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Introduction to the Philosophy of

the Human Person (IPHP)

Opening Prayer
Dear God,
We praise and thank you for this wonderful day!
Grant us the grace so that my students will understand our lesson for today.
Bless each of them so that they will appreciate this grace of being able to study despite of the challenges we
are facing because of this pandemic.
Make them realize the value of education and the beauty of learning so that each day, they will be more
motivated to do their responsibilities as a student and they too may see your goodness in everything and make
this time as an opportunity to show their love to their parents by studying well.
Bless also their teachers so that they will become more inspired to teach them and show compassion in
their chosen profession.
And lastly, to their parents so that they may become resilient especially this trying times.
This we ask in your most Holy Name. Amen
Nothing is permanent in this world. All seasons passed. All
stages come to an end. All beings die. Just like a rose plant in
full bloom withers. From people and animals we witnessed
the passing from this planet, to childhood endings and to the
days closed. All these lead to an important reality about
human condition. We are temporal beings oriented towards
Good day G12 students!
I am Janeth M. Satrain your demo teacher for
This lesson on death titled THE HUMAN PERSON
and DEATH completes your journey in this subject
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
1. enumerate the objectives you want
to achieve and define the project you
want to do in your life
2. reflect the meaning of your own
1. Get 2. Jot down
important notes
your pen during the
and demonstration.
You will be identifying four ideas related to our
lesson today. The images will guide you in coming
up with the correct responses which you can write
in your notebook. You can have 10 seconds to guess
each word.
Four pics one word challenge
This Photo by Unknown Author is
This Photo by Unknown Author is
Words for the day
1. death
2. life
3. happiness
4. suffering
-What is your initial reaction when you read the title of this part of the module?
-Is death really a terrifying phenomenon? If death is a dreadful thing, what makes it fearsome?

-On the other hand, death, as part of human reality, may have meaningful messages.

-At this junction, we will try to uncover the mystery of death by

rationalizing its phenomenon so that we get to understand it better, accept it as part of human
nature, and treat it as a condition that allows us to create a meaningful existence
The prospects of death causes feelings of anxiety and
dread in a person. However, this anxiety can be
overcome if one accepts the inevitability of death and
strives to finds meaning in life. It is the realization of
one’s mortality that a person will have an opportunity
to live a meaningful and authentic

Noble people
Noble people

Nelson Mandela Gina Lopez

Nelson Mandela He is the former North
African President who
dismantle the rule
apartheid- a political
system where people
were clearly divided base
on race, gender, class and
other factors.
Gina Lopez She is a Filipino who launched
Bantay Bata 163, the rescue
Hotline for children in Asia.
She also founded Bantay
Kalikasan, a program that
advocates for the protection
of the environment.
What possibilities would you
like to accomplish before
experiencing your own
Make a
“Bucket List”
of what you
accomplish in
in life.
Before my death I want…
to finish school
to have a stable job
to be rich
to travel outside the country
to have a happy life
to make a difference in someone’s life
1. Why did you choose these things?
2. Which do you think is the easiest to
accomplish in your lifetime?
3. Which would be the most difficult to do?
How would having a definite expiration
date add meaning in our lives?
Deadlines often urges people to take action to achieve their goals by
being aware when we shall die. We should provide a type of deadline
that would motivate us to accomplish our goals.
But unlike project deadlines, death is not a deadline for one thing
but for everything in our life by having a limited amount of time.
So, one must prioritize….
1. What he/she wants to do in his/her life.
2. One cannot afford to procrastinate.
What is Death?
What is death?
Death remains a great mystery. One of
the main issues with which religion ,
philosophy and science have to resolve
since the beginning of human mystery.

