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Outline of Chapter One

Sensible Heat Effect
Latent Heat Effect
Standard State
Standard Heat of Reaction
Standard Heat of Formation
Standard Heat of Combustion
Temperature Dependence of H
Heat Effects of Industrial Application
College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II 1
Chemical Eng’g Department Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Learning Outcomes

At the end of this chapter students will be able to :

Understand, differentiate and determine sensible and latent heats of pure
Define and apply standard states.
Calculate and determine heat of reaction, heat of formation, heat of
combustion and their respective standard states.
Apply the knowledge gained on selected chemical industries.
College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible and Latent Heat Effect

Sensible Heat Effect

 Flow of heat associated with
 Change in T of system – sensible heat flow.
 Without change in T of system – latent heat,
 Sensible heat flow
 Effect on two state functions: U = U(T,V) & H = H(T,P)
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Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid3
Chemical Eng’g Department
Sensible Heat …….

 U   U   U 
dU    dT    dV  C V dT    dV
 T  V  V  T  V  T

Second term is zero

Process is constant volume (regardless of substance), or
U is independent of V e.g., ideal gas

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Chemical Eng’g Department Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

In either case

U  C
v dT

For mechanically reversible constant volume process


Q  U   C v dT

Enthalpy: H = H(T,P)
 H   H   H 
dH    dT    dP  C P dT    dP
 T  P  P  T  P  T
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Chemical Eng’g Department Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

Second term is zero if

Process is constant pressure, or
H is independent of V e.g., ideal gas

In either case


H  C
P dT

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

For mechanically reversible constant-pressure process


Q  H   C P dT

CP is not constant; T  40 0C it may be assumed constant

CP is not constant;T > 40 0C it cannot be assumed constant and the
dependence on T is of the form CP = CP(T)

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Chemical Eng’g Department Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

CP or CP c
 α  βT  γT 2  a  bT  2

The above two forms can be combined into one as given below
 A  BT  CT  2

where either C or D is zero

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Chemical Eng’g Department Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

Ideal Gas State & CPig


For gases TD calculations are done in two steps:

1.Evaluation of hypothetical ideal-gas state
2.Correction of ideal-gas state values to real-gas values

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

Ideal-gas state of a real gas (macroscopic view):

Given real gas at T & P, consider thought experiment where

1. P  0 at constant T (gas starts behaving as ideal gas)

2. Bring P back to original value assuming gas continues to behave
College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

Ideal-gas state of a real gas (microscopic view):

Given real gas at T & P, consider behavior of gas where intermolecular i/a
becomes zero

Each real gas have its own characteristic properties in ideal-gas state

e.g.,CPig is different for different gases.

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

Ideal-gas state of a real gas (Properties):

1. EOS is PV = RT

2. U = U(T) & H = H(T)

3. CPig – CVig = R

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Sensible Heat …….

Evaluation of Sensible Heat Integral

Since CP H
 T  T0    C P dT  AT 0   1  
B 2 2 C
  D   1
T0   1  T03  3  1    
R T0
R 2 3 T0   

Using T  T0
 1 
 D 
T0   1  T02  2    1 
 A   T  T0 
 T  T0   2 3 2 
T0 

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 1: Temperature Calculations

What is final temperature when heat in the amount of 422 MJ is added to

11.3 kmol of ammonia initially at 533.15 K in a steady-flow process at 1

Q 422  106
Const – P: Q = n(H) H    37.345 kJ/kmol
n 11 .3  10 3

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Temperature Calculations …….

C igP  D    1 
 R  AT 0   1  T0   1  T0   1  
H  R  dT B 2 2 C 3 3
R 
 2 3 T0   

T0 = 533.15 K,
 - unknown: iterative procedure (home assignment!)

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Heat Effects Without Temperature Change: Latent Heat

Latent Heat: Heat transfer associated with change of phase

Two-phase system, single species: univariant, (DOF = 1)
dP sat
Clayperon eqn.: H  T V

where H – latent heat, V – volume change accompanying phase change

& Psat – vapor pressure
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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Latent Heat…….

Trouton’s rule: Latent heat of vaporization at normal bp

H n
 10
RT n

Other equation: the equation proposed by Siedel:

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard State

Standard State is a constant reference points (standard states) against which all
comparisons can be made.:

A particular state of a species at T and at specified conditions of P,

composition, and physical condition (e.g., gas, liquid, or solid)
Property values at std. state denoted by degree symbol, e.g. C P

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard State……..

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard State……

Standard state

P: 1 atm (earlier days), now 1 bar Composition: states of pure species

Physical state: gases – ideal gas state, liquid & solids – real pure liquid/

For gases: std. state is ideal gas state at 1 bar

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard State……

Standard states for compounds are defined as :

 Solid - pure solid
 Liquid - pure liquid
 Solute - concentration of 1 mol per kg of solvent in a given solvent
 Gas pure gas at 1 atm pressure
 Standard conditions for all reactions of practical interest are defined as 1 atm
pressure and 298 K.
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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Heat of Reaction

Heat of reaction: Heat transfer associated with chemical reaction

Due to difference in the energy associated with reactant and product

Consider a rxn carried out at constant T & P with negligible KE & PE, W s
and at steady state conditions
College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Heat of Reaction…..

