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C Cive 3261 – Revision

Cost Studies

2 hour paper
3 Questions
All questions carry equal marks
Exam Technique

Answer what is required – not what you feel or have studied.

Take time to read and plan you answer.
Typical Question

Explain the characteristics of single, superficial and elemental

methods of elemental estimating.

Define the three approaches.

Explain their features
Identify quirks of each system to show differences
(a) The Emirates Stadium has 60000 seats and cost £600/
seat at 2005 prices to construct. Wembley Stadium has
90000 seats and cost £750/ seat at 2006 prices to
construct. Explain how you could use this data to build a
cost plan for a 10000 seat stadium in Leeds to be built in
Single price method.
Age of data
Specification adjustment
Question on pricing

(a) You have been asked to provide a price for the

construction of a series of large concrete bases for statues at
the University. Indicate how a price is for a single base is
developed? Describe which items are fixed and variable so
that an ongoing set of tender can be constructed?.
Direct Labour – variable or fixed
Direct Plant – variable or fixed
Direct material - fixed
Site Overhead/Project Infrastructure
Company Overhead
Company Profit
Cost Control

The business case, project mandate, brief and feasibility study

are central documents in the early phases of a project life-
cycle? Explain what is the purpose of each of these
Define term and what they mean.
Show how within each key elements are maintained – time ,
cost , quality, scope , overall aims
StrStrategic cost control

Describe how you would manage cost control through the life
cycle of a project. Indicate how the techniques are linked.
Cost Outline strategyamme

Pre-Brief – business case/ mandate

Brief Stage - use superficial or unit rates/feasibility study
Sketch Plan - Develop elemental plan
Approval Stage - full elemental plan
Production Drawing - cost checking/BoQ
Tender reconciliation - check pricing assumptions –
BoQ/Time schedule
Construction Stage – monitor BoQ/PERT
Post Completion - reconciliation, data gathering


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