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Rizal’s Life:

Family, Childhood
and Early
Here is where our presentation
Dr. Jose Rizal
José Protasio Rizal Mercado y
Alonso Realonda was a Filipino
nationalist and polymath during the
tail end of the Spanish colonial
period of the Philippines. He is
tagged as the national hero of the
Filipino people.

■ Born: 19 June 1861, Calamba

■ Died: 30 December 1896, 
Rizal Park, Manila
Jose Rizal’s Family
Francisco Engracio Alejandro Rizal

■ Born
May 11, 1818
Biñan, Laguna, Captaincy General
of the Philippines
■ Died
January 5, 1898 (aged 79)
Manila, Captaincy General of the
Teodora Alonso Realonda y Quintos
■ Born
November 9, 1827
Santa Cruz, Manila, Captaincy General
of the Philippines
■ Died
August 16, 1911 (aged 84)
Binondo, Manila, Philippine Islands
• Lakandula - the last native king of Tonda. He is a believed ancestor of Doda
Teodora's famly.

• Eugenio Ursua - Rizal's great-great-grandfather from his mother side. He

was of Japanese ancestry. He married a Filipina named Benigna.

• Regina the daughter of Eugenio and Benigna married Manuel de Quintos, a

Filipino Chinese lawyer from Pangasinan. One of their daughters married
Lorenan Alberto Alonso, a prominent Spanish Filipino mestiso of Biñan,
their children were Narcisa, Teodora (Rizal's mother), Gregorio, Manual and
• Juan Mercado - one of Franciso and Cirila’s sons, grandfather of Rizal
Married Cirila Alejandro, a Chinese-Filipino mestizo. Like his father, he was
elected governadorcillo of Biñan.

• Francisco Mercado - Rizal's father. The youngest of thirteen children of

Juan and Cirila. At the age of eight he lost his father. He met and fell in love
with Teodora Alonso Realonda in Manila while studying. They got married
on June 28, 1848

• Domingo Lameo - a Chinese immigrant from the Fukien city of

Changchow. He is Rizal’s great-great-grandfather. He arrived in Manila
about 1690. He married a well-to-do Chinese Christian girl of Manila named
Ines de la Rosa, the assumed Mercado as his surname in 1731.

Mercado - the real surname of the Rizal family which was adopted in 1731 by
Domingo Laméo

Rizal - the second surname which was given by a Spanish alcalde mayor of
Laguna, who was a family friend In Spanish it means, "A field where wheat, cut
while still green, spourts again."
Uncle Gregorio taught him the value of hard work, to think for himself, and
to observe his surroundings keenly.

• Uncle Jose encouraged him to sketch, paint, and make sculptures.

• Uncle Manuel encouraged him to pursue his physical development. He

taught the young boy swimming, fencing, wrestling, and other sports.

• His yaya (nanny) told stories of duwendes (dwarves), ghosts, and aswangs
(evil spirits), of the beautiful Mariang Makiling, and other tales on the
beautiful surroundings of his hometown, Calamba. Stories that awakened the
imagination and creativity of the young boy.
Early Childhood
1. First teachers hired by his father:

a) Lucas Padua - Maestro

b) Leon Monroy - who as a former classmate of Jose's father, taught the

young boy Spanish and Latin.

2. His mother, Doña Teodora

a) Reader used: El Amigo de los Niños (The Children's Friend)

b) Prominent lesson learned as a young boy was from "The story of the moth"
Earliest Childhood Memories 

The first memory of Rizal, in his infancy, was his happy days in the

family garden when he was three years old. Because he was a sick
child, he was given the tenderest care by his parents. His father built a
little nipa cottage in the garden for him to play in the day time.
Group 2

Regorgo, Miraflor
Bonagua, Lalaine
Tolentino, Wilson

End of the report………

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