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• Population of aging is increasing in 1990-5.9%, in 2020-9.5%

• Result on
Medication Therapy Adherence Clinic
• Medication Therapy Adherence Clinics (MTAC) were initiated by the
Pharmaceutical Services Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia in
ambulatory settings.
• 1st MTAC in MOH (2004)–Renal Transplant MTAC at Hospital Selayang
• 2006 - 1st DMTAC in Penang Hospital

• The primary objectives:

• to optimise drug therapy,
• to improve Medication Adherence and
• to reduce or prevent the occurrence of adverse events and complications
due to the drug regimen.
Objective of GMTAC
Scope Of Services

• Approved protocol at local/state (HOD & KPF)

Man Power Requirement


• Trained Pharmacist & backup pharmacist to conduct MTAC
• At least U44 and above
• Trained at appointed trained centre
• Approved by Pharmacy HOD & TPKN[F]
• 1 Type of MTAC :1 Training Centre (State)
• After appointed at least 2 year cannot be transferred
• Actively involved in MTAC Activity

• Appointment book & MTAC register


1. Location
Operation Hours and Location

• Room or dedicated area (with partition)

Pre/post session with ratio (Min 1:3)
 Pre- 1st MTAC (recruitment)
 Post – F/up session
Equipment, Layout
GMTAC Process Flow Chart
Patient Selection

Outcome based monitoring

Structured Module for pts education with related to type of MTAC
MTAC tools as needed (eg : flipchart)
Enable to communicate or collaborate with Dr`s regarding
interventions or suggestion related o drug therapy or PCI
Discharge Criteria

• Documentation based on type of MTAC(eg: form, consent form,

individual filing system)
• Appendix : all form
• Screening tools
Pharmacist Role in MTAC

Pharmacists perform the following functions in collaboration

with physicians and other members of the health care team

1. Patient assessment for medication-related factors.

2. Identify potential and actual drug–drug interactions and make

recommendations for dosage modification or alternative
therapies, if appropriate.

3 Initiate or modify medication therapy or patient care plans on

the basis of patient responses.
Pharmacist Role in MTAC

4. . Interpret data related to medication safety and


5. Order or recommend laboratory tests necessary for

monitoring outcomes of medication therapy and potential
drug toxicities and suggest cancellation of unnecessary

6. Provide drug information to physicians and other members

of the health care team.
Pharmacist Role in MTAC

7. Provide information, education, and counseling to patients

about medication-related care.

8. Document the care provided in patients’ records.

9. Identify any barriers to patient adherence to medication


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