Death is a concept with vast and varied

What is death?
1. Death is the end of all biological
functions that sustain a living organism,
particularly the ceasing of all brain
In medical terms, the death of human
being is associated with brain death.
What is death?
2. Death is considered to be a natural
occurrence, and as a person advances in age, the
certainty of death is seen in the gradual decline
of the human body called aging or senescense-
includes the gradual decline of the senses such
as sight and hearing, gradual lost of vitality and
What is death?
3. Death can be natural or unnatural.
We all heard the phrase ‘They died of natural causes”.
When someone dies of old age or as a result of health
condition or illness his/her death is considered natural
However, if this is not the case, it will be instead
categorize us unnatural death.
This includes accident, homicide, suicide, violent death of
What is death?
4. Death is an experience which
involves not only the deceased
individual but also other people
and the community.
What is death?
5. Death is often associated with negative
emotions, anger and fear.
In Psychology it is explained that the death of a
loveone is a powerful emotion or emotional
experience that often leads to stress and
What is death?
Various people cope with the experience of
death in different ways and adequate emotional
support is needed for persons to overcome it.
On the other hand, death can also be an
opportunity for people to recall and
memorialize the life and achievements of a love
What happens to the
person after death??
What happens to the person
after death? The dualist perspective
believes that the mind or
spirit being incorporeal
after the body demise, the
complete destruction of
the body therefore does
not mean that the person
no longer exist because
What happens to the person
after death?
Reincarnation- is
the belief that a
person’s spirit
begins a new in
another body.
What happens to the person
after death?
Eternal Oblivion-the belief
that persons consciousness
is completely erased after
Death is the end of a
persons existence.
Is death good or bad?
life. For them contemplating on mortality and death
often leads to feelings of terror and anxiety.
However, learning to face and accepts the reality of
death can lead man to embrace life more fully and
have a more meaningful existence. Philosophers
have advocated acceptance as a means to address
feelings of dread and anxiety. Whether there is an
after life or oblivion, the possibility of death should
not be feared. Since it means that the person is
finally free of misery.
Phenomenological Notion of

According to Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in his book Being and Time,

death is (a) certain, (b) indefinite, (c) one’s property, (d) non-relational, and (e)
not to be outstripped.
1. Death is certain. As part of humanness, we are all born (in Heideggerian
sense, we are “thrown”) in the world. The world is governed by time. We,
humans, are existing in time, thus, as being thrown in the world, we have
beginning and since we are finite beings, we also have end – death. Birth and
death are two things we cannot remove from our existence. Whether we like it or
not, we will die.
Phenomenological Notion of Death
According to Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in his book Being and
death is (a) certain, (b) indefinite, (c) one’s property, (d) non-
relational, and (e) not to be outstripped.
2. Death is indefinite. While death is sure to come, it is however
indefinite as to when it will come. Death is impending, meaning to
say, it can happen anytime. We do not know exactly when. That is
why, we should try to live the best life that we can for we never know
the day of our end.
Phenomenological Notion of Death
According to Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in his book Being
and Time,
death is (a) certain, (b) indefinite, (c) one’s property, (d) non-
relational, and (e) not to be outstripped.
3. Death is one’s property. The death of the person belongs to
him. Nobody can experience his death except himself. There can
be no proxies or substitutes for a person in experiencing death.
Phenomenological Notion of Death
According to Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in his book Being
and Time,
death is (a) certain, (b) indefinite, (c) one’s property, (d) non-
relational, and (e) not to be outstripped.
4. Death is non-relational. This means that when we die, we die
alone. We have no choice but to face it on our own. Death also
removes all our relations to others. In contemplating death, we
realize our own individuality and independence from the world.
Phenomenological Notion of Death
According to Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in his book Being and
death is (a) certain, (b) indefinite, (c) one’s property, (d) non-
relational, and (e) not to be outstripped.
5. Death is not to be outstripped. Death cannot be taken away from
a person. Even the person himself cannot remove the possibility of
death in his life. One cannot make himself live forever. Even though
we see in fiction movies the idea of immortality, death, in real life is
a definite reality which we nothing can be done to be outstripped.

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