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What is health?
 Since 1948, according to WHO
Definition of health is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or

Why health is important?

There are several benefits of a healthy life. Your body becomes
free from various forms of disorders and thus, you get a longer
life. You can live a life without suffering from any aches, pain,
or discomfort.
1. Do Not Litter !!!
Why littering is bad for our health?
Littering can have a direct impact on human health. Food,
packaging, and other materials left to rot provide a fertile
breeding ground in which bacteria thrive, resulting in a health
hazard for those that come into contact with it.

By keeping our enviroment safe, we make our

earth better for our next generation.
2. Avoid JUNK food !!!
Junk food is a slang term for food that is of
little nutritional value and often high in fat,
sugar, salt, calories and addictive.

What junk food cause to our health?

 Obesity.
 Your liver might be damaged.
 Heart problem and atherosclerosis.
 Diabetes
3. Routine Exercise

 Help prevent diseases

 Improves stamina
 Strengthens and tones
 Enhances flexibility
 Controls weight
 Improves quality of life
4. Have Enough Sleep

 Healthy brain function and emotional well-

 Physical health
 Daytime performence and safety

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