than your organization's name.
 Mention your customer before you mention your
organization in paragraphs and sentences.
 Focus on customer benefits rather than your solution's
 Illustrate how your organization differs from and is
better than the competition
Proposals must be customer responsive
 Customers expect you to be responsive to the
requirements that they have given you,
whether those requirements were provided
verbally or documented in a request for
proposal (RFP)
 Organize your proposal for your customer    
 Focus on customer benefits
Proposals must be easy to read and
 Limit paragraph length     Lengthy paragraphs, with more than 10 lines, appear
text-heavy to the reader. You should generally limit paragraphs to 10 lines.
 Use 10-point to 12-point font size     Fonts that are smaller than 10 points or larger

than 12 points cause the reader to wonder why you chose that particular font size.
Stay within the range of 10 to 12 points unless directed otherwise by the customer.
 Use section headings as theme statements     Many proposal evaluators skim

proposals. Use proposal section headings that are informative, yet easily scanned.
These headings can also work as theme statements to support your solution.
 Use visuals and graphics     Winning proposals tell a story and provide proof that

your solution is the best one. Graphics add an element of credibility for the
evaluator. Effective proposal graphics can include lists, charts, graphs, photographs,
diagrams, and sketches. All graphics and visuals should include a descriptive
caption to support the message. Use the 10-second rule for visuals — the reader
should be able to understand the message in 10 seconds or less.
Proposals must be easy to read and
 Use white space and emphasis techniques     Heavy, dense
text is difficult to read and tires the reader. Leave white
space in your proposal between paragraphs, lists, and
sections. Use bold text for strong emphasis rather than use
underlined or italicized text, which has a softer emphasis.

 Create a style sheet for proposals     Creating and following

a proposal style sheet can provide consistency in the
appearance of your organization's proposals. Using a style
sheet can make developing proposals easier and quicker. A
style sheet helps promote consistency in font size, page
layout, body text, and graphics, and it can also help you be
more customer focused and responsive.
 Thanks…………….

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