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• As 21st century belongs to computers and electronic
items, energy issues will get a serious ring in the coming
days, as the public debate on carbon emissions, global
warming and climate change gets hotter. If we think
computers are non-polluting and consume very little
energy we need to think again.
• It is estimated that out of $250 billion per year spent on
powering computers worldwide only about 15% of that
power is spent computing- the rest is wasted idling.
Thus, energy saved on computer hardware and
computing will equate tonnes of carbon emissions saved
per year.
Conventionally, manufacturing computers includes the
use of lead, cadmium, mercury, and other toxics in
general. Usually, computers can contain 4 to 8 pounds of
lead alone, according to green experts . It's no wonder
that computers and other electronics make up two-fifths
of all lead in landfills. To counter this growing pollution
threat all over the world due to the growing use of
electronic device in general and computers in particular
there is a need to look for a eco-friendly computer.
Designers plan to make future computer more eco-friendly
across its entire life span, from manufacture to recycling:
• energy-intensive manufacturing of computer parts can be minimized by
making manufacturing process more energy efficient
• by replacing petroleum-filled plastic with bioplastics—plant-based polymers
— which require less
• OLEDs light-emitting diodes(mercury free) will used.
• use of toxic materials like lead can be replaced by silver and copper making
recycling of.
• All the basic features of a normal computer available in the market.
• Use of solar energy by placing solar panels on the display that would
switch to solar power.
• 70% more energy efficient.
• 90% of the material used would be recyclable.
• Environment friendly due to use of non toxic materials while
production. Complying with various green product standards.
• New innovations such as liquid cooled CPUs and use of optical
 Lenovo release 2 new green professional laptops ThinkPad L Series
which named Lenovo 412 and Lenovo L512.
 Dell
 PC maker announced new business laptops, the ProBook 6445b and
ProBook 6545b
• New and advanced Technology: The use of latest
technology such as optics instead of wires and liquid cooled
• Environment friendly product: By and large this is the
first product of its kind in India that employs the renewable
sources of energy to a large extent. It not only focuses on
generating minimum amount of waste during manufacturing
but also on the health aspect of the end-users.
• Power: This runs on low power – 35W in normal mode,
whereas other computers use 300W, and 4W in standby mode
• Period: The life span of these computers is 7-10 years, up to 3
times the lifespan of an average computer.
• Price.
• not available every where.

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