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V Islam literally means Ȃ Peace, Surrender,

Obedience and Submission

V Islam as a religion means Ȃ act of complete
submission and obedience to the will of
V Islam Ȃ Dzis the religion of the people of the
V ALLAH Ȃ Dzthe Goddz
V Quǯran or Koran Ȃ sacred book of the Islam.
V Muslim Ȃ a person following Islam.
V Muhammad Ȃ Founder of Islam
V Born in Makka (Mecca), the son of Abdullah
and Aminah (570 Ȃ 632 AD)
V At age 40, Muhammad felt himself called by
one true God thru his messenger the angel,
Gabriel. This was the time when the Quǯran
was formed.
V Umma Ȃ Muslim Community descended from
Muhammad and the Khalifas.
V The prophet is to warn his people against idol
worship, false gods, immorality and injustice.
V Muhammad was told to be a continuation of
long line of prophets to bring Godǯs words:
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus.
V Muhammad was considered the last prophet.
V The teachings of Prophet Muhammad
adhered especially in his Arab city in Mecca.
His preaching against Arab traditional gods
and goddesses threatened both their
ancestral ways and the Meccan pilgrimage
and the lucrative trade it attracted.
V Muhammad sent his followers to Abyssinia
and he was forced to flee Mecca and settle in
Yathrib, which was now called Medina Dzcity of
the Prophetsdz
V In 632 Ȃ 634 AD, Abu Bakr Ȃ became the
successor or Caliph( O  in arabic) of
Muhammad after his death without a son.
V Umar Ȃ 2nd Khalifa in 634 to 644 AD.
V Uthman- 3rd Khalifa in 644 to 656 AD.
V Ali Ȃ 4th Khalifa in 656 to 661 AD.
V Muǯ awiya Ȃ 5th Khalifa, 661 to 680 AD. Headed
the Islamic conquests that conquered Cyprus,
Sicily, Rhode that crippled the Byzantine
Empire. By 680 AD, he conquered Iran and
V Decades after the rule of Muǯawiya, Libya, North
Africa, Morocco and Algeria fell quickly and
converted to Islam.
V In 711 AD, Tariq, lead the Spanish raids that led
the Spanish Visigoth kingdoms fall and disunite.
V In 732 AD, Charles Martel of the Franks in the
Battle of Tours, where the Islamic Conquest
ended, yet, on the Asian side, in 710 AD, the
conquest continued and conquered most of the
Indus region.
V Shieks/Shayks Ȃ Tribal Chieftain
V Titles such as successor, khalifa, leader and
imam are used.
V Imam Ȃ Dzcommander or amir of the faithfuldz
V Muǯawiya Ȃ Founded the 1st Caliphate
V First, Kharijites - most radical idealist of the
first civil war. Their position was that the
Muslim politics must be based on strict
Quǯranic principles. The advocated total
equality of the faithful.
V Extreme Kharijites Ȃ once called the true
V Second, the Shiǯa, during this time, Ali was
murdered by a Kharijite in 680 AD. This
started the DzPartisans of Alidz or Shiǯat Ali or
V They advocated that the idea of divinely
inspired knowledge of Muhammad was
passed on to designated heirs.
V Only in Iran, Shiǯism is the majority faith of
the Muslim state.
V Third, the Sunni, they called themselves the
Sunnis, meaning the followers of the
tradition(sunna) established by the prophet.
V Their advocacy encompasses exclusivist
which is a trait that has stereotyped the
Islamic Community.
1) Umma is a theocratic entity and state under
divine authority of Godǯs Law, the Shariǯa.
2) The Caliph is the absolute temporary leader
or ruler, charged with administering and
defining the Abode of Islam and protecting
Muslim norms and traditions.
3) A person who professes to be a Muslim, by
witnessing that Dzthere is no god but Allahdz
and DzMuhammad is his Messengerdz should
be considered a Muslim.
V The Five Pillars of Islam are acts of worship
that all Muslims must carry out:
1) Shahada or The Testimony of Faith Ȃ a Muslim
believer should declare that there is no god but
Allah and that Muhammadis his Prophet. Dz
a. The belief in Allah Ȃ that Allah is self sufficient. He is
Dz      / the One, most Gracious
and Most Mercifuldz
b. The belief in Angels Ȃ that angels are part of the
unseen world
c. The belief in the Divine Scriptures Ȃ that Muslims should
believe in the:
i. Quǯran, the book to Muhammad.
ii. Torah, the book sent down to Moses, the Old Testament.
iii. Injeel, the book sent to Jesus, the New Testament.
iv. Psalms, the book sent down to David.
v. The Sheets of Ibrahim.
d. The belief in the Messenger - contains that each
messenger is important coz the helped Muhammad.
e. The belief in Final Day Ȃ that this world will end.
2) Salah or The Prayer - consists of five
prayers: Fajr is said at dawn, Dhuhr is a noon
prayer, Asr is said in the afternoon, Maghrib
is the sunset prayer, and Isha'a is the
evening prayer.
ð  or The Charity- is the practice of
charitable giving by Muslims based on
accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all
who are able to do so.
4) Sawm or the Fast - is an obligatory act
during the month of Ramadan. Muslims
must abstain from food, drink, and sexual
intercourse from dawn to dusk during this
month, and are to be especially mindful of
other sins. The fast is meant to allow
Muslims to seek nearness to God, to express
their gratitude to and dependence on him,
atone for their past sins, and to remind them
of the needy.
5) Hajj or The Pilgrimage - is a pilgrimage that
occurs during the Islamic Month of Dhu al-
hijjah derives from an ancient Arab practice.
The main rituals of the Hajj include walking
seven times around the Kaaba, touching
the Black Stone, traveling seven times
between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah,
and symbolically Stoning of the Devil in

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