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Eva Yani Masruroh 19110091
Nadila Diantri Febrianti19110077
Melisa Nopitasari Nande 19110076
Nopri Yanti 19110092
Purti Anggraeni 19110099
Shintia Puja Lasenda 19110081
Vivin Lestari 19110119
Wella Feftia 19110073
Widia Pangestika 19110087
Definition of Health Personnel
Health workers are all people who
work actively and professionally in
the health sector, whether they have
formal health education or not,
which for certain types requires the
authority to carry out health efforts. Planning
Definition the Needs
of Health

health workforce planning is an

effort to determine the type,
number and qualifications of
health personnel in accordance
with the needs of health
four methods of drafting requirements planning

Health Service Target Method

namely planning the needs of health
based on designated health service facilities,
Health Need Method
for example Puskesmas, and Hospitals
namely planning the needs of health
based on the epidemiology of major
Ratios Method
diseases that exist in society.
which is the planning for the needs of
health workers based on at a certain
Health Service Demand standard / ratio to value
namely planning the needs of health
based on demand due to the burden of
health services.
Empowerment of Health Workers

There is a lack of Uneven Career Health worker

The reward and Competence of health
harmony between distribution of development is professional
sanctions system is workers is not in
production health personnel not going well standards are not
not working accordance with the
capabilities and yet fully
properly. needs of health
utilization formulated
General Condition of Health Workers at the National Level
Quantity and Quality
01 Until 2004, there were around 274,383 health workers
working in hospitals and health centers throughout Indonesia,
to provide services to approximately 218 million people. This
amount is still insufficient to be able to provide a more optimal
service. The ratio of health workers to population is still
relatively small. For that in Healthy Indonesia 2010, the
number of health workers will be increased to 1,108,913 in
2010, with the hope that more health workers per population

Type of Power
02 1. The number of workers is less, the need is large
2. Graduates are few, their fields are not attractive
3. The number of educational institutions is insufficient
4. Limited educational qualifications (D3 or less)
5. The number, types and qualifications of personnel assigned
to certain areas are insufficient / unavailable due to
maldistribution (eg specialist doctors in remote areas).
Health Worker Policy

The basic principles for planning the needs of health workers are

1. Adjusted to the needs of health development, both locally,

nationally and globally;
2. The utilization of human resources-health is carried out in
an even, harmonious, balanced and harmonious manner by the
Government, society and the business world;
3. Planning formulation based on the target of national health
efforts and the Health Development Plan for a Healthy
Indonesia 2010;
4. The choice of method for calculating the needs of health
human resources is based on the suitability of the method with
the capabilities and circumstances of each area.
Quality of Health Workers

In general, policies on health personnel, especially those related with quality or quality,
among others, can be seen in Government Regulation (PP) No.32 of 1996 concerning
Health Workers. This PP states, among others:
1. Health workers must have knowledge and skills in the health sector stated by a
certificate from an educational institution (Article3) and
2. In performing their duties, every health worker is obliged to comply health worker
professional standards (Article 21) In the 2004 National Health System (SKN),
particularly in the Human Resources Sub-System for Health, it is stated that: "guidance
and supervision of professional practice is carried out through certification, registration,
competency testing, and licensing“.

Institutions or institutions that carry out these activities are as follows:

1) Certification is carried out by educational institutions;
2) Registration is carried out by the health worker registration committee;
3) Competency tests are carried out by each professional organization; and
4) Licensing is carried out by the government

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