Then open system energy balance gives, Q = H

Enthalpy change of reaction  heat of reaction,

Heat of rxn also changes with T
Not possible to tabulate heat of rxn for all rxn at useful range of T
 Tabulate data at some reference state & use H calculations to find heat of rxn
at any other temperature.
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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard Heat of Reaction

Consider the following reaction carried out at T

aA  bB  lL  mM

Standard Heat of rxn: enthalpy change when a moles of A and b moles of

B react in their std. state at T to form l moles of L and m moles of M in
their standard state at T

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard Heat of Reaction……

Heat of rxn refers to stoichiometric coefficient as written

1 3
N 2  H 2  NH 3 H 0298  46,110 J
2 2
N 2  3H 2  2NH 3 H 0
298  92,220 J

If stoichiometric coefficients are doubled; heat of rxn doubles

Compiling data for std. heat of rxn for all possible rxn is not possible
College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard Heat of Reaction…..

Compile Std. ht. of rxn for small set of rxn from which std. heat of rxn for all
other rxn. can be calculated.

Such a set is Standard Heat of Formation

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Heat of Formation

Heat of rxn is enthalpy change of rxn

Enthalpy is state fn., i.e., change of enthalpy independent of path
Heat of rxn independent of path
Std. ht. of rxn. can be calculated from std. heat of formation rxn.
Heat of rxn depends on temperature.

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Heat of Formation…

Heat of formation rxn tabulated at 25 0C or 298.15 K

Heat of rxn at any T is calculated using two step procedure
1. Heat of rxn at 298.15 K
2. Change in heat of rxn at desired T from 298.15 K.

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard Heat of Formation

Formation Rxn: a rxn which forms a single compound from its constituent
elements. Stoichiometry such that it results in 1 mol of the compound
Std. ht of formation rxn: H f

Std. ht of formation rxn at 298.15 K: H 0f 298

For elements Std. heat of formation is taken as zero

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard Heat of Formation…….

Any rxn can be represented as a combination of a set of formation rxn

e.g., consider the following rxn.
CO 2 (g)  H 2 (g )  CO (g )  H 2 (g)
The pertinent formation rxn are

CO 2 : C(s)  O 2 (g )  CO 2 H 0f 298  393,509 J

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard Heat of Formation…….

H2 : element  H 0
f 298 0
CO : C(s)  O 2 (g )  CO (g ) H 0f 298  110 ,525 J
H 2O : H 2 (g)  O 2 (g )  H 2 O(g) H f 298  241,818 J

The given rxn. can be written by writing CO2

formation rxn. in reverse mode
College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Standard Heat of Formation…….

CO 2  C(s)  O 2 (g ) H 0
f 298  393,509 J

H2 H 0f 298  0
C(s)  O 2 (g )  CO (g ) H 0f 298  110 ,525 J
H 2 (g)  O 2 (g )  H 2 O(g) H 0f 298  241,818 J

CO 2 (g)  H 2 (g )  CO (g )  H 2 (g) H  41166 J


College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Heat of Combustion

Carrying out formation reaction for all compounds is not easy to carry out
A combustion reaction is defined as a reaction between an element or
compound and oxygen to form specified combustion products.
Can be measured calorimetrically
Data are always based on 1 mol of the substance burned.
Heat of combustion reaction used to determine heat of formation
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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 2

Calculate the standard heat at 25 0C for the following reaction:

4HCl (g) + O2 (g) → 2H2O (g) +2Cl2 (g)
Standard heats of formation at 298.15 K from Table C.4 are:
HCl (g) : - 92,307 J & H2O (g) : -241,818 J

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 2….

The following combination gives the desired result

4HCl (g) → 2H2 (g) +2Cl2 (g) H°298 = (4)(92,307
2H2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2H2O (g) H°298 = (2)(-241,818)
4HCl (g) + O2 (g) → 2H2O (g) +2Cl2 (g) H°298 = -114,408 J

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 3

A reaction such as the formation of n-butane:

cannot be carried out in practice.

However, this equation results from combination of the following
combustion reactions:

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 3…..

This is the value of the standard heat of formation of n-butane listed in Table

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Variation of Std. Heat of Rxn with Temperature

Heat of rxn is enthalpy change of rxn

H 0   i H 0i
where i is the stoichiometric coeff., +ve for products and negative for reactants.
Enthalpy of elements is taken as zero
Þ Heat of formation is equal to the enthalpy of compound
H 0   i H 0fi
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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Variation of Std. Heat of Rxn ……

For standard state P is constant (= 1 bar).

