SQA Session7

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Configuration Management

session 7

By Rabia Khalid
The arrangement of computer system or components as defined by the
numbers, nature, and interconnections of its constituent parts.

By Rabia Khalid
Configuration Management
“A discipline to identify and document the functional and physical
characteristic of a configuration item, and control changes, report
change processing and implementation status, and verify compliance
with specified requirements.”

By Rabia Khalid
Configuration Items
“Configuration item is defined as a work product created as part of
software engineering process.”
• Requirement Specifications
• Design Specifications
• Test Plans and Test cases
• Source Code
• User Manuals
• Verification and Validation Plans

By Rabia Khalid
Why Configuration Management?
Changes are frequent:
• Different users/ different requirements
• Changes get clarified/ known later date
• Business environment, too, change
• Technology change
• Personnel whims

By Rabia Khalid
Difference between Change Management and
Configuration management

By Rabia Khalid
Software Configuration Management

• Identification
• Control
• Status Accounting
• Auditing

By Rabia Khalid
Software Configuration Identification
• Labels
“Software item are labeled at discrete point in time.”
• Baselining
“A specification or product that has been formally reviewed and agreed
upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further development, and
can be changed only through formal change control procedures.”
• Numbering
“Configuration identification numbers are most common and
convenient i.e. revision/version”

By Rabia Khalid
Software Configuration Control

“An element of configuration management consisting of the evaluation,

co-ordination, approval or disapproval, and implementation of changes
to configuration items after formal establishment of their configuration

By Rabia Khalid
Software Configuration Control Process

By Rabia Khalid
Configuration Control Board
Configuration Control Board (CCB):
“A group of people responsible for evaluating and
approving/disapproving proposed changes to configuration items.”

• Project Managers
• User Representatives
• Quality Controller
• Configuration Controller

By Rabia Khalid
Software Configuration Status Accounting
Status Accounting Reports include:
• Change Log
• Delta Report
• Transaction Log

By Rabia Khalid
Configuration Auditing
It is performed to ensure that SCM practices and procedures are
rigorously followed. This audits can be directly performed by specially
appointed SCM staff or by some independent assurance function.

By Rabia Khalid
Change Request Form

By Rabia Khalid

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