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Warm up question:
What is your idea about computer hacking?
Have you encountered a security threat?
Explain how?
How can we protect ourselves from
computer hacking
What is Online
is the awareness of the user in
implementing counter measures to avoid
compromise of sensitive personal data and
An ‘asset’ is a data that has certain value
to its owner.
As technology evolves, security in the web
is being raised as a concern.
 It is a type of attack where the
perpetrator seeks the victim’s
 As a result, victims were able to
provide personal information.
 Scams do not involve technical
skills, but social engineering.
 Social Engineering is when the
perpetrator communicates with
the user until such time that it will
divulge his or her sensitive
personal information.
It is when the perpetrator
impersonates a trusted third party
device in order to gain the
victim’s trust.
Mostly of the hacked ‘assets’ are
social media credentials, credit
card’s sensitive information, bank
accounts and etc.
We can avoid this attack by
making sure that the website that
we are visiting are secured and
Cross-site Scripting
It is being
performed on
vulnerable web or
Mostly this happens
when web
applications did not
pass quality
assurance on
application security.
How to know if the website is
secured or not?
Always check the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – especially
when you are performing actions which involve sensitive
information (e.g. Social Media sites, email, banking and etc.)
Always remember the URL name of the sites that you are
visiting in order to avoid hacking.

The webpages we access daily are mostly composed of HTTP

and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).
The user should also verify if the URL they are visiting is
legitimate or not.
How to know if the website is
secured or not?
Look for the ‘padlock’ icon

When accessing web pages, browsers should be

displaying the ‘padlock’ icon, mostly beside the URL.
Comes from the English word
‘malicious’ and ‘software’.
Generally designed to
sabotage a system.
E.g. Downloaded unknown
Signs of infection may be
degraded performance,
unusual system activities and
frequent pop-ups.
Anti Virus
It is a software that
detects computer
viruses and malware.
Scan detects
malwares when the
malwares’ signatures
match the signatures
found and stored in
the database.
Just like an anti-virus, it acts as first
line of defense as you use the
It can also come with hardware and
software firewall.
Hardware firewall are being used by
big companies such as banks to
protect sensitive data from attacks.
Software firewall can be downloaded
and installed on a workstation.
Always remember that:
it is strongly recommended that users
always stay vigilant and always refrain from
leaking sensitive personal information.
Always remember that a person can be
anyone on the internet ; therefore, give your
trust, but at the same time verify things.
Computer has its limitations and therefore
as users we must be cautions and vigilant
especially on the sites we visit
Assignment: To be
uploaded on
Schoology, kindly
open your accounts
during your FTC time

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