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Why do people take risks?

Unit 5
Reading and Writing 3
Think of an activity
that you think is risky.
Why do you think it is risky?
Give specific reasons.
How would someone
who does this activity frequently
feel differently about it?
According to the latest statistics,
the most dangerous job is a fisherman
(the number of deaths per 100,000).
Would you rate fishing as a very dangerous job?
Why or why not?
Why do you think
we perceive activities
such as mountain climbing
to be riskier than they actually are?
Why do you think
some people like
to do risky activities?
Do you think that people
who do extreme sports
would not be happy
if they didn't continue to take risks?
Do you think
people need to take risks?
Do you think
people can change
the way they perceive risk?
Are there certain situations
or times in people's lives
when we perceive activities
as being more or less risky?
Can you tell us a story
about you?
Unit 5 Writing Assignment In this assignment, you are going to write a narrative essay.
As you prepare your essay, think about the Unit Question,
“Why do people take risks?” Choose one topic:
1. Write a narrative essay about a risk you have taken. Choose a
story that was an important or memorable experience for you.
2. Do you know someone who has taken a risk, either a
personal, professional or financial one? Write a narrative essay
about this person, the risk he or she took, and the outcome.
What could
the topic be ?
What could the
main idea be?
What could be some
supporting details?
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