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CHAPTER VII: Human Resource

Management and Development

Policies, Terms, Notations and
Important Concepts
Notes on the Coverage of the Civil Service

There are two general categories of service in the government as provided for in Section 6, Chapter 2, Book V,
Executive Order 292. These are the career service and non-career service.

Career Service – it is based on merit and fitness determined as far as the practical competitive examinations, as
based on highly technical qualifications.
Positions in the career service are grouped into First Level Positions, Second Level Positions and Third Level

First Level Positions – it includes clerical, trades, crafts, and custodial positions, entrance to which requires less
than four (4) years of college work. The nature of work is sub-professional or non-supervisory.

Second Level Positions – it includes professional, technical, and scientific positions which involve professional,
technical and scientific work in non-supervisory or supervisory capacity and requires at least four (4) years of
college work.

Third Level Positions – it covers those in the career Executive Service which include ; undersecretary, assistant
secretary, bureau director, assistant regional director, chief of department service, schools division superintendent,
assistant schools division superintendent and other officials of equivalent rank.
Non-career Service – it includes the department secretaries and
their personal and confidential staffs, contractual personnel,
emergency and seasonal personnel.
Recruitment – it is the process of searching for, and identifying job candidates in sufficient quantity and quality to
meet current and future organization needs.

If covered by Republic Act 7041, the vacant position shall be posted in three (3) conspicuous places in the offices
for a period of ten (10) days. Vacant positions shall not be filled-up ten (10) working days have lapsed from the time
of publication.
In case of chain promotion, anticipated vacancies may be published simultaneously with the existing vacant

In case of renewal of appointments, publications may be done prior to its expiration.

When the position is in the first level of the career services becomes vacant, selection is department-wide.

When the positions in the career service become vacant, employees, whether incumbents of next-in-rank positions
or not, who meet the minimum position requirement may apply and be considered for promotion/appointment.
Notes on Employment Status in General

Permanent Appointment – It is issued to a person who meets all the minimum qualification requirements of the
position to which he is being appointed including the appropriate eligibility.
Temporary Appointment – It is issued to a person who, except for the appropriate eligibility, meets all other
requirements the education, experience, and training requirements for the position to which he is being appointed.
Substitute Appointment – It is issued when the regular incumbent of a position is temporarily unable to perform the
duties of his position, as when he is on approved leave of absence/suspension/scholarship grants/secondment. It is
issued only if the leave of absence of the incumbent is at least three (3) months, except in the case of the teachers.
Coterminous Appointment – It is issued to a person whose entrance and continuity in the service is based on the trust
and confidence of the appointing authority or head of unit or co-existential with the incumbent; or limited by the
duration of the projects; or co-existent with the period for which an agency or office was created.
Contractual Appointment – It is issued to a person who shall undertake a specific work or a job for a limited period not
to exceed one (1) year. The inclusive period shall be indicated on the appointment for purposes of crediting services.
Casual Appointment – It is issued only for essential and necessary services where there are not enough regular staffs to
meet the demands of the service.
Notes on the Employment Status of Teachers

Regular Permanent – It is issued to a teacher who meets all the requirements of the
Provisional – It is issued to a teacher who meets all the requirements of the position
except of the eligibility.
Substitute – It is issued to a teacher when the regular incumbent is temporarily unable to
perform the duties of the position.
Notes on Nature of Appointment

Original – It refers to the initial entry into the career and non-career service. However, for those in the career service,
the first six (6) months of service following an original appointment shall be probationary in nature and the appointee
shall undergo a thorough character investigation. A probationer may be dropped from the service for unsatisfactory
conduct or want of capacity anytime before the expiration of the probationary period. Such action is appealable to the
Civil Service Commission.

Promotion – It is the advancement of the employee from one position to another with an increase in duties and
responsibilities and usually accompanied by an increase in salary.

Transfer – It is the movement of employee from one position to another which is of equivalent rank, level or salary
without the break in service.
Reemployment – It is reappointment of a person who has been previously appointed
to a position in the career or non-career service and was separated therefrom as a
result of reduction in force, reorganization, retirement, voluntary resignation, non-
disciplinary actions such as dropping from the rolls and other modes of separation.
Reemployment presupposes the gap in the service. No prior authority shall be
required for the reemployment of a person who has been previously retired and who
has not reached the compulsory retirement age of 65.

Reappointment – It is the re-issuance of an appointment during reorganization,

devolution, salary standardization, re-nationalization or similar events. Reemployment
presupposes the gap in the service.
Reinstatement – It is the issuance of an appointment to a person who has been
previously appointed to a position in the career service and who has through no
delinquency or misconduct, been separated therefrom or to one who has been
exonerated of the administrative charges unless the decision exonerating him
specifies restoration to his previous station. An employee who has been exonerated
or who has been illegally terminated is deemed not to have left the service.

Renewal – It refers to the subsequent appointment issued upon the expiration of the
contractual/casual personnel or temporary appointment, if qualified eligible is not
actually available as certified by the Civil Service Regional Director or Field Officer.
Renewal presupposes no gap in the service.
Notes on Change of Status

Temporary to Permanent – It is issued to a temporary employee when he acquires the

appropriate eligibility or becomes fully qualified for the position to which he is

Provisional to regular (permanent) – It is issued when a provisional teacher qualifies

and is registered as a professional teacher.

Demotion – It is the movement of an employee from one position to another with

reduction in salary and is not disciplinary in nature. In case a demotion involves
reduction in salary and is non-disciplinary, a written consent shall be secured from the
demoted employee.
Notes on Other Personnel Movements

Reassignment – It is the movement of an employee from one organizational unit to another in the same
department or agency which does not involve a reduction in rank, status or salary.

Detail – It is the temporary movement of an employee from one department or agency to another office or
agency and does not involve a reduction in rank, status or salary. The detailed employee receives his salary
from his mother unit or agency. Detail shall be allowed only for a maximum period of one (1) year in the
case of the employees occupying professional, technical or scientific. Detail beyond one (1) year may be
allowed provided it is with consent of the detailed employee.

Secondment – It is the movement of an employee from one department or agency to another which is
temporary in nature which may either involve increase in compensation and benefits. Acceptance thereof is
voluntary on the part of the employee.

It is merely an imposition of additional duties to be performed by a public official

with corresponding title, or position which is temporary and can be terminated
anytime at the pleasure of the appointing authority
Notes on Modes of Separation

Resignation – It is the relinquishing of one’s position from an agency or


Dropping from the Rolls – It is where officers and employees who are either
habitually absent or have unsatisfactory or poor performance or have shown to
be physically and mentally unfit to perform their duties may be dropped from the
An official or employee who is given two (2) consecutive unsatisfactory ratings may be dropped from the rolls after due

An officer who is continuously absent for more than one (1) year by reason of illness may be declared physically unfit to
perform his duties and the head of the office in the exercise of his sound judgment may consequently dropped him from the

An officer or employee who is intermittently absent by reason of illness for at least twenty (20) working days during a 24-
month period may also be declared unfit by the head of office.

An officer or employee who is behaving abnormally for an extended period which manifests continuing mental disorder and
incapacity to work as reported by his co-workers or immediate superior and confirmed by the head of office, may likewise be
dropped from the rolls.
Republic Act No. 1080
It provides that the names of those who passed the bar or board of examinations shall be
automatically entered in the corresponding register of eligibles.

Presidential Decree 907

It provides automatic eligibility to those who are honor graduates subject to the
provisions of this Act as amended.

Republic Act No. 7836

It is otherwise known as the “ Philippine Professionalization of Teachers Act of 1994”.
It provides that no person shall practice or offer to practice the teaching profession in
the Philippines without a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license
from the PRC.
The content of a communication should be limited to only one (1) subject.

A higher authority should be addressed as “Sir” or “Madam”

In addressing one of the equal rank or a subordinate, the less formal salutation of “Dear Sir” and “Dear
Madam” may be used.

The complimentary close of formal official letters should be “Very truly yours”

In official correspondence, the name of the office should be used not the name of the official unless
expressly necessary for identification purposes.

In writing a memorandum, use “To” if it is addressed to an employee of a lower rank.

In writing a memorandum, use “For” if it is addressed to an employee of a higher rank.
In making an endorsement, use “Respectfully forwarded” to an office of higher rank.
In making an endorsement, use “Respectfully transmitted” to an office of equal rank.
In making an endorsement, use “Respectfully referred” to a subordinate office.

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