Differential Calculus: A Little Pebble

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Differential Calculus

Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) was the greatest scientist of all time and considered as a key
figure in the scientific revolution. He was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer,
theologian and author of many scientific books. One of his most important contributions was
the development of Differential and Integral Calculus.
[Some other inventions: (1) Universal law of Gravitation
(2) Three laws of Motions
(3) The Binomial Theorem
(4) The colors of White Light. etc…………….].
Calculus is a Latin word meaning “a little pebble”. In ancient days, pebbles were used for
working out sums.
Definition of the Derivatives
Given y=f(x), then
, y/ , dy/dx all represent the derivatives of the f at x.
We will find the rate of change of y with respect to x. [?]
Graphically, the rate of change on the curve is the gradient of the tangent at that point.
dy/dx measures the rate of change of y with respect to x.

dA/dr measures the rate of change of A (Area) w.r.t. r (radius).

Finding the Derivatives
1. Simple Power Rule:
If y=f(x) = xn , where n is a real number, then
f/ (x) =nxn-1 or, y/= nxn-1 or, dy/dx= nxn-1
Example: If f(x) =x5
Solution: f/(x)=5x5-1 =5x4
Example: If y=x-3 . Find dy/dx. Solution: dy/dx= -3x-3-1 =-3x-4 .
Example:Find dy/dx(x5/3).
Solution: d/dx(x5/3 )=(5/3)x5/3-1 =(5/3) x2/3 .
2.Derivative of a constant.
f(x)=k, k is a constant. f/(x)=0. The derivative of any constant is zero.

Suppose, f(x)=3, f/ (x)=0.

3.Constant times a function .
If k is a constant , then d/dx[kf(x)] =k.d/dx[f(x)]= k.f/ (x).
Example: If f(x) = 3x2. Find f/ (x).
Solution: f(x) = 3x2 .
f/ (x) = 3.2.x2-1 =6x

4. Derivatives of sums and differences.

The derivatives of an expression may be taken term by term.
d/dx(U±V) = d/dx(U) ±d/dx(V).
Example: y=3x4 +1/2x2 – 1/x +4
Solution: dx/dy = y=3x4 +1/2x2 – x-1 +4
= 12x3 +x +x-2 +0
= 12x3 +x + 1/x2 .
Summary of Rules:
1. The derivative of a constant is zero.
2. The derivative of a constant times a function equals the constant times the derivative of
the function.
3. The derivative of an expression may be taken term by term.

Some extra examples:

4. f(x)=kx is f(x) =k.x1
By the Simple Power Rule, f ( x)  k .(1) x11  kx 0  k .1  k

[Of course, y=kx is a straight line with slope equal to k.].

2. d d x 1 1 1
f ( x)  ( )  .(1) x11  x 0 
dx dx 3 3 3 3
(3 x 2  ax  b)
The derivative with respect to x. This means that other letters are treated as
constants because x is the independent variable. Thus
(3 x 2  ax  b)  6 x  a

(3q 2  pq  4r )  6q  p.
Exercise to be solved by the students.

 23 
d  2 x  4 x 3  5 x  10 
 
 
The Derivative of [f(x)]n

We are familiar with the Simple Power Rule,

d n
( x )  nx n 1

We wish to learn how to expand this rule to take the derivative of expression such
(2 x  7)10 and

(3x 2  2 x  5) 2
Where the base of the power is something other than simply x, that is, we want a rule for
[ f ( x)]n
Function Power Rule
d d /
[ f ( x )]n  n[ f ( x )]n 1 [ f ( x )]  n[ f ( x )]n 1 f ( x ).
dx dx

The new rule starts out as does simple Power Rule with the Power times the functionto the
power minus 1, then is completed by multiplying by the derivative of the functions (often
called the derivative of what’s inside the parenthesis).
Example: find the derivative of g(x) =(2x -7)10

Solution: d/dx(2x – 7)10 = 10(2x – 7)10-1 d/dx(2x – 7)

= 10(2x – 7)9 (2) Note: d/dx(2x-7)=d/dx(2x)-d/dx(7)
=20(2x – 7)9 =2 – 0=2

Exercise 1: Find h/ (x) if h(x) = (3x2 +5)100 Ans: 600x(3x2 +5)99

Exercise 2:Find f/ (x) if f(x) = (2x3 -3x2 - 10)4/3 Ans: 8((2x3 -3x2 - 10)1/3 (x)(x-1).
f (x) if f(x) = (3x2 -2x + 5)3/2
Example: Find /

=3/2(3x2 -2x + 5)3/2 -1 [d/dx(3x2 -2x + 5)]

3/2(3x2 -2x + 5)1/2 (6x-2)
=3/2(3x2 -2x + 5)1/2 .(2)(3X-1)
=3(3x2 -2x + 5)1/2 .(3X-1)
Example: Find f/ (1) if f(x) = 10x – 54/(5x2 +4)1/2
Solution: Changing to proper form,

f(x) =10x – 54(5x2 +4)- 1/2

f/ (x) =10 –(54)(-1/2)(5x2 +4)-3/2 d/dx(5x2 +4)
=10 + 27(5x2 +4)-3/2 (10x)
=10 +270x(5x2 +4)-3/2
= 10 +270x/(5x2 +4)3/2
Then f/ (1) =10 +270(1)/(5.12 +4)3/2
=10+ 270/93/2
=10 + 270/27
Exercises to be done by the students
Find f/ (x). Simplify where possible. Leave no negative exponent in answers.
1. f(x) = (3x2 -6x+2)5/2 2. f(x) = (3x2 +5)2/3
3. f(x) = 12/(2x+10)3 4. f(x) = 0.1x +5/(5 – 0.2x)
5. f(x) = 1/(3x – 7)1/2 -2x
6. Find g/ (2) if g(x)= 10x+18/(5+2x)1/2
7. Find h/ (3)= if h(x) =7x +4/(x2 – 1)1/3
2. 15(x-1) (3x2 -6x+2)3/2 2. 4x/ (3x2 +5)1/3 3. -72/(2x+10)4
4. 0.1+1/(5 – 0.2x)2 5. -2 -3/2(3x – 7)3/2
6. 28/3 7. 13/2
Product and Quotient Rules
( x  1)( x  2) and
2 3
d 2x  32
( ).
dx x  1
Product Rule: Let y =UV, where U and V are functions of x. The formula:

dy dv du
u v
dx dx dx
Example: Differentiate y=(x3 )(x5 ). Let u= x3 v = x5
Solution: The formula
dy dv du
u v
dx dx dx

dy d d
 x3 ( x5 )  x5 ( x3 )
dx dx dx
 x 3 5 x 4  x 5 .3 x 2
 5 x 7  3x 7
 8x7
Example: Find d/dx of (x-1)(x3 +2)4/3 . Solution in the Board.
du dv
Quotient Rule: y=u/v. The formula: dy
 2
dx v

Example: Differentiate
d 2x  5

dx 3x  7
d d
(3 x  7 ) ( 2 x  5)  ( 2 x  5) (3 x  7 )
 dx dx
(3 x  7) 2
(3 x  7 )( 2)  ( 2 x  5)(3)

(3 x  7 ) 2
6 x  14  6 x  15

(3 x  7 ) 2
 29

(3 x  7 ) 2
Exercises to be done by the students
Find f/ (x). Simplify where possible. Leave no negative exponent in answers.
1. f(x)=(3x-2)(2x+5) 2. f(x)=(x2 +2)(3x-5) 3. f(x)=x(x-1)4
4. f(x)=3x(2x3+5)1/2 5. f(x) = x3 /(3x+5) 6. f(x) = x/(3x+2)1/2
7. f(x) =(2x+1)/(x2 +5)1/3 8. f(x) = (3-5x)/(x3 +2)1/3
1. 12x+11 2. 9x2 -10x +6 3.4x(x-1)3 +(x-1)4 =(x-1)3 (5x-1).
4. 9x3/(2x3 +5)1/2 +3(2x3 +5)1/2 =15(2x+5)/(3x+5)2 5. 3x2 (2x+5)/(3x+5)2

3x(3 x  2) 2
(3 x  2) 
2 3x  4
6. f / ( x) 
3x  2
 3
2(3 x  2) 2
1 2 x (2 x  1)( x 2  5)
2( x 2  5)  3 3
( x 2  5) 3

1 2
 5( x  2)  x (3  5 x)( x  2)
3 3 2 3 3
8. 2
( x  2)
3 3

3 x 2  10
 4
( x  2)
3 3

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