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Rise of Rome


Development in the west

 While Greece was in it archaic era 800-500 in

the west there was also development.
 The two most important states to come out of
the west were the Carthaginians and Romans.
 Carthage was one of the many cities set up by
the Phoenician traders at the end of the dark
 It grew to be the most important city and
controlled the west Mediterranean after 500
Carthage: Empire of Merchants & Traders

 Carthage was a country run by its traders.

 It was an oligarchy were a small group of the rich ran

 This mean the people were not very close to the leaders.

 The population was from many countries and nations.

 Because they were trader they were great sailors and

MASTERS of the sea
The Cothon
Kingdom of Rome (753-509)
The City of Rome was founded by a Latin
People in the area of Latium in Central Italy.
It was a group of villages founded near a river
crossing and so was a major trade center.
It was a monarchy with a power elected King
and a Legislature composed of aristocrats called
the Senate.
To the north of Latium were a people called the
Etruscans, they dominated Rome for centuries.
The kings of Rome were Etruscans and so
Italy in proximity to Greece Today
Italian terrain, mountainous…
The Etruscans
 The Etruscans were group of independent
cities from northern Italy that allied with
each other to fight enemies.
 Each City had a king but later these were
replaced with oligarchies.
 These people ruled much of Italy and
Romes last 4 kings were Etruscans. They
introduced the idea of the City to rome.
 More important however, where Rome’s
southern neighbors, the Greeks
Magna Graecia & the Italians
 The Greeks set up colonies in Italy in the Dark ages
and by the beginning of the classical era most of
southern Italy was Greek.
 These Greek cities traded with the all the Italians and
the Etruscans and Romans learned a lot from the
 The Romans adopted Greek science, writing and a
Greek style army.
 The Etruscans attempted to fight the Greeks but lost,
 Seeing the Etruscans weaken Rome Revolted
becoming free and getting rid of the Etruscan king in
509 BC
Roman society

 Roman society was complex. At first it was broken up into clans which were
represented by councils.
 The members for these clans called themselves the Patricians (descendants of the
fathers). They were the oldest families in the city.
 The Patricians became a ruling aristocracy.
 The rest of the people were called the plebeians or just the Plebs.
 Plebs is still a negative word for regular people in the US and Britain.
 Rome was EXTREMELY republican. Kings were despised by the Romans
Rome grows
After beating the Etruscans all the cities
in Latium formed an alliance to protect
them selves from both the Etruscans and
the Greeks.
Rome, with its Greek style army, quickly
became the leader of these cities. It did
NOT decide to take over its allies.
The army had been created by the last
few kings and was made up of hoplites
like in Greece.
These Cities were very successful at
defending themselves.
The Latin War and Rome’s Genius
• In 340 some of the Latin cities got tired of Rome's hegemony and revolted.
• Rome and its supporters won relatively easily in only two years.
• Here Rome did something none of the Greek City States had ever done, it made the other
Latin people Citizens of Rome with all of the rights of Romans except the right to vote.
• By making other people Roman it gave Rome more solders and made people care about what
happened to Rome and allowed them to benefit from Serving Rome.
• In short the new people where made to feel part of Rome.
• This allowed Rome to spread much more effectively than other Cities like Athens and Sparta.
Rome… builder of the west

 Most western countries today consider themselves to be “descendants” of Rome.

 Rome, being influenced by the Greeks, developed to be the foundation of Western
 All western nation are influenced by it.

 Another word for “Western civilization” is “Greco-Roman Civilization”

 The romans combined Greek civilization with their own and develop idea and
insitutions that effect the west until today
Around 340 BC Rome & the Latins were
attacked by the Samnite's and the result was a
long war that lasted until 290 when all the
Samnite lands were conquered,

This began Rome's constant growth in Italy.

After a long period ALL of the Italian tribes

would be made citizens of Rome.

Rome after allying with all the latins

The Romans adopted the Greek
 The Roman accepted the Religion of the Greeks using
the same names for their gods.

 BUT the Roman saw the god as less human and

respected them more.

 They did not show the god as beautiful and

Roman Government (Republic)
 The Romans are the first to call their country a
Republic. Res publica in Latin. (Cộng hòa)
 Its government was complex but had 4 major
 The Senate was a group of aristocrats
(patricians) who made government policy
(foreign policy )
 They were picked from the aristocrats and
served for life!
 The Consul’s were two men picked to have the powers of
the king, called the imperium or power to command.
 The lead the army and they enforce the laws.
 The consul’s were chosen each year for a one year term.
This means that many wished to go to war during their
year so they could become famous.
 They were chosen by the people in the assembly.
 In times of emergency the senate would give one of the
consuls special powers for 6 months to solve the problem.
They called this person the Dictator in Latin.

 The Assembly in Rome was just like the assembly in Athens it was the crowd of
regular people who gathered to take votes.
 Unlike Athens they did NOT vote on issues but instead voted for people to
represent them.
 The chose the Consuls from among the patricians and they chose the tribunes to
represent them.
 The tribunes were the 10 representatives of the people (plebs).
Any of them could veto any law or decision made by any other
part of the government.
 They could also propose laws and call the senate or the
 They were the people control on the government and protected
the regular roman from the government.
 Because of this they were sacrosanct or untouchable.
 Its was a MASSIVE crime to harm a tribune.
House of representatives = tribunes
President is consul
 Consul’s were like the president
Quick Review  The Senate made law.
Romes gov. had 4 parts  The Assembly chose the Consul
and Tribune
 The 10 Tribunes helped make
law and protected the people
from the other parts.

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