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BMM 1011


Prof Dr Ir Hassan Ibrahim

Office A04-3-1-20A
Differences Between
Technicians, Technologists and Engineers
• Technicians
• In general, technicians have a two-year programme after secondary school. They do not require high
intellectual and analytical level like engineers do, but they need to know the principles of how systems
work so that they can maintain and repair the machines, systems or operations that they are in charge of.

• Technicians are most often employed in service jobs. The work typically involves:
• equipment installation,
• troubleshooting and repair,
• testing and measuring,
• maintenance and adjustment,
• manufacturing, or operation.

• Technicians can also become sales or customer representatives. Companies that sell sophisticated
machines and mechanical systems generally engage technicians as sales representatives.

• Technicians may also work as engineering technicians, lab technicians, engineering assistants. 
Technologists or Engineering Technologists

• An engineering technologist is a specialist devoted to the implementation of existing

technology within a field of engineering. Technologists often work with engineers in a
wide variety of projects by applying basic engineering principles and technical skills. The
work of technologists is usually focused on the portion of the technological spectrum
closest to product improvement, manufacturing, construction, and engineering
operational functions.
• Technologists are employed in a large and wide-array of industries, including
manufacturing, construction, industrial, maintenance, and management. At entry-level
their work includes product design, testing, development, systems development, field
engineering, technical operations, and quality control. As they become more
experienced they may be hired as managers of technology.
• In general, the work of engineering technologists focuses on applied & practical
application of engineering principles, whereas the work of engineers emphasises the
theoretical aspects of mathematical, scientific and engineering principles. In big
companies engineers and technologists work hand-in-hand as a strong technical team.
• Candidates must have a minimum of a high school diploma or college. Some
universities also produce technologists at bachelor degree level.

• Engineers design equipment and systems. They have B.Sc., M.Sc., or Ph.D. in Mechanical,
Electrical, Civil or other branches of these 3 major engineering disciplines such as
Automotive, Robotics, Mechatronics, Electronics, Computer, Aeronautics, Energy.
• The work of engineers emphasises the theoretical aspects of mathematical, scientific
and engineering principles. Their work requires high analytical and innovative capability
so that they can keep improving whatever products or services that they provide.
• Generally speaking, graduates with engineering degrees are employed as engineers in
manufacturing, quality control, design, and field service. They can also work in
consulting firms providing professional services.
• Engineers with management skills and experience may eventually grow to become Head
of Division, Managers or CEOs of companies.
• Engineers usually affiliate themselves to engineering boards and learned societies.
Malaysia is a beautiful country. Love your country dearly.
As an Engineer you can contribute greatly & much more to its beauty
and development!

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