09 BLDG Thermal Load 050426

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Building thermal loads

Short-wave Radiation
 (ditimbulkan efek rumah kaca)
 Short wave radiation is basically solar radiation
from the Sun in the form of infrared and visible light.
 It comprises both sunlight (direct solar radiation) and
 daylight (diffuse radiation from the sky and reflected off
other external surfaces).
 Window glass is almost completely transparent to
this form of energy so window size and orientation
as well as shading devices and the
absorptance/reflectance of both internal and
external surfaces are very important..
Short wave heat gain
from reflected sunlight
Long-wave Radiation
 (radiasi dapat memanasi benda sampai 50°C)
 Long-wave radiation refers to heat energy
radiated by objects at terrestrial temperatures
(below 100°C).
 All elements both inside and outside a building are
always exchanging heat by radiation when they
are at different temperatures.
 In most cases the concern is excessive heat gains
as these dark surfaces can sometimes be heated
by direct solar radiation to well above 50°C.
 In colder climates where solar radiation is not as
high, the external surfaces of the building tend to
be at roughly the same temperature as other
adjacent surfaces so heat loss by this mechanism
is not normally a concern
Air Flow
(aliran udara dapat membawa panas/konveksi)

 This refers to both the flow of air into and out of a building and any
convection currents that occur within it.
 Flow in or out of a building occurs by ventilation through vents,
open windows and doors, or by infiltration through gaps in the
fabric and porous materials.
 It is greatly affected by opening sizes, construction detailing and by
local wind velocity and direction.
 Convection currents refer to the movement of internal air due to
temperature differentials within it, usually referred to as the 'stack
effect' as it was originally noticed in large chimney stacks. This
effect is most likely to occur near atria or other voids between floors
and acts to transport large amounts of heat upwards.
 In many buildings the stack effect is used as the primary means of
inducing natural ventilation and removing excess heat from spaces.
Once again, this effect can be useful at some times and detrimental
at others so the designer must consider possible controls.
Casual/Internal Gains
 (peralatan menghasilkan panas dalam ruangan)
 Casual gains refer to heat entering a space from the
lighting and equipment systems within it, as well as the
occupants themselves.
 A standard office lighting system may add around 20
W/m² of floor area whilst the average office worker would
add around 70 - 100 W of heat.
 Such gains have both a sensible and a latent component.
Sensible heat acts to increase the sensorable air
temperature of the space whilst latent heat occurs when
moisture evaporates, increasing the humidity of the air
(and therefore its energy content without necessarily
increasing it temperature) and storing it for release later
when the air cools slightly and condensation occurs.
 (bukaan harus dapat disesuaikan dengan iklim)
 Whilst heat flows due to climate only really occur through
the mechanisms described above, it does have a
significant effect on the magnitude of gains or losses and
where they come from.
 The nature of climate adds extra complexity as it
establishes a pattern within which the amount and type of
flow can change quite dramatically at different times of the
 For example, in summer large areas of window may be
desirable for natural ventilation, however in winter it may
be so cold outside that any gains through direct solar
radiation are not sufficient to offset losses by conduction
through the glass.
 This requires the designer to carefully consider many
options and their effects as the solution may not be as
simple as just specifying double glazing.
HVAC & Other Plant
 (AC menghasilkan udara dingin, tapi juga membuang panas)
 In most cases, it is the job of the Heating, Ventilation and Air-
conditioning (HVAC) system to offset any thermal imbalance in the
building so that internal conditions remain stable at comfortable levels.
 Your job, as the designer, is to ensure that you do not unnecessarily
waste energy by carelessly creating too large an imbalance, requiring
excessive HVAC systems to compensate.
 Unfortunately it is never as simple as just pumping in hot air when it is
too cold and cold air when it is too hot. Everyone has been to at least
one building in which the guy sitting in the summer sun next to the
window is quite comfortable whilst those at their desks near the lift
core freeze. Such a situation requires quite complex zoning strategies,
which many architects are completely oblivious to. They simply deliver
their completed design to the services engineer who then tries to
make it work. What the architect is not told is that, to actually make it
work, many of the air outlets have to have their own little heater so
that, when the massive chiller on the roof pumps out air at 12°C to
meet the requirements of the window guy, the heaters near the lifts
have to heat it back up to 16°C so that those guys don't freeze.
Heat Exchange Mechanism in Buildings

Qi + Qs + Qc + Qv - Qe
Heat Balance Equation
  Thermal balance occurs when the sum of all the
different types of heat flow into and out of a building is
zero. That is, the building is losing as much heat as it
gains so it can be said to be in equilibrium.

Qi + Qs + Qv + Qc - Qe = 0

 The five values on the left hand side of the equation refer
to the five different sources of heat gain or heat loss
within a building, and are defined as follows:
Internal heat gain
 People
 Appliances / Equipment
 Lamps
 Etc.
Periodic Heat flow
Time lag (φ)
To max

Ti max

6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00 6:00

Decrement factor: μ = Ti max / To max

Insulation  demo using opaque software
Thermal properties of some glasses
Double glass
Low e glass

& Low Solar
GLASSGain Low E & High Solar Gain

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