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CONSUMER-is an individual or person who purchases or uses products and services

and who makes the choice on how to spend.

CONSUMER HEALTH-is the study of products and services that have an effect on health
and decisions on how to spend time and money.Example:Buying a shampoo suits your
hair. Also, you need to determine how much money to spend and time to use,just to buy
that kind of shampoo. Buying things for yourself affects your health
Declaration of Basic Policy. — It is the policy of the State
to protect the interests of the consumer, promote his
general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for
business and industry. Towards this end, the State shall
implement measures to achieve the following objectives:
a)              protection against hazards to health and safety;
b)              protection against deceptive, unfair and
unconscionable sales acts and practices;
c)              provision of information and education to
facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by
the consumer;
d)              provision of adequate rights and means of
redress; and
e)              involvement of consumer representatives in the
formulation of social and economic policies.
“Advertising” means the business of conceptualizing,
presenting or making available to the public, through any
form of mass media, fact, data or information about the
attributes, features, quality or availability of consumer
products, services or credit.
“Banned hazardous substance” means (1) any toy or other
articles intended for use by children, which are hazardous
per se, or which bear or contain substances harmful to
human beings; or (2) any hazardous substance intended
or packaged in a form suitable for use in the household,
which the implementing agency by regulation, classifies as
“banned hazardous substance” notwithstanding the
existence of cautionary labels, to safeguard public health
and safety: Provided, That the implementing agency may,
by regulation, exempt from this Act, articles which by
reason of their functional purpose require the inclusion of
the hazardous substance involved and which bear
appropriate labels giving adequate directions and
warnings for their safe use.
RA 7394 aims to protect consumers against hazards to
health and safety, protect consumers against deceptive,
unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices,
provide information and education to facilitate sound
choice and the proper exercise of rights by the
consumers, provide adequate rights and means of
redress, ...Dec 4, 2019
The bill stated that every person has four basic consumer
rights—the right to be informed, the right to choose, the
right to safety, and the right to be heard.
These rights received a lot of attention from
the consumer movement, a movement to pass laws
protecting consumers from unfair and unsafe business
The Right to Be Informed As a consumer, you have a right to
receive accurate information. Consumers can make wise
decisions only if they have the information they need.
Businesses are required to provide certain details about their
products. For example, drug companies must list the complete
contents of every medicine. Clothing manufacturers must list
the fi bers used in materials. Packaged foods must show all
ingredients, with the main one listed fi rst. Companies provide
this information through product labeling.
RIGHT TO BE INFORMED- consumer has the right to be
informed of the products to be purchased against
fraudulent,misleading information.Facts should be
disseminated for the consumers knowledge and information for
choices of goods or products.
The Right to Choose Because the United States has a market
economy, its consumers can choose from a wide variety of
goods and services. Businesses compete with each other to sell
their products to consumers. They offer new products, lower
prices, higher quality, or improved services to get you to choose
their products. Competition provides choices. A lack of it hurts
RIGHT TO CHOOSE- consumer has the right to choose
satisfactory quality and service at fair prices,and access to a
variety of products to choose from
The Right to Safety You have a right to products that are safe to
use. Product liability is the legal responsibility that
manufacturers have to make a safe product. For example, tools
and appliances must include safety devices for your protection.
Federal laws ensure that clothing, food, toys, and other items
will not harm consumers. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission enforces product-safety standards
RIGHT TO SAFETY- the consumer has the right to be protected
from goods sold in the wet market or supermarket which are
dangerous to health or life.
The Right to Be Heard Consumers who have complaints about
products or services have a right to be heard. Suppose you buy
a bike helmet from a sporting goods store. After wearing the
helmet a few times, you fi nd that the chinstrap keeps coming
loose. You have the right to let the store know you are not
satisfi ed with the helmet. Businesses rely on customer
satisfaction. The purpose of the customer service department
is to listen to the concerns of customers.
RIGHT TO BE HEARD- consumers interest should receive full and
sympathetic consideration in the formulation of government
policy and fair, expeditious treatment in its administrative
The Right to Have Problems Corrected Sometimes products do
not work properly after they are purchased. Usually if a
customer takes a defective item back to a store with a receipt,
the business will replace it or issue a refund. If a business
cannot or will not correct a problem, consumers can write to
the manufacturer to fi nd out how to get the matter resolved. If
the manufacturer will not help, a government agency might be
your next step. Figure 23.1 asks you to match each scenario
with the appropriate consumer right.
The Right to Consumer Education Consumers have the right to
learn how a market system works. You should know how to get
the best value and satisfaction for your money. When you
decide to buy an item, you should know that different stores
might charge different prices. You should know how to
comparison shop to fi nd the best buy. Check the information
required by law on labels, and read fact sheets about
The Right to Service Customers have a right to be treated in a
respectful and courteous manner. You have the right to expect
prompt delivery of goods or services that meet the standard of
quality a business claims. You also have the right to be served
without discrimination on the basis of your race, gender,
income, or age. These rights apply wherever you are being
The Bait-and-Switch Tactic There are always some businesses
that do not operate in the best interests of the consumer. Some
might try a tactic known as bait and switch. Bait and switch is a
sales tactic in which buyers are tempted by an advertised
bargain but are then persuaded to buy a more expensive item
Consumer Issue Consumer Right

1.A restaurant asks you to fill out a comment card after eating your meal. 1
2. An advertisement for a new TV informs the consumer about the total cost and interest rate
3.A restaurant asks you to fi ll out a comment card after eating your meal.
4.An electronics store displays three competing brands of computers from which to
5. A shoe store replaces your new shoes after you discover a
problem with the soles.
6. Consumer Reports educates consumers who are researching different models of
7. You pay an auto-repair service to rebuild your car’s engine.
1.what are basic consumer rights provided by the 1962 Consumer Bill of Rights?
2. What are the 3 consumer rights have been added to the Consumer Bill of rights since 1962?
3. How does the Bait and Switch work? Why is it unfair to consumers?

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