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Art Work Generation

What is Artwork?
Artwork is basically a manufacturing tool used
in fabricating printed wiring because it uniquely
defines the pattern to be placed on the board.
Artwork displays only those items that have to
be generated as copper patterns in the
manufacture of the PCB.
the artwork will necessarily include solder pads,
lands and conductors true to scale in respect of
their dimensions, but shown at the scaled level.
the artwork will also show lines that represent
the boundary of the board.
Basic Approach to Manual Artwork
Black Taping on Transparent Base Foil.
 Self-Adhesive Tapes
The width tolerance can be 0.05-0.1 mm
Self-Adhesive Pads
Transfer Pads
They are printed on a thin adhesive film
of typically 10 mm thickness.
Two Layer Artwork
Three Layer Artwork
This method solves the registration
problem for the common pads by
preparing a separate artwork for the:
(i) component side conductors,
(ii) solder side conductors (solder pads,
pads or ICs, via holes, etc), and
 (iii) the pads, which are common to both
sides and form the third layer.
General Design Guidelines for
Artwork Preparation
Conductor Orientation
Conductor Routing.
The minimum angle that any trace should be
placed at is 60 degrees.
The recommended widths of conductors are:
 Signals : 0.2 mm to 0.3 mm
 Power Lines : 0.762 mm to 1.5
mm(depends on current)
 Ground Lines : 1.0 mm to 2.0 mm(depends
on current)
The ground conductor width should always
be greater than the power line widths
By incorporating the following guidelines, it is
possible to keep system interconnect noise to a
Route critical signal nets on a common signal
layer. Keep line distances as short as possible.
Run adjacent signal layers orthogonally
(mutually perpendicular) to each other.
Isolate signal layers from each other by placing
ground or voltage planes between them.
Route parallel signal lines as far apart as
 Differential pair traces must have the
same length.
 Space signal lines equally in routing
channels, keeping a maximum distance
from connector pads.
 Run a trace directly to a connector pad
without line branching.
Use curves or two 45-degree turns to
avoid minor line reflections.
 Minimize vias or through-holes as far as
Avoid line width changes through
connector pin fields, and use single trace
routing if possible.
Pads with soldered signal traces should be
tear-dropped at the pad junction.
For reference planes, the following points
should be kept in mind:
 Maintain a solid ground or voltage plane
for signal layers that are impedance-
controlled and referenced to those layers
 Keep the ground returns common to the
logic family.
Use minimum diameter clearance pads
for maximum copper web within the
connector fields.
Full ground and voltage planes located
back-to-back with minimum dielectric
separation, develop a capacitor which
helps in filtering high-frequency noise in
the voltage supply.
 Soldered pads should be thermally
Holes & Solder Pad Diameter
For satisfactory soldering, the hole diameter of
finished and plated holes should give about 0.2-
0.5 mm clearance as compared with the nominal
diameter of the component lead.
For the hole diameter drilling, tolerances should
also be taken into consideration, which are:
For nominal drill dia < 0.8………+ 0.10 mm
For nominal drill dia > 0.8……….+ 0.13 mm
PCB Classification according to
Hole diameter = effective lead diameter + hole
location tolerance (PTH) + 0.2 mm.
If D is the land or pad diameter and d is the drilled
diameter, then the recommendations are:
D/d ≥ 40 mil (1 mm) for non-plated holes
≥ 20 mil (0.5 mm) for plated through-hole.
The board material is important in the determination
of the pad and hole sizes.
D/d = 2.5 to 3.0 for non-plated holes in phenolic
= 1.8 to 3.0 for non-plated holes in epoxy boards
= 1.5 to 2.0 for plated through-holes.
solder mask for pads or lands used to
mount through-hole leaded component
must allow at least a 0.25 mm clearance
around the pad. The edges of the pad are
to be covered by the solder mask.

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