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T-5: Structure of Digestive System

Associated glands
Digestive System includes-
Alimentary canal comprising of-
►Kopfdarm [Bucco-pharynx]
●Fore-gut: Oesophagus & Stomach
● Mid-gut: Intestine
● Hind-gut: Recturm

Associated structures comprising of-

►Intestinal spiral valve system & Pyloric caeca
►Digestive glands [Gastric glands, Liver, Pancreas & rectal glands]
Buccal Part includes-
• Presence / absence of jaw teeth
• Taste buds & mucous cells (glands)

Pharyngeal Part includes-

• Superior / Inferior pharyngeal teeth
• Gill-rakers

{By taking examples of carps & catfishes with

particular reference of shape & size}
[Fore-Gut: Oesophagus & Stomach]
• Shape & Size: Short and narrow in herbivores & omnivores and
large and distensible in predatory carnivores
• Histological organization: With reference to epithelial cell lining
& musculature
• True Stomach: Absent in Cyprinids, Holocephali & Dipnoi.
• False Stomach [Intestinal Bulb]: Modified from anterior part
of intestine [Having absorptive cell lining mixed with mucous secreting glands].
• Shape & Size & Histological organization: With reference to
gastric glands & musculature.
►Anatomically shape of stomach is variable in Tetrodon &
Diodon because of absence of pelvic girdle and accordingly
filling of air / water in stomach or its evagination by action of
pyloric & sphincter muscles and further emptying is done by
action of sphincter muscles assisted by body musculature.
[Mid-Gut: Intestine & Hind-Gut: Rectum]
Shape & Size- Simplest & straight in cyclostoms; short and
broad in predatory carnivores and long, coiled in herbivores
& omnivores.
Histological organization: With reference to absorptive
epithelial lining and relative presence of mucous cells in
anterior, middle & posterior regions.
►Anatomically the intestine of some fishes become thread-like
during the course of their migration due to autolysis
[Petromyzon marinus & Migrant Pacific Salmon,
Oncorhynchus] when they have reached their freshwater
spawning grounds.
• It is generally not distinguishable externally but in some
cases an ‘Ileo-rectal valve’ makes demarcation.
• In a few fishes even it is separately associated with
Anatomical Features of Digestive System
{A- Xenetodon, B- C. mrigala, C- H. ilisha, D- Channa, E- Notopterus & F- Mystus}


Associated Structures of Digestive System
{Intestinal spiral valve system & Pyloric caeca}

Intestinal Valve System→ To increase absorptive surface area

• Present in well developed condition in chodrichthys [sharks] & Dipnoi.
• Present in less developed condition in lower teleostei [ Amia, Polypterus].
Pyloric [Intestinal] Caeca → To increase absorptive surface area and
also being considered as seat for biosynthesis of bile activated‘ Lipase’.
►Particularly well developed in fishes feeding upon copepods [containingmore
than 50% wax] e.g.- Anchovies, Sardines & Herrings.
Associated Digestive Glands
{Gastric glands & Mucosal Folds, Liver, Pancreas & rectal glands}
Gastric Glands of Stomach→ Produce HCl & Pepsinogen
Mucosal Folds of Stomach → Produce lipase enzyme
• Embryologically originating from an evagination of developing intestine.
• Anterior portion develops as liver proper & posterior portion as gall bladder.
• Generally liver is bilobed.
• Bile duct meets near the pyloric region of intestine.
►Bile is secreted from liver as result of RBC breakdown and contains fat emulsifying salts
along with bile pigments namely ‘Biliverdin & Bilirubin’.
►Bile Salts- may help to hydrolyse fats and also adjust the alkalinity of digestive juice for proper action of
digestive enzymez.
Pancreas [Exo & Endocrine Cells] & Rectal Glands
• Mesodermal in origin having exocrine & endocrine cell types.
• In carps, diffused among the coils of intestine & also embedded in liver called
as ‘Hepatopancreas’.
• Exocrine cells produce ‘Zymogen’ biologically comparable to ‘Pepsinogen’.
• Endocrine cells of 2-types-
►Alfa Cells: AF-negative, produce ‘Glucagon’ hormone for glycogen mobilization.
►Beta cells: AF-positive, produce ‘Insulin’ hormone for carbohydrates [sugar] metabolism.

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