Þ Std. state enthalpy are therefore function of T only:

dH  C Pi dT
Þ Thus i

  dH    C
i i
i Pi dT

since i is constant for a reaction above eqn. may be written as

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Variation of Std. Heat of Rxn ……

 
d 
i i i
 H   d  H 
 i i    C i Pi dT
 i  i

 
dH  d   i H i   
 i Pi
 C dT  C 0
P dT
 i  i

dH  C dT 0 0

where C 0P   iC Pi

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Variation of Std. Heat of Rxn ……

Integration gives
 C o
H o  H o0  R  P
Where To

H o & H o0 are std heat of rxn at T and T0 respectively

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 4

Calculate the standard heat of the methanol-synthesis reaction at 800°C:

CO( g )  2 H 2 ( g )  CH 3OH ( g )
Solution: Apply Eqn.:
H 0O   vi H Ofi
to the reaction for reference temperature T 0 = 298.15 K and with heat–of-
formation data from Table C.4 :
H 0O  H 298
 200,660    110 ,525  90,135 J
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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 4…..

Evaluation of H0 at 1073.15 K is done using the following eqn.

H 0
H 0
1073 298
 dT
R T0
B 2 2 C 3 3 D    1 
  A  T0   1 
T0   1  

T0   1  
T0   

 
where T0 is 298.15 K &  = 1073.15/298.15

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 4…..

Evaluation of parameters in above eqn. done using data in Table C.1

i i A 103B 106C 10-5D

CH30H 1 2.211 12.216 -3.45 0.000

CO -1 3.376 0.557 0.000 -0.031

H2 -2 3.249 0.422 0.000 0.083

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 4…..

From its definition,

A  (1)( 2.211)  (1)(3.376)  (2)(3.249)  7.663
B  10.815 10 C  3.450  10 6
D  0.135  10 5
Then by Eqn.:

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 4…..

H 0
1073 H 0
298 R dT 
 10.815  10 3 2 2  3.450  10 6 3 3   1,615.5R
  7.663 T0   1 
T0   1   2
 T0   1   
 R
  0.135  10    1 

    
 T0    

 90,135  8.314(1,615.5)  103,566 J

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Heat Effect of Industrial Reactions

Industrial rxns :
 are rarely carried on at standard states.
 may not go to completion
 Tf may be different from Ti
 Inert species and several side rxns may present.
However, calculations of the heat effect will be the same.
 It will be clear with the following examples
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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Heat Effect of Industrial Reactions

Example 5.
What is the maximum temperature that can be reached by the combustion
of methane with 20% excess air? Both the methane and the air enter the
burner at 25°C.
The reaction is CH 4  2O2 ( g )  CO2  2 H 2O( g )
for which, H 298
 393,509  (2)( 214,818)  (74,520)  802,625 J
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Example 5. ……

Maximum attainable temperature (called the theoretical flame Temperature)

is sought:
Maximum T occurs when all heat released is assimilated by the system

1.The combustion reaction goes to completion adiabatically (Q=0).

2. The kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
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Chemical Eng’g Department
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Example 5. ……

3. The Ws=0.
The overall energy balance for the process reduces to

For calculation of the final temperature, any convenient path between the
initial and final states may be used.

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 5. ……

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Chemical Eng’g Department
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Example 5. ……

Basis: one mole of methane burned

Quantities of oxygen and nitrogen supplied by the entering air:

Moles O2 required = 2.0

Moles excess O2 = (0.2)(2.0) = 0.4
Moles N2 required = (2.4)(79/21) = 9.03
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Example 5 ……

The gases leaving the burner contains 1 mol CO2, 2 mol H2O(g), 0.4 mol O2, and 9.03
mol N2.

Since the enthalpy change must be independent of path,

H 0
298  H  H  0

The enthalpy change of the products as they are heated from 298.15 K to T is
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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 5 ……

H 0P  C OP (T  298.15)

where we define C OP as the mean heat capacity for the total product stream

P H  n i C O
Since C=0 for each product gas (Table C.1), Eq. yields:

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 5 ……

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 5 ……

Data from Table C.1 are combined as follows:

A   n i A i  (1)(5.457)  (2)(3.470)  (0.4)(3.639)  (9.03)(3.280)

 43.471
B   n i Bi  9.502 10 3

D   n i Di  0.645  105
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Example 5 ……

For the product stream (C PO ) H / R is therefore represented by :

MCPH(298.15, T;43.471,9 .502E - 3,0.0,-0.645E  5)

To solve the required T

H O298
T  298.15 - O

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Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 5 ……

Because the mean heat capacities H depend on T,
first evaluate for an assumed value of T > 298.15,

substitute the result in the preceding equation .

This yields a new value of T for which C is reevaluated. O

The procedure continues to convergence on the final value,

T=2,066K or 1,793°C
College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 6

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 6 ……


College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 6 ……

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 6 ……

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 6 ……

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 6 ……

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid
Example 6 ……

College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Lecture Notes on Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Chemical Eng’g Department
Prepared by Dr Sirini & Muhidin Seid

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