Features of Narrative Wrting

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Features of Narrative Writing

 Narrative writing is a type of writing that tells a

story or a series of events. It may be classified as
either fiction or nonfiction​.
 Fictional narratives, such as short stories or

novels, are based on events conjured by the

author from his or her imagination.
 Nonfictional narratives, on the other hand, are

based on events that actually happened.

Below are the features of narrative writing:

a) Fictional narratives contain the elements of

a story. This means that they have
characters, a setting or settings, plot, conflict,
and theme.
b. Nonfictional narratives focus on providing
information. They may still have some
elements of a story, but the focus is on giving
details and facts.

c. Narratives are often written using the first-

person or the third-person point of view. As
such, the writer may make use of the pronoun I
in doing the narration.
d. Academic or nonfictional narratives use
concise and purposeful descriptions. Persons,
things, or events are clearly described using
carefully selected words.

e. Narratives are usually in the past tense.

Writers may choose to use the present tense in
their narration, but this is less common.
f. Narratives follow a structure. Fictional
narratives, particularly long ones such as novels,
may have a more complicated structure. They
may use flashbacks and flash forwards, as well
as other literary techniques. Nonfictional
narratives, on the other hand, are written
chronologically and make use of logical
connectors that signal the sequence of events.
Gina walked slowly and cautiously, taking care not
to make much noise with her footsteps. She trailed
behind Kate, who was engrossed in the book she was
reading, not knowing that she was being followed. Kate
headed straight for the school gates, and Gina knew she
did not have much time. Mustering up her courage, she
walked a little faster, until she was right behind Kate.
She then put her hand on Kate’s right shoulder then
simultaneously whispered, “Kate, I need to talk to
you.” “Aaaaaack!” exclaimed Kate as she dropped her
book onto the pavement.

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