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The marketing mix refers to the set of

actions, or tactics, that a company uses to

promote its brand or product in the market.
The 4Ps make up typical marketing mix-
Price, Product, Promotion, and Place.
However, nowadays , the marketing mix
increasingly includes several other Ps like
People, Process and even Physical
environment as vital mix elements.
What is the importance of the marketing

All the elements of the marketing mix influence each

other. They make up the business plan for a company
and handled right, can give it great success. But
handled wrong and the business could take years to
recover. The marketing mix needs lot of
understanding, market research and consultation with
several people, from users to trade, to manufacturing
and several others.
 is an item that is
built or produced to
satisfy the needs of a
certain group of
 can be tangible or
intangible as it can
be in the form of
services or goods.
 the amount that a
customer pays for
to enjoy it.
 an important
component of a
marketing plan as
it determines your
firm’s profit and
 Placement or
distribution is a
very important of
the product mix
 You have to
position and
distribute the
product in a place
that is accessible to
potential buyers.
 Promotion can
boost brand
recognition and
 Composed of
various elements:
• Sales Organization
• Public Relations
• Advertising
• Sales Promotion

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