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What Is A Bushfire?
- type of wildfire is known as
a bushfire, an uncontrolled fire
that burns through scrubland,
Causes Of Bushfire
a. the moisture of the fuel. 
b. lower humidity, higher
temperature, and drier conditions.
c. Wind plays a key part in the
spread of bushfires 
d. lightning
e. arson
What do you think :Do
you think a bushfire will:

A. spread uphill faster?

B. spread downhill faster?
C. spread uphill and downhill
equally fast?
Answer :
The answer is A. A bushfire will spread up a hill
much faster than it will down a hill thanks to the
processes of convection and radiation. These processes
pre-heat higher ground much better than lower ground
and so the fire spreads upwards faster as a result. Think
of the Australian landscape - hot, dry, and with large
expanses of grasslands, and you can see why bushfires
might be common.
What we need to
know about the
Australia is being
ravaged by the
worst wildfires
seen in decades,
with large swaths
of the
country devastated 
since the fire season
began in late July.
At least 28
people have died
nationwide, and
in the state of
New South
Wales (NSW)
more than 3000
homes have been
destroyed or
damaged.  authorities
are struggling to
contain the massive
blazes, even with
firefighting assistance
from other countries
About half a
billion animals
have been
affected by the
fires across NSW,
with millions
likely dead
Almost a third of koalas in NSW
may have been killed in the fires,
and a third of their habitat has
been destroyed, said Federal
Environment Minister Sussan Ley.
total animals affected
could be as high as one
billion nationwide,
according to ecologists from
the University of Sydney.
Where are the Fires?
A satellite image of the bushfires burning across Australia
on December 26
There have been fires in every
Australian state, but New South
Wales has been hardest hit.
Blazes have torn
through bushland,
wooded areas, and
national parks like
the Blue

Some of Australia's
largest cities have also
been affected, including
Melbourne and Sydney
-- where fires have
damaged homes.
Earlier in December, the smoke was so bad in Sydney that
air quality measured 12 times the "hazardous" level.
What is causing
the fires?
Humans can also be
to blame. NSW
police have charged
Natural causes are at least 24 people
with deliberately
to blame most of starting bushfires,
the time, like and have taken
lightning strikes in legal action against
drought-affected 183 people for fire-
forests. related offenses
November, accordin
g to a police
What is being done?
There are more than
2000 firefighters
working on the
ground in NSW
alone, and more
support is on the
way -- the US,
Canada, and New
Zealand have sent
firefighters to help.
The federal government has
also sent in military assistance like
army personnel, air force aircraft,
and navy cruisers for firefighting,
evacuation, search and rescue, and
clean-up efforts.
The Morrison administration has also
allocated billions of dollars in federal aid,
to help rebuild vital infrastructure like
schools and health facilities struck by fire.
When will the Fires
Unfortunately, Australia is only about halfway
through its summer season. Normally, temperatures
peak in January and February, meaning the
country could be months away from finding relief.
The fires are unlikely to end entirely since they
are an annually occurring event -- and may even
get worse if recent years are a guide.
the Australian bushfire
occurred last January
“ We must rethink our identity as
co-creators…made in the image
and likeness of God, stewards of
the earth with responsibility to
care for our common home”
That’s a wrap